As for what the consequences will be if it is found on him?

They really haven't thought about this. so......

This group of people really has the characteristics of Gotham's criminals - they are all crazy!

"Now, you should understand why you were brought here, right?"

The man in the suit said with a smile, and then clapped his hands.

Immediately, some men came up with prepared micro bomb devices, and then others brought people up one by one, threatening them to swallow them.

This thing looked like It is the size of a larger capsule.

It is not difficult for people to swallow it.

The main thing is to swallow it into the body, so that it will not be detected, so that it can fool the surrounding security and enter the ceremony site.

Otherwise , they can't even get in, let alone create any explosion!

But even though this thing is so small, once it explodes, the power is not small at all, and it can not only blow up the swallower itself They were shattered to pieces, and even other people within two or three meters of the surrounding area were not spared!

And there are now fifteen or six people here.

It is conceivable how terrible it will be once these bombs explode collectively. The consequences!

When I think of these......

The man in the suit couldn't help but get excited!!

"Everyone, move quickly!"

"be honest! Just do it obediently, and you'll save yourself some physical pain!"

"Why are you sneaking?!"......

The kidnapped people were forced to swallow capsules containing explosives.

At this time, the charming woman from before walked up to Clark with a bomb capsule, smiled and held the capsule in her hand and handed it to his mouth.

"Come on, handsome boy. Clark glanced at her, smiled slightly, opened his mouth, bit Jiaonan and swallowed it.

In fact, the capsule had disappeared the moment it entered the mouth.

The so-called swallowing was just a fake action.

But the charming woman did not I don’t know.

When she saw Clark being so cooperative, she smiled coquettishly and said,"You are quite interesting, this handsome boy. If it weren’t for your skin color, I would be very willing to make friends with you.""

"You people are also very interesting, but I would like to know if you are doing this, are you not afraid of meeting those superheroes? Clark asked with a smile.

The charming woman laughed, stopped laughing after a moment and said,"Superhero?" You mean Batman? Superman wouldn't come to Gotham"

"So you're not afraid of Batman? Clark asked:

"But as far as I know, aren’t you criminals in Gotham all afraid of this Dark Knight?

Hearing this, the charming woman snorted and said,"Batman is very powerful, but he doesn't know how to predict. How could he know our actions in advance?" So handsome boy, you better not have any expectations, your superhero will not come to save you!"

The woman smiled and turned around and left.

Clark also looked at her leaving back and smiled.

"I think he will know."

Clark smiled and whispered to himself.

At the same time, on the other side of Gotham, in the Batcave under a lake.

On a table with many computers, a white card suddenly appeared out of thin air. Card.

The card said:

1 p.m., central square, there is a surprise!

These words.

Alfred, the butler who just came over with coffee, happened to see this card.

He was stunned at first, then stretched out his hand He picked up the card and glanced at the content on it, then frowned and walked to a table on the other side, put down the tray in his hand, and woke up Bruce Wayne, who was already asleep on the table.

Bruce was beaten by Alf Red woke up, with a look of tiredness still on his face.

He wiped his cheeks first, then took a sip of the coffee Alfred sent, and then picked up the white card on the tray and read it. Contents above the eyes

"What's this?"

Bruce raised his head and looked at Alfred and asked.

Alfred pointed to the table behind him and said,"I saw it there, it was placed there. Didn't you feel that anyone had been there?"

Bruce couldn't help but frowned when he heard this.

A card that would never appear here silently appeared on the table less than three meters away from him, and he didn't notice it at all. Arrive!

This made Bruce instinctively realize that this matter was unusual!

Holding the card in one hand, he immediately walked to the many computer screens over there and turned on the monitor screen, which began to play after he fell asleep. Everything that ever happened here.

A moment.......


Bruce hit the pause button.

On the screen in front of him, a white card appeared.


In the previous frame, this card did not exist!

"What kind of superpower is it?"

Alfred stood behind him, also saw this scene, and couldn't help but ask

"Not sure, need to analyze again."Bruce said without looking back. He raised his hand and looked at the time on his watch. It was already 12:07 noon.

"Is there anything going on at the central square at 1 o'clock this afternoon?"

Bruce turned around and asked.

Butler Alfred shrugged and said,"You also received an invitation to the inauguration ceremony of the new chief minister."

"New minister."Bruce fell into deep thought.

His intuition told him that something will happen in the central square this afternoon.

And it must be related to the newly appointed chief.

But this card......

Did you deliberately remind him? Or some kind of provocation?

Bruce has been Batman for so many years. He has encountered opponents like this in the past. He would send some provocative letters before taking action, which was very arrogant.

However, these criminals were eventually sent to prison by him.

If it's the latter.

It's nothing.

But if it's the former......

That's a bit confusing for Bruce.

Why did the other party want to tip off the information?

Do you want to see his abilities?

Alfred stood behind Bruce, looking at his thinking look, and asked after a while:"Do you want to prepare your equipment?"

Bruce thought for a while, nodded and said:

"No matter what, let's go over there and have a look first, so that if anything happens, we can stop it in time."


Bruce picked up the card in his hand

"I feel that the person who sent me the card will definitely be there when the time comes. Alfred nodded, turned around and went down to prepare the equipment for Bruce to use.

He has been doing the same job for decades, and he is already familiar with it and cannot be more familiar with it. He will use it in action. He would even consider things like equipment more carefully than Bruce himself.

After all ,......

He is the butler!

My job is to take care of the young master Bruce Wayne!..............

While Batman was still thinking about who could have sent him this card, he was preparing various equipment to deal with possible situations at the scene.

The gangsters have also taken action.

Clark and others were sent to two vehicles, and there were special people responsible for guarding them to prevent them from doing anything irrational.

But these people who swallowed the bombs were relatively honest after all.

Maybe you still have some illusions, thinking that the bomb may not be detonated and you can still survive.


They don't dare to mess around right now.

The car kept moving forward and soon arrived at the outskirts of the central square around 12:30.

At this time, the central square was strictly controlled by the police.

In other cities, this kind of situation may not involve so much effort. At most, it would be some kind of honor guard, which is more beautiful than practical value.

But it's different in Gotham.

Look at the heavily armed SWAT police, all of them look serious, as if they were dragged to the battlefield to fight.

When the car passed through several peripheral checkpoints, it was also subject to very strict inspection.

During the whole process, the air became a lot more solemn.

Although the other hijackers in the car were all scared to death, their psychological activities were also quite complex.

They both hope that the interrogators can find the bomb on them, but they also don't want them to find it.

This kind of contradictory psychology is completely out of their instinctive reaction. after all......

If discovered, these gangsters may detonate these bombs on the spot.

Although some gangsters were quickly subdued and there was a possibility that they would not be able to detonate bombs in time, they obviously did not dare to take a chance.

And when all of them passed the inspection and entered the central square.

There was also a look of relief and disappointment on the faces of these people.

That is, Clark, who looked just like the other normal onlookers around him. It was impossible to tell that he was nervous or scared at all. This made several other abducted people around him even wonder in their hearts whether Clark was set up by gangsters. The undercover agents inside them are here to monitor them at close range. no way!

Who made Clark act too calm? He didn't look like a person who was kidnapped by terrorists at all!

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