The tyrant is staring at the Terrans, his Legion, his daughter, and his ambitions are all buried in the hands of this individual named "Li Ang",


The reality of the world is not the kind of royal comics full of blood and passion, and Thanos is not the kind of villain who is brave and impulsive,

"...from a certain To a certain extent, we are the same kind of people."

Thanos broke the silence first. He looked at Li Ang and said solemnly: "The will is firm, the city is very deep, the actions are very ruthless, and the morals are low. Even if there is no morality, it will never stop to achieve the goal. Even the most despicable means can be implemented face doesn't change.

If the villains of the whole world are brought together, only from the Spiritual Plane In terms of high and low, we are undoubtedly standing at the apex of all the villains.

We should be able to be good opponents and even teammates."

"We are not all the same." Li Ang Shaking his head, he said: "I am a good person with ethics. I like to persuade people with morality and reason. As long as I am willing to sit down and reason, I can say anything.

Unfortunately, according to the Milky Way. In the database of various civilizations, you are a lunatic commiting any imaginable misdeed and sickly deep into your bones, creating chaos and evil all over the galaxy,

genocide, genocide, disputes, and wars...

These guilts will be counted on you."

The Thanos, who was put on a big hat by unfathomable mystery, didn't care, but calmly said: "529.517.630"

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, and what Thanos reported was not a mysterious code, but a string of coordinates, the coordinates used by all civilizations in the galaxy to mark the positions of planets.

Li Ang passed this series of coordinates to the central SmartBrain. Fortunately, because the Earth Federation has deployed military forces such as sentry towers and base stations to most of the Milky Way, the planet corresponding to this series of coordinates , Also within the scope of Earth federal monitoring.

In less than half a second, the central SmartBrain extracted the corresponding data from the information database sent back from each base station, and sent back the real-time monitoring screen of the planet surface to Li Ang .

That is a barren planet. The soil on the planet's surface has long been deserted. The buildings that were once towering into the clouds have been eroded by time, blown off by wind and sand, collapsed and collapsed, leaving nothing but incomparable desolation. The wreckage of steel is still silently telling the glory of the planet.

Mutated creatures shuttle among the steel wreckage,

A small mammalian creature with no hair, resembling a mouse, gnaws off the head of a mutant cockroach in one bite, letting the smelly pus go It bursts in its mouth without wasting any food. The crimson eyes were full of greed and appetite.

These Low Level creatures are the only survivors on the planet, but even they cannot thrive in the more severe natural environment——

According to relevant data , The oxygen layer of this planet is slowly escaping,

In the foreseeable future, the remaining Low Level creatures on the planet's surface will also become extinct by asphyxiation.

"A life planet that is dying." Li Ang said with interest: "This is your hometown?"

"She is called Titan by us. "

Thanos replied calmly, "When I was born, I was almost strangled to death by my mother, do you know why?"

Li Ang shook the head .

"Because of my deformity."

Thanos lifted up his stout fingers and clicked on oneself's purple face that resembled purple sweet potatoes. "The extinct Titan is a They are completely different from me. To be precise, they are similar in appearance to Terrans.

I was born with dark purple skin, dark eyes, vesicle particles on my face, and cloth on my chin. Full of vertical stripes,

such a baby, there is only one word that can describe it."

The tyrant blankly highlighted a word, "monster."

"My parents were terrified, subconsciously, they wanted to kill me, or abandon me.

Fortunately or unfortunately, they didn't do that. They accepted the arrangements of fate and raised me. .

My appearance is different from ordinary people. In my childhood, I received some setbacks, insults, contempt, and contempt, but this is nothing to a natural powerhouse like me."

In a reasonable tone, Thanos explained the fact that oneself is a powerhouse that can hold the neck of destiny,

"In a difficult situation, I still became an elegant and easy-going gentleman.

Polite, loyal, temperate, courage, justice, generosity, compassion, kindness, gratitude, humility, diligence, tenacious, kind, optimistic.

I studied desperately, crazy, Learning knowledge, when I was just an adult, I learned all the knowledge accumulated in the Titan civilization for many years.

In the eyes of ignorant people, I am still that weird freak, but any Titan I have talked to Everyone will recognize that I am indeed a model of virtue and the incarnation of wisdom.

I am regarded as hope and the future.

When I go to politics, I will become the most popular politician;

If I participate in research, I will become the most admired scientist;

I will study philosophy. I will either become a philosopher who rewrites the social concept of the Titans, or become a unified owner. The religious leader of the human soul world;

I feel the same as you who were trapped on Earth at the beginning-the secret of the world has been opened to me."

Li Ang Without interrupting Thanos' words, he hung in the air without saying a word.

My life is boundless, and knowing is boundless.

For the wise, the greatest pain is that life is short and cannot see the end of the road.

But for those who have seen or even reached the end of the road, this kind of pain has to be multiplied countless times-the road ahead has been completed, what should we do next?

"So, I started to think."

Thanos paused, and he looked towards the distance, as if he was going to pass through the distance of countless light years and saw the barrenness Broken planet.

"Titan, like other planets, the population explosion is on the verge of collapse, but the resources are scarce.

When everyone was desperate, I proposed a solution: extinction .

Random, non-confidential, absolutely fair extinction.

No matter how high or low, regardless of status, half of the Titans will be selected immediately and extinct,

The remaining people can enjoy a temporary respite when resources are becoming increasingly scarce.

I will be absolutely fair, even my parents, my friends, and even me I will also participate in the random selection,

Death or Life,

50% probability."

Thanksgiving has a look of compassion on his face, watch it aside Ebony Maw can swear that in his long life, the number of times he saw Thanos’ expression can be counted on one's fingers.

“The result is obvious. My clansman said I was a madman.

Those who chase me threw me into the bottom. My friends and my parents will all be with me. Cut off the relationship.

I ignored the ridicule and verbal abuse, and observed in secret, everything was exactly as I expected.

No matter what measures the Titan executives take to remedy, it still Unable to point out the Titan civilization of Interstellar colonization technology, it can only go to the end. Resources are exhausted, order collapses, civilization is cut off,

Everyone is killed, plundered, reveled, and died in the final collapse.

The Titan star is now in ruins."

Thanos took a deep breath, "At that time, I, who had already penetrated the universe’s profound mystery, didn’t have the technology of Interstellar colonization. I alone can promote the entire Titan civilization to escape alive.

However, it is not necessary.

This is the case with Titan, and the same is true for other planets in the galaxy. Resources are always exhausted. On that day, there will be more victims."

The tyrant said solemnly: "And my ambition is to act as an Arbitrator and regularly eliminate half of the creatures in the Exterminating Universe.


Small sacrifices make great perfection.

Only in this way can we avoid more pain.

This is what I know is righteousness."


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