The redshift of the star's spectrum has returned to normal.

The blood-red wave gradually ceased, like foamy waves slapped on the shore, dissipated and receded, leaving no trace.

The countless Interstellar ships have been anchored in the interval between 500 and 600 light-years from Earth, surrounded into a sphere.

In the quiet and silent universe, these grotesquely shaped ships are floating like this, with their bows facing Earth, as if waiting for something.

Although the rays of light emitted by the Interstellar ship are faint (relative to the stars), in Li Ang's superluminal horizon, they gather sand into towers, illuminating the entire starry sky as bright as daylight.

"Sir, are we sure we want to do this?"

On a golden shuttle ship, a middle-aged fatty with a shameless appearance, wearing a blue uniform, wiped it The sweat on his forehead asked a cold-faced middle-aged woman on the command bridge.

This middle-aged fatty is the Hundred-men Commander Rhomann Dey of Nova Corps, and the blond woman he calls the chief is naturally the Prime Minister of Nova Corps, Irani Rael.

The home planet of Nova Corps is Planet Xandar. This civilization has advanced technology and advanced culture. In the entire galaxy, it also enjoys the title of "cosmic police". This civilization has always been responsible for maintaining peace and often interferes The struggle between Chinese and Low Level civilizations is to punish evil, promote good, and support justice.

It stands to reason that Nova Corps, which has always been "justice messenger" as its image, should not be related to the murderous actions of "Devil Slayer",

Before that, Xandar Nova Corps just ended a long war with Kree Empire. Although Nova Corps is powerful, it is far from the opponent of the old civilization like Kree Empire.

Hundreds of years of intense war and resource blockade have almost drained Nova Corps' last drop of blood, and no longer have the ability to adhere to its principles, so it can only sign an unfair peace with Kree Empire. treaty.

To a certain extent, overwhelming majority aliens are indeed much more simple and naive than the cunning and evil Terrans.

Whether it is the ruling class of Xandar or Kree Empire, The peace treaty in black and white is regarded as an absolute guarantee that is sacred and inviolable. The spirit of the contract is rigorous, and it does not even give rise to such thoughts as "This is not peace, this is a truce for 20 years."

For these advanced civilizations in the galaxy, a treaty is a treaty. Once signed, it cannot be violated. Since the treaty is signed with Kree Empire, it is bound to make some sacrifices in adhering to the principles.

"The Order of Killing Magic... is the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Three Great Empires."

The female prime minister of Nova Corps stood on the command bridge, looking at the three-dimensional projection, Those close and numerous coalition fleets said with difficulty: "Xandar civilization can no longer withstand more sacrifices. Don't forget, Ronan the Accuser is now the leader of the Kree Empire Supreme Accusation Group.

He has always hated the Xandar civilization, and he is also very dissatisfied with the last peace agreement.

If we refuse to implement the decree, then he is likely to directly tear up the peace agreement and bring these advanced The civilized united fleet, on the grounds of the "Secret Song with Earth", annihilated us on the spot!"

In a short time, inside the huge Nova Corps flagship bridge, there was silence, and all Nova Corps soldiers were silent. Come down.

They are not afraid of sacrifice, they are afraid that after the death of oneself, no one will guard their homeland, their home planet.

“Sometimes, in order to continue the race, we need to make some compromises and make some sacrifices,”

The female prime minister of Nova Corps glanced around, lowered her voice and said, “Terrans. Going deep into the field of quantum robots without authorization is to ignore the taboo behavior of the galaxy’s civilization conventions.

even more how, we don’t need to eliminate the Terrans directly. We just hit the edge ball in the marginal area. For more things, naturally there will be three Great Empires coming forward to solve it."

The voice of the female prime minister is transmitted inside the ship through the broadcasting system, but no one dared to speak.

Everyone knows that the words of the female prime minister are not only to persuade the crew on the ship, but also to try to persuade herself.

Is it irrelevant to the murder by helping the murderer wipe the blade? Can you feel at ease if you stay silent at the murder scene?

"Let's start." The female prime minister made some kind of decision.

Complicated expressions flashed across the faces of the Xandar soldiers, but they didn't say much, they just paused for a moment, and then resumed their own work.

This flagship, with this silent posture, started the regular engine.

The killing order issued by the three Great Empire Vocational and Technical Committees aims to eliminate all traces of the existence of quantum robots.

In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to eliminate all substances within a certain Sector.

The current location of the Xandar Nova Corps flagship is on the periphery of a certain star system in the Orion spiral arm.

The star system has a vibrant young star and four solid planets. On the periphery of the galaxy, also disc-shaped dust clouds move slowly.

This star system is younger than the solar system. It is the cradle of planets. After billions of years, one or several brand-new planets will be born in that misty dust cloud.

This is a magnificent and epic picture. No ordinary race can spend such a long time watching the formation and decline of celestial bodies. But the selfishness of individual lives allows them to invade this process ruthlessly and cruelly, and use their own will to rewrite the natural operation of celestial bodies.

Xandar’s flagship breakthrough broke through the dust cloud on the periphery of the star system and rushed straight to the four planets in the star system. The size difference between the two sides is too great. In front of the planet, the Xandar flagship is like Don Quixote riding a pony and holding a soft long sword towards a windmill.

But when countless lasers were fired from the Xandar flagship naval gun, everything was different.

Tens of thousands of hot rays, like the finest combs, plough the surface of a solid planet, melting rocks, vaporizing water, and disintegrating materials.

Soon, this solid planet was "scratched" so that its face was completely blank, and it was even possible to see the depths clearly through the lava.

"The detection instrument was activated and no traces of quantum machinery were found."

Xandar's flagship ship Ling issued an icy warning tone, and the female prime minister waved her palm, "activating the gravitational bomb."



A torpedo-like object suddenly ejected from the bottom of the flagship, moving towards the planet lasing away.

The torpedo crossed the steam-filled planet's surface and drilled into the rift cut by the laser, and then it exploded.

The huge gravitational force burst out instantly, taking the surrounding matter into it, turning it into tiny tiny dots of pitch black ink.

The speed of this singularity ingesting matter is getting faster and faster. In just a few minutes, 1/4/2021 of the planetary matter will disappear.

There is a company called "Apple" on Earth. Their company icon is an apple that has been bitten. This is the state of the planet right now.

The mass of 1/4/2021 was suddenly lost, and the planet began to disintegrate automatically, and all the matter was slowly converging toward the center.

But this is not enough.

"Continue to launch."

The female prime minister's voice as cold as ice and frost, and soon, several gravitational bombs were dropped.

One bite, one bite, another bite.

The planet was bitten out, leaving only four tiny singularities suspended in space.

Constrained by the law of gravity, the singularities try to move closer to each other and become black holes. However, the light cannon fired from the Xandar flagship hit the singularity ahead of time, causing it to detonate, turning it into pure light and heat.

Even if it is a quantum intelligence device, it has to rely on a material carrier. In front of a gravitational bomb, no matter can survive. Any probability of survival.

Before the arrival of the singularity explosion wave, the Xandar flagship had already turned on the shield. The Xandar soldiers who had just completed the feat of destroying the planet were not very happy. They were only carried by the ship and sailed to the next planet. .

Looking ahead, all coalition ships are doing the same thing, finding planets, destroying planets, cracking matter, and strangling the survival probability of quantum omnics.

If the sound can be transmitted in a vacuum, then the rustling and biting planets sounded by tens of thousands of ships at the same time will surely rise one after another, extremely magnificent.

This is a huge project, which may last for ten years, a hundred years, or even a thousand years, until there is no more superfluous material in the Sector, only the sacred and inviolable stars remain. Burning lonely.

Xandar's flagship quickly cleared the three planets in the star system and came to the innermost planet in the star system.

"Let's get started."

The female prime minister in the command bridge was expressionless, repeating this sentence that has been said three times and is expected to be said three hundred times.

"Wait!" A certain navigator on the bridge suddenly raised his hand. The Xandar soldier, who didn't even have a name, said hesitantly in the confused eyes of his colleagues. : "Sir, the sounder shows that there is a liquid ocean under the frozen surface of the planet, and also carbon-based vertebral creatures."


Xandar's female prime minister Her brows suddenly tensed, she quickly walked off the bridge, turned on the monitoring instrument, and through the projection, she saw the ocean beneath the planet's surface.

In the warm deep sea of ​​dim-blue, supple vines grow wantonly, and the beautiful creatures with crystal clear and transparent bodies that resemble mermaids walk through them, skillfully harvesting fruits from the vines,

far On the spacious and flat seabed, countless vines and plants form a conical tower. The towers are scattered with tree holes and houses. Countless mermaids live in them. They live, work, work and rest, quiet and peaceful, like an Eden. .


The fat face of Nova Corps Hundred-men Commander Rhomann Dey glowed with a strange look. He stared at the projection. In that beautiful and beautiful picture, looking at the smart and active expressions on the faces of those mermaids, listening to the strange language reproduced by the monitoring equipment, two lines of clear tears fell unconsciously from their cheeks.

Rhomann Dey's palm suddenly clenched, he took a deep breath and looked towards the female prime minister on the bridge, "Sir, according to the Planet Xandar constitution, we have the responsibility to protect the low level civilization.... "

".....Let's start."

The female prime minister seemed to be several hundred years old suddenly, she strained her face and did not even look at Hundred-men Commander. At a glance, he said to the gunner in the bridge: "Turn on the light shooting, and then drop the gravitational bomb."


The flagship is silent, and the Xandar soldiers licked the cracks. His lips faintly smelled the sweet smell of blood remaining between his lips and teeth.

"I said, start."

The female prime minister lowered her eyes and repeated it, without a trace of temperature in her words. Survive, even more how trifling creatures, even more how trifling civilization.

This is not something we can change.

The faster we are, the less pain they suffer."

The mermaids in the projection are ignorant and still swim in the paradise and work.

These merfolk may evolve from the lowest level single-celled creatures. They have struggled with suffering untold hardships to establish a civilization. They have no competition with the world, but live in the hot sea under the thick ice forever. Not well known...


Dense beams of light fell from the sky, tearing apart a thick layer of ice like a comb.

Flooded with extremely high temperature light, boiled the entire Atami in a very short time! This planet turned into a boiling cauldron.

All creatures, including billions of merfolk, died painfully in the boiling water. The organic matter that was parsed out turned the ocean into a dark green soup.

"The detection instrument was activated and no traces of quantum machinery were found."

The cold electronic sound seemed to mock Xandarians' cowardice and bravery silently.

There is still a dead silence in the flagship, the ashen-faced butchers whose hands are stained with blood.

The gravitational bomb was dropped in the silence, swallowing the soup planet one bite at a time.

If there is a singularity that is as small as ink, and there is a sense of taste, then the thick soup containing billions of living organic matter must be delicious...

The images of Planet Xandar's flagship are not alone. As far as Li Ang can see, tens of thousands of starship ships are doing the same thing.

Within five hundred light years, nothing can escape.

Similarly, within 500 light years, no quantum omnic can escape.

And in this process, how many planets did they destroy, and how many planets that could give birth to life, have given birth to life, and have given birth to civilization?

No one can answer this question.

"This is the barrier of Tumo Ling."

Hela shrank into a ball and laughed silently, Li Ang casually glanced at her, candle dragon phantom Suspended silently behind him, the quaint and wild dragon claw lightly waved Hela into his claws.

Like Malekith, the Dark Elf king who was unwilling to reveal his name, Goddess of Death Hela, who replaced Thor and became the first heir to Asgard, was also locked in a narrow and cramped glass marble. , Accepting the torment of boundless darkness and loneliness.

Li Ang put away the marbles, he looked towards the silent scene of the massacre five hundred light years away, and said to Thor beside him: "I am very angry."

"..." Thor didn't say anything. He didn't have a superluminal horizon, and he couldn't see everything that happened in the extreme distance. Even the conversation between Li Ang and Hela just now was completely incomprehensible.

"I'm very angry," Li Ang lowered his head, "The consequences are serious."

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