From a distance, the dark quadrant looks the same as other asteroids in the universe, but this place is famous for its unique and unmatched attributes.

This asteroid is located in the fortress of the Dark Order. They are composed of the most cunning, vicious, brutal mercenary, Interstellar pirates, anti-social personality, anarchists, slave masters, and ambitious.

Everyone is a heinous criminal. Pick one out at random. They are all wanted criminals of a certain or some Advanced civilization, which can stop children crying at night.

Among them A well-known figure is a top criminal offering billions of rewards. For example,

Sith Master Darth Vader, who once swept a civilized city with a force storm,

The Interstellar cowboy Spike, who stole the flagship of a certain civilized president,

Once tried to subvert a certain Great Empire strategist and ambitious, Reinhardt von Mügel...

The dark cult formed by these people walking in the dark has firmly controlled this sector for decades. They are guarding the center of the fortress, a huge tower that is grotesquely shaped like a knife and axe.

At the highest point of the giant tower, Corvus Glaive, the temporary director of the Dark Order, is leaning on his long blade, overlooking the planet with scarlet soil below.

He wore a dim-blue cloak, he was thin and slender, his skin was pale and full of cracks, his red eyes were narrow and full of cold colors, matched with his sharp bony chin and extended from his lips. The pair of fangs that came out looked extremely gloomy.

His notoriety reverberates through dozens of Sectors. The countless Interstellar wars planned or led by him have drained the blood of billions of innocent people. Even today, the evil consequences have not been eliminated— -Certain life planets that have been bombed are still burning Eternity's violent and vicious earth fire, searching for and killing those survivors hidden in the crevices of the earth.

Even so, Corvus Glaive did not own the tower and the dominion of the Dark Order. He bowed down to another tyrant piously and humbly.

The tyrant has many names. Some people call him the crazy Titan, the last Titan, the brutal, and the slayer, while Corvus Glaive calls him the master.

Although the master has not interfered with the affairs of the Dark Order for a long time, and has not even set foot on the planet's land for more than ten years, Corvus Glaive has not lost his loyalty.

He conscientiously planned and created the Interstellar war, and at the same time was quite magnanimous, allowing all those who were effectively loyal to him to share in the dirt.

The Dark Order, which is rapidly expanding under the management of Corvus Glaive, this fortress planet is like a precision and well-lubricated machine, operating efficiently, operating according to the will of the dead blade, and developing according to the will of the dead blade .

Until the emergence of Earth civilization.

Thinking of this, the thin-faced Corvus Glaive tightened his face again. Once, he took advantage of the three Great Empires to go to Orion's arm swing, the Sector behind the empire engaged in wind and rain, wanton expansion, but these are all built on the basis that the three Great Empires can win.

Like the overwhelming majority civilization in the galaxy, Corvus Glaive also does not believe that the empire will fail. Over the past millennia and tens of thousands of years, countless times have proved that the empire is an empire after all.

However, human's calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation, the Empire lost a swift and neat, catching up with the Earth Quantum Fleet all the way, sweeping away any resistance forces like cutting melons and vegetables. Whether it is the regular army of the Advanced Civilization, or the Interstellar pirates who are not subject to discipline, all are dead, and there is no one left.

The territory expanded by the Dark Order some time ago was vomited out intact, and most of the members of the Order were killed or injured. Only those who ran fast enough and had good luck enough could escape lucky. Over chasing and killing them-and the reason they survived is only because they got lucky and escaped to the other half of the Milky Way Sector that the quantum probability cloud has not yet set foot in.

Corvus Glaive doesn't like to succumb to others. The owner of the acknowledge allegiance in the dark quadrant has made him feel aggrieved, not to mention that there is a civilization at the end of the fourth stage on his mind.

Unfortunately, even Corvus Glaive, with its full strategic skill points, could not find any probability to defeat Earth civilization—the technological gap made the comparison between the strengths of the two sides like a ditch.

"If I were you, I wouldn’t be standing on the rooftop and blowing the wind leisurely."

A dreary cold voice sounded below Corvus Glaive, and the general from Looking down from the edge of the tower, I saw several silhouettes standing on the next floor.

Black tongue counselor-Ebony Maw, good at mind control and psychic powers,

Intelligence-Supergiant, good at mental transmission, able to swallow other intelligences and gain its memory and abilities ,

Black Dwarf, with thousands of hammers, hundred refinements, an invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable body that is comparable to astral matter,

And, the female partner of Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, the cruel Battlemaster, the most loyal general,

These four people, together with the dead blade oneself, form the Black Order, assisting the overlord of the dark quadrant, taking the master’s will as the will, with The master's ambition is ambition, and it spreads chaos, war, and death in the galaxy.

The person who spoke just now is the black tongue counselor Ebony Maw. This pale skinned counselor with blue eyes is cruel and shameless. He seems to be loyal to the overlord, but he always hides his mind and is always the most hated by the dead blade. Colleagues.

In comparison, the reticent, unfathomable Supergiant, and the strong as an ox, violent and bloodthirsty Black Dwarf, are more satisfying to Deathblade.

Generally speaking, Black Order manages the dark cults of one side separately, with little interference between each other. Every time they meet, it indicates that the Dark Order will set off a frenzy of war in a certain Sector.

But right now, Earth civilization rules everything, and any untimely planning of war will be hit. Faced with the unstoppable and unstoppable quantum probability cloud, the Black Order gathered together is no different from the brat playing in the mud in the kindergarten.

"Ebony Maw."

As the leader of the five generals, Corvus Glaive made no secret of oneself's dislike for the black tongue counselor, and said bluntly: "I heard you tried to enter last time In that half of the Milky Way, most of the body was wiped out by the quantum ghost, and even the intestines leaked from the open belly and fell to the ground.

Is there such a thing?

It's a pity that those Quantum Fleet failed to wipe your upper body together, so that I can hold back the desire to take action."

The black tongue counselor Ebony Maw ignored the opponent's frigid. irony and scorching satire, he stretched out slender and narrow fingers, while shaving the dirt that didn't exist between the fingers, he said nonchalantly: "He's back."

A single sentence interrupted Corvus Glaive's mocking words that were about to blur out. He squinted his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Yao Sijiang followed closely behind.

In the hall at the top of the high tower, there is a tall and stalwart human silhouette sitting on the throne of steel.

The scarlet morning sun that has just passed the horizon in the extreme distance, sprinkles the mottled rays of light in all directions, and the light beam shines through the glass of the skylight of the tower to illuminate the purple face of the silhouette.

He is the lord of the Dark Quadrant, the leader of the Dark Order, the overlord to whom the Black Order is loyal, and the last Titan-Thanos,

Or rather,


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