After a thought, Li Ang woke up and returned to reality.

He is still standing on the streets of New York, the second newest in the United States, his expression is not sad or happy, but a little dust falls on his clothes.

Among these dusts, there are the smoke and sand from the other shore that traveled far and wide and riding on the sea breeze, as well as the dust caused by construction when the city was demolished by omnibus clusters.

Since humans have been packed into the giant pyramid, the extra land resources generated by humans exiting the Earth ecosystem can be used by the central SmartBrain.

Accelerate the Earth civilization in the world, and run wildly along the Time Flow Speed ​​of 2500 times. This means that the Planetary Defense Committee has enough time to figure out the most perfect planetary defense with little by little The plan requires perfection in every aspect.

The central SmartBrain in the real world, in accordance with the strategic plan generated in the field of thinking, meticulously executes-human beings have always been creative creatures, and 2500 times the Time Flow Speed ​​allows human civilization It makes up for the huge development speed difference with quantum robots.

The central SmartBrain dispatched countless omnipotent clusters to clean up the outdated old-style cities.

The omnic with four slender and long golden mechanical legs is called "giant statue". The huge size of the high and hundred zhang allows it to easily cross the towering cliffs, and any dangerous landforms are like flat ground.


The high-energy heat ray guns equipped on both sides of its heavy armor can make the giant statue easily cut any unit in front of it, whether it is a titanium alloy steel plate or a flesh and blood body, it looks like tofu in front of the heat ray gun. Just as fragile.

However, the dozens of giant statues that appeared in the second new New York City did not come for battle. They just moved their slender legs to stimulate the scarlet’s heat rays, moving towards the second The high-rise buildings in the new New York City are lightly swept away.

Only for a moment, a red line emerged from the iron and steel creation-it was a high-temperature section produced by the cutting of thermal energy rays.

The law of gravity slowly took effect. Before the high-temperature section had time to cool and heal, the tall buildings that suddenly lost support slid down the section slowly.

This slippery is reminiscent of scars being torn apart, revealing fuzzy flesh and blood.


The sound of hundreds of millions of tons of rock and steel falling to the ground is extremely loud, and the smoke that is raised is like a mushroom, surpassing the second new New York.

However, the omnics named "giant statue" did not even take a look at the ruined walls. They still strode forward, stepping out of the dust, moving forward, and continuing to cut any tall buildings within their sight. Things.

They are not combat weapons, they are not cutting leeks, they are just demolition workers.

The half of the building cut by the giant statue was quickly received by the mechanical octopus. Those small (relatively speaking) creations waving dense tentacles walked through the construction site, using various tools at the tips of their tentacles. , Recover the metal resources that can be used from the building and swallow them into the abdominal cavity.

After the accumulation of resources is completed, the self-replication program in the octopus is started. After a while, a small mechanical octopus will be discharged from the abdominal cavity of the big octopus, continue to collect resources, copy itself, and expand the population.

The entire second New York is the construction site, London, Berlin, Tokyo, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, and even Liechtenstein, Monaco, Brunei and other comparable cities, and even those small counties that are not worth mentioning, Township.

Li Ang is standing on the streets of the second new New York, surrounded by fine dust. Looking around, between Heaven and Earth seems to be shrouded in dense fog, and in the shadows, you can see some weird iron creations. Eating.

In a single thought, his vast Divine Consciousness swept over, and saw mechanical servants sweeping the world, silently gnawing the remains of human civilization. The whole process was so quiet that it was a little terrifying.

Li Ang was not only a little melancholy, but he remembered the locust plagues that occurred during droughts and floods.

Close and numerous black spots appeared from the horizon, a black spot, and the ears were full of the light trembling of flapping wings, like a black tide.

As soon as the Kuroshio flows down, it will be like a very thick and very thick ink, completely infiltrating the green farmland and forest, leaving only the brown color.

The biting sound replaced the sound of flapping wings and filled the ears.

The Kuroshio is extremely terrifying, letting the hoes beat, the nets to kill, the animals pecking, the flames burn, those unconscious insects will not resist, they just bite, and resist the outside world with infinite numbers The slaughter, even if the companion next to him was pecked in two with a sharp beak by a big white rooster and the stench pus splashed to the ground, it could not stop them from continuing to eat.

After the Kuroshio Tide, everything is dead, and people cry aloud on the barren brown farmland, and gradually become numb after crying.

Hungry and perish everywhere, ten households and nine empty, Yi Zi eats each other.

In the knowledge of Li Ang's previous life, the terrifying scene caused by the plague of locusts is second only to after the plague of soldiers.

The torrent of omnic devices is like the Kuroshio of locusts, and to a certain extent the former is even more terrifying.

Locusts only need vegetation, but omnics need everything.

The flesh and blood of thousands of creatures, the steel that builds buildings, the water that nourishes the ecology, the generous and peaceful sunshine, and even the silent and silent rock.

There are so many and complicated types and different shapes, but they all include minerals under the term "rock" in general. They have kept silent for millions of years, sitting and watching the blue sea turned into with an indifferent and stubborn look. mulberry fields.

Humans use them to build buildings, decorate halls, sculpt Buddha statues, and repair churches. However, millions of years later, the temple collapsed, the Buddha statues decayed, and the rocks were still rocks.

The rocks never change, so they are proud.

However, their pride is in front of the omnic, not worth mentioning.

The steel locusts who are absolutely cruel and sensible are looking at everything in the world, even the rocks that make up the planet under their feet.

Divided by category, there are granite, andesite, Black Tortoise rock, sandstone, shale, limestone, slate, schist, marble...

Divided by composition, feldspar, A family of aluminosilicate minerals containing calcium, sodium, and potassium; mica, a group of potassium, aluminum, magnesium, iron, lithium and other layered structure aluminosilicate minerals; quartz, crystals belong to the trigonal system of oxide minerals. ...

These rocks were swallowed into the abdominal cavity by the octopus wise servants, and after a short period of accumulation, new omnics were reproduced.

Professor Charles, through the Planetary Defense Committee, saw the truth about the alien alliance revealed on the Dark Elf ship, and saw the huge outer starship team that covered the sky and covered the stars.

Similarly, Li Ang has also seen it.

Even if it accelerates the world’s human civilization, which is 2500 times the Time Flow Speed, it can push the level of technology to the level of the three Great Empires within a limited time, and can build a ship similar to the level of the three Great Empires. .

However, Earth, or the matter in the solar system, is not enough.

In Interstellar-level wars, when the technical levels of both sides are close, the maximum use of limited resources becomes the final bargaining chip to determine the direction of the war.

The Interstellar war is actually a quality war.

Whoever has more material mass, who can use these limited materials to build more ships, more shells, more soldiers, more shields, who can win .

Every gram of material mass can be found in value; every gram of material mass can be used to build new omnivores; every gram of material mass should be put in "Kill the enemy" is the grand goal.

Only by exhausting all the material mass of the eight planets in the solar system, can we subtract a zero after the long string of decimal points in the victory rate of war.

Because of this, one gram cannot be less.

Li Ang Divine Consciousness gradually subsided. He watched the omnics, who were madly far better than the Kuroshio of locusts, ate the planet in silence, and the human tragedy caused by the locust plague in his mind. The memory fades gradually.

This time, he is no longer the sad and angry young man holding a long sword, and he is no longer the low-level cultivator powerless to face the locust plague.

He is the master of the locust plague and one of the parties in this quality war.

"You are still awake."

Li Ang thought so, turning his head.

Behind him stood a god, Thor, the successor of Asgard, Thor.

Thunder God is nodded silently, the red cloak behind him is covered by dust, and the armor on his body is already covered with dust, even his face no longer looks like some old Deyi Shuangxin who is unwilling to reveal the name The artist (Master Xu Jin Old Jiang),

is more like a dead body walking out of the grave.

"Your father Odin is lying in Laley’s special medical cabin.

Your mother Frigga has entered the field of thinking acceleration, helping Professor Charles, and educating mankind on magic.

Your younger sister and your Asgard people are also speeding up the world."

Li Ang said calmly and indifferently: "Then why are you still awake?"

There are not many living people on this planet. Even the Advanced employees of Academy City, most of them put oneself into the field of thinking acceleration.

Whether it is Bain, Harry Quinn, Doctor Strange, or Doctor Octopus, they all believe that oneself can play a greater role in speeding up the world by 2500 times.

Even the leaders of the Fantastic Four who were once hostile to Li Ang, Mister Fantastic Reed, and the original Antman Hank Pym, did not refuse to enter the tank brain world.

"They are geniuses. After their thinking accelerates, they can use their own ingenuity to expand the boundaries of scientific theory, develop science and technology, and help civilization overcome difficulties."

God of Thunder Thor calmly said: "I'm just a brash man. To put it bluntly, I'm just a Golden Haired Great Ape with empty muscles. And an apes, I am afraid that it will not be able to play a big role after the thinking is accelerated.

I can only hone the indifferent battle skill at most, and I can't even enhance my physical fitness-no matter how strong I am in the world of thinking, I cannot change the body of the real world.

, It would be better to stay awake and wait for the arrival of those starship teams."

Li Ang nodded. He did not rigidly stipulate which of the Academy City employees must sleep and which must be awake. Whether it is sleeping or waking, it is the choice of the subordinates.

Thor lowered his head, and suddenly said after a moment: "Actually, I also know that I can't change anything when I am awake."

Li Ang raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

"Those out-of-starship teams are likely to launch a round of attacks outside the line of sight, or two-way foil, or supernova explosion, or gamma-ray burst, and then they don’t even need the result. Look, just turn around and leave."

Thor calmly said: "They just look at us from a distance, and we are dead."

"If you don't even see the result, just turn around. I generally call this kind of behavior'turning back confidently'."

Li Ang said with a smile: "People who turn back confidently are always miserable."

"I I don’t believe that those alien coalition forces would be so stupid." Thor glanced at Li Ang, and said a little arrogantly: "Actually...I don’t believe you are so strong."

, He raised his finger and pointed to the sky.

The sky of Earth is still obscured by dense fog and smoke, and Li Ang knows very well that Thor didn't want him to look up at the smog. Now he is compiling a line from the documentary film "Under the Dome".

Thor wants him to look at the Zetaric fleet that usually stays on the orbit of the planet.

I don’t know when, the Zetaru fleet that once helped the Planetary Defense Committee has stopped patrolling, like a group of coffins, floating in space.

They stopped moving, or that the Chitauri in the ship had already left through the rescue capsule.

They left because they thought Earth would lose.

Alternatively, they leave because the guests are approaching.

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