Scorpio, a certain red Supergiant.

This crimson Fireball floats in a black curtain-like void, continuously ejecting stellar material into the vacuum of the universe, and the fiery-red ring is like a whip that beats non-existent enemies.

Noisy, furious.

Red Supergiant roars and roars in loneliness, and never stops for a moment.

The star system it governs has four planets in the early ages that cannot be traced back. Part of the planets had long been swallowed by the expanding volume of the Red Supergiant, turned into a wisp of blue smoke, and disappeared.

In the entire star system, only the last planet is still holding on.

This last survivor is extremely lucky. It has been hanging on the outermost periphery of the star system for hundreds of millions of years. It is the seventh planet in the star system.

Because of When there is enough light and heat, its surface is covered with a thick layer of ice, and it is dead.

Until the red Supergiant starts to expand, it continues to emit deadly heat along the way, burning the planets it used to guard to ashes. .

The third planet once had a relatively developed civilization capable of preliminary space exploration. It's a pity that the Red Supergiant exploded with an extremely intense star activity before they started a large-scale exploration of the universe.

The civilization on the fourth planet ended in a century of extreme heat. At the last moment of their lives, they concentrated the power of the entire civilization and launched countless colonial spaceships to the seventh planet in the star system.

These colonial spaceships drove towards the target. Because of the rush of preparation, most of the spaceships crashed. The surviving colonial ships also suffered irreversible damage, and many electronic equipment lost their effectiveness.

The survivors woke up from the frozen cabin. They were the elites of the old age who were the most elite and qualified to rebuild civilization. Even in the face of desperation, they must rebuild civilization.

They established a stronghold with spaceship as the center, collecting all useful materials, struggling to survive on the pale ice sheet, and at the same time continuously sending out exploratory teams to try to find other colonial ships.

Technology has gone backwards irreversibly. Extremely cold conditions have made the fire of civilization erratic, and the original story of the colonial team has been left unattended.

Until ten thousand years later, the Red Supergiant gradually approached, the ice sheet melted and gathered into the ocean, exposing the land.

The new civilization has begun to expand rapidly. They excavated the original colonial ships from various places, relied on the remaining technology and biological samples, climbed and developed again, and planted other creatures on this dead planet .

Ten thousand years later, the technological level of the new civilization has surpassed that of the old civilization. Their astronomical scholar was surprised to find that the red Supergiant has not stopped its expansion, and the new parent star will also continue to burn in the stars. Next, turn into coke.

The temperature of the planet is getting higher and higher, the oceans are evaporating, the vegetation is dry, and the new civilization is like the predecessors, concentrating all efforts to develop the colonization of Interstellar.

It’s just that the star system Sector controlled by the Red Supergiant is too lonely.

The nearest habitable planet of other star systems is at least 4 light years away. .

Without a super-light-speed engine, the new civilization is basically impossible to escape alive.

The desperate new civilization began to dig caves underground, build bases, collect materials and life samples, and build underground space silos.

What they are doing is exactly the same as the old civilization, and according to the delicate calculations of astronomers, the new civilization only has about a thousand years left-after that, the climate outside the planet is no longer suitable Launch the aircraft again.

The underground environment is undoubtedly a lot harder, and what’s worse is that despair is spreading.

The destruction of the old civilization is compiled into a religious story, and extreme religious propaganda has intensified and even begun. Intervene in the base regime and space industry.

"If the destruction is the will of God, then we should not resist."

Religious people have taken power, wreaking havoc on the space industry and persecuting intellectuals,


A few rational scientists can only lurk everywhere, spreading the fire of civilization in secret.

As the millennium time limit gets closer and closer, the religious people who have fallen into self-destructive madness have violent conflicts with the civilized Inheritor who is trying to escape the desperate situation.

Finally, the Red Supergiant’s The light and heat reached the critical point, heat began to flow in along the rock formations, and panic spread again.

According to the predictions of the "prophets" thousands of years ago, the survivors of the underworld will gradually die within a hundred years, and the fire of civilization will be extinguished in the depths of the earth, no one knows anymore.

For other civilizations in the universe, those people and those things seem to have never existed.

Under desperate circumstances, countless epic Legendary stories are staged one by one on the narrow and cramped stage of the underworld.

The continuation of civilization, the righteousness of race, the secularity of religion, the sensibility and Rational competition, thinking about the meaning of life, noble and despicable, wisdom and ignorance, bravery and cowardice, everything is vividly and thoroughly deduced.

Until now, this Epic Grade elegy from other civilizations has been forcibly interrupted.

A group of weird people wearing strange costumes, from the surface, along the elevator shaft that has been sealed by religious figures, arrived at the underground base.

They quickly subdued the religious fanatics who planned to annihilate them, and found a rational scientist leader who could communicate.

"Hello, we are the Alpha Street Police Station of the Earth Federation Scorpio Sector. I am the sergeant of this Sector. You can call me Logan."

Wolverine in the uniform of the Earth Federation soldier Logan, with the assistance of his personal SmartBrain, spoke to the survivors in a well-rounded local accent.


The leader of the survivors, a kind-eyed boss in his eighties, looked dazed.

"The film police, do you understand?"

Logan chewed on his cigar and tugged on his uniform. He explained impatiently: "Our main duty is to prevent, Stop and investigate illegal and criminal activities, maintain social order, and stop behaviors that endanger social order.

If a sector’s Low Level civilization is in an irreversible situation, we will also help as appropriate.

Of course, the rescue process requires rigorous procedures. We need to examine the lawfulness of your civilization, the morality of your race, and many other factors-of course, the most important thing is whether you conform to human aesthetics ."

"..." Master Boss choked silently. If we don’t look like Terrans in our feelings, we will be ignored by you, right?

Wolverine continued: "Your civilization, in the last era, once launched an artificial satellite to the outer planet, which carries a lot of information about your civilization.

That artificial satellite Flying to the outside world at a very slow speed. After ten thousand years, he was finally captured by the automatic sentry tower of our Earth Federation. Knowing your existence, I quickly rushed over.

As a result, ten thousand years later, you The old civilization of China has been destroyed, and the new civilization is also in jeopardy. As a result, I, a retired and ready to live in this community, will personally go out and save you from the fire and water."


Master Boss grasped the end of this sentence, grabbed Wolverine's palm with extreme excitement, and shook it desperately, "Really? You can really save Is this planet?"

"No, I said why your little comrade is so rough and hurried to do things. Don’t think I’m just a film policeman. I think I was talking and laughing with the Federal President. Yes, know how to kill?"

Logan spit out a smoke ring impatiently. This Wolverine is a few times older than the boss in his biological age.

"This planet has entered the burning orbit of the Red Supergiant. It has heat stroke and has no salvage value. The above means to make it into a braised bamboo rat. Cough, no, it is a scientific research base for some dangerous experiments.

Now, if you have no opinion, you can sign this demolition compensation payment, and we will give you a brand new life planet and the materials needed to re-establish civilization."

Wolverine took out a crumpled, alcohol-stained document from his arms and slapped it on the chest of Master Boss. The latter stunned not knowing what to do, "...what the hell is this...what is the situation? ..."

"Don't you understand?" Logan rolled the eyes, "You guys welcome the demolition!"

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