Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 68: Changes In The World!

In the sky, the huge space crack caused by the energy explosion impact is slowly closing, but at this moment the whole world is in turmoil.

The most intuitive feeling for everyone is the temperature between heaven and earth.

The original Frost World was covered by ice and snow all year round, with only a vast expanse of cold sky and frozen ground.

But now, under Lauf's madness, he has not hesitated to activate the origin of the entire world, which has aggravated the deterioration of this world. The temperature has dropped crazily in an instant, the ice on the ground has continued to condense, and even the cold wind has been blown away. freeze.

Even the Giants of Jotunheim were trembling, unable to bear the terrible cold.

Thor and others were even more unbearable. When they came to the Ice world, their combat effectiveness was greatly weakened. Now the temperature dropped sharply, which made several people's bodies stiff, and there was a terrible feeling that they would be frozen to death at any time.

This is because Asgardians are born with strong physical bodies. If it were an ordinary human being, I am afraid that in this severe cold of nearly 100 degrees below zero, they would turn into crystal clear ice sculptures in just a few moments.

"Lauf is really crazy. The power he activated just now is definitely the source of the world. Now the source of the world is being consumed in large quantities. The world cannot bear it, and we cannot hold it for long. We must leave as soon as possible!"

Among the six Thors, Loki, as the prince of the divine domain, is not outstanding in combat, but his knowledge is quite broad. He senses the strange changes in the world and quickly makes a judgment, shouting at the other people. A sound.

Hearing Loki's exclamation, Thor and others' expressions changed.

"Thor, call Heimdall quickly and ask him to take us away.

Sif looked at Thor nervously and spoke urgently.

The situation has reached such an extent that Sif and others have clearly realized that today's events are far beyond their control.

I'm afraid this matter must be reported to the God King and let Odin handle it.

After hearing Sif's words, Thor was also stunned. Although he was impatient, he was not stupid. He had accepted Sif's suggestion and was about to call Heimdall to take them back to the divine realm.

"We will leave when the space rift is completely closed!"

Thor responded quickly and said in a deep voice to everyone.

Before the space crack is completely closed, he rashly calls Heimdall to open Bifrost. In the unstable space, the risk factor is quite high. Thor does not dare to take this risk.

According to the speed at which the space cracks are closed, the chaotic space will soon stabilize. Their bodies are strong and can fully support it.

Moreover, the battle in the air just now was so fierce, and the destructive wave caused caused the entire Frost World to tremble. Even if Lauf is powerful, he is probably almost dead.

Although he did not personally solve the crisis in the Ice world, as long as Lauf dies, the hidden dangers in the divine realm will be eliminated.

As a comrade who has experienced countless battles, everyone trusts Thor. Now the Giants of Jotunheim have not taken action. They all surround Thor, paying attention to the space cracks in the sky that are gradually closing, and are ready to run away at any time.

However, as the space gradually stabilized, a tall figure dripping with blood gradually became clear in the torn cracks, surprising everyone.

"Lauf! He's still alive!"

Seeing this figure, everyone's breath was suffocated and their eyes were horrified. They did not expect that Lauf could survive such a terrible attack.

"Cough cough cough..."

In the violently shaking space, Lauf, who was covered in blood, struggled hard, and finally rushed out at the last moment when the space crack was closed. He struggled to float in the air but was still half-kneeling, his chest rising and falling sharply like a bellows, obviously affected by Thrall's attack. Although he was lucky enough to survive, he didn't have much fighting power left.

On the other side of the sky, Sal's eyes moved slightly, and he was slightly surprised that Lauf could struggle out of the space crack.

Even if he was attacked by space cracks, he could still escape intact. Lauf's strength is indeed remarkable. No wonder Odin, a powerful Level God Father, lost one of his right eyes back then.

"I have to say that you are very lucky, and you can still get out of the cracks in space. However, like Sirte, you are a waste who doesn't care about the safety of the world for the sake of dog's life.

Facing Lauf, who had just escaped from death, Thrall sneered and mocked mercilessly.

With his strong perception, he definitely knew that Lauf resolutely mobilized the original power of the entire Ice world at the critical moment of life and death, and thus saved his own life.

897 Lauf, who was panting violently, coughed violently under Sal's words, and almost fell from the sky without holding on.

After a long while, Lauf finally regained his breath and slowly raised his head. His face covered with blood was full of ferocity and hatred, and the anger and murderous intent in his eyes were about to turn into reality.

"I admit that you are strong, but this is a world that I control. You must die today!"

By this time, Lauf was completely prepared and knew that nothing could be done if Sal's matter was not resolved today.

With the sound of Lauf gritting his teeth, the world of Ice shook violently, the world became darker and darker, and the original power of the world also trembled under Lauf's madness.

Forced to stand up, Lauf's lips kept piercing and he let out quick and weird moans.

This is an ancient language unique to the Giants of Jotunheim. Even among the Giants of Jotunheim, almost no one can understand it.

What Lauf recited at the moment was a terrible incantation.

The ultimate attribute Ice Forbidden Spell is activated by communicating with the origin of the world!.

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