190、Elena Gilbert

Jenna opened the door and saw a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy outside. She asked, “Who are you looking for?”

The one outside the door is naturally Ye Bai. Not only did he come to Mystic Waterfall Town, he also adjusted his appearance, age and height, so that he changed from a twenty-five-year-old to a seventeen-year-old.

He looked at the woman who opened the door and recognized him as Jenna, the guardian of Elena Gilbert, the heroine of the Vampire Diaries. She has golden hair, about twenty-one years old, 75 points in appearance and 80 points in build, so she can only say that she is not ugly.

Ye Bai gave her a handsome smile and said: “You are Elena’s aunt Jenna, right? My name is Ye, Elena’s friend, come here to visit her.

“Come in, I don’t guarantee that she will meet you, in fact, she hasn’t even seen her girlfriends these days.” Jenna measured her body and signaled Ye Bai to come in: “The door on the second floor is directly opposite the stairs. It belongs to Elena. Room.”


Ye Bai walked towards the direction of the stairs, but Jenna didn’t follow him. In her opinion, this handsome boy would probably not see Elena, the girl Ru-jin is shutting herself up.

Jenna really hoped that Elena could meet this young man, or meet anyone casually, which would at least enable Elena to get out of her grief faster and start life again.

Ye Bai walked to the door of Elena’s bedroom on the second floor. He knocked on the door and said to the inside: “Miss Gilbert, my name is Ye. I am a fortuneteller from the East. I have a way to see you again. Parental side.”

His voice fell, and he heard footsteps in the bedroom behind the door. Within a few seconds, the door was opened, revealing the girl in the bedroom.

Elena Gilbert, the heroine of the Vampire Diaries, looks beautiful and wears pajamas.

But, because I have stayed at home these days, I didn’t dress myself up, my hair was messy, my eyes were red, and I had obviously cried before.

This makes her seem a little lost.

Elena looked at the stranger outside the bedroom door and said, “I don’t care who you are. You’d better give me a reason not to drive you out of my house within ten seconds.”

She didn’t believe Ye Bai’s words, to let the living see decedent, is she going to dig the grave?

She thought that the strange man in front of him had come to amuse her.

Ye Bai was not angry either. The girl’s reaction was normal. It would be strange if she didn’t get angry after listening to what Ye Bai said before.

Ye Bai smiled and hit Elena’s heart with a palm.

Elena, who did not react, was hit by the palm of her body, knocking her soul out of the body.

This trick was learned by Ye Bai from Ancient One. Strange first saw Ancient One, and Ancient One used a similar method to do this kind of thing.

Elena’s expected pain did not come, but was surprised to find that she could actually see her body?

Wait, my soul is out of the body?!

She looked down and saw that she was floating in the air, translucent.

Looking forward again, there, I lost my soul and comatose myself, and his body was replaced by the strange man, but he didn’t fall to the ground.

The man looked at her soul and asked her, “I believe it now?”

Elena’s soul floating in the air nodded again and again, and such a supernatural thing as the soul separated from the body has happened. Then let the living see that decedent has always been like this, surely it is also possible?

Ye Bai pulled her soul back into the body, and Elena’s body was awakened.

She welcomed Ye Bai into the bedroom, closed the door, and said excitedly: “Let me see them, I miss them so much.”

Ye Bai sat on Elena’s bed on his own, looked at the other person and said, “You are not curious why I will help you, will you pay the price?”

Elena really didn’t think about this, and she was reminded by Ye Bai that she realized this problem.

Indeed, as the other party said, people and themselves are not relatives, why do they take the initiative to help themselves?

In the legend, in the story, people still need to pay a price to trade with the devil. The person opposite does not look like a devil, but he will inevitably make himself pay for something, right?

“No matter what you want, I will promise you, even if what you want is me!! As long as you let me see my parents!” Elena said firmly.

“I have a world with beautiful scenery and many people who live there. They were my believers before they were alive. After they died, I took their souls there, resurrected them, and gave them eternal life… Ye Bai Speaking of this, Elena was shocked:


“Are you God!”

Ye Bai laughed dumbly, shook his head and said, “It’s not like that. You can think of me as the god of wishing to satisfy the wishes of others. There is no God in your world, but the planet under your feet is conscious. He gave birth to the ecology here. Circle, you have to say the words of God, and you can barely count as your God.”

The earth nature in the story of the vampire diaries does have consciousness. For example, vampires are spurned by nature, and witches can be regarded as nature’s servants.

Therefore, nature is existential consciousness, or a model consciousness.

Seeing Elena’s bewildered face, Ye Bai continued: “I can let you meet your parents and bring their souls back to life in my world.

My condition is very simple. I hope you will also register an account there, and you can report to me after you die.

“Sounds like a trap for the devil.” Elena suspiciously.

There are too many stories about demons luring mortals to fall.

Ye Bai stretched out his hand to her: “Come, grab my hand and show you something.”

Elena put her hand on the opponent’s hand after a little hesitation.

Then I was surprised to find that my vision was infinitely magnified, at home, outside the streets, in the town, all the way to the entire planet, everything was in sight.

Like the aunt Jenna downstairs, she looks at the second floor from time to time.

For example, in the town’s middle school, her two girlfriends, Caroline Forbes, and Bonnie Bennet are arguing. Take the throne of Queen of Elena campus.

Elena was shocked.

Ye Bai retracted his hand, and Elena’s consciousness returned to normal from that special perspective.

“Suppose I am a demon and I am eyeing you, do you want to come to my house as a guest?” Ye Bai asked her with a smile.

He knew that Elena was an inexperienced girl. After knowing these things, she would be impatient and curious, and took the initiative to come over. people,

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