
The bald-headed salted egg stared at his eyes for half a second before he realized it, with a kind of "black question mark" With a facial expression, he exclaimed: "What?!"

"I'm here for you."

Li Ang casually pointed to the cruciform mothership outside the porthole, and said calmly: "This The owner of the spaceship is the mortal enemy of Asgard Aesir many years ago, Dark Elf.

Those Dark Elf, who look like the philosophical version of Teletubbies, although their technical capabilities are somewhat outdated, they are still ahead of humans and even Chitauri in some respects. , It is worth learning.

You can now notify the Planetary Defense Committee to mobilize ships to transport this mothership to Newport News, where to carry out dismantling work."

Nick Fury, who was stunned by a gift from heaven for no reason, stared at Li Ang dumbfounded.

Although he also knew that the Lord Li Ang had the unpredictable ability of Ghost God, he gave him a ship freely. A giant ship of an alien civilization?

That's too inhumane....

It took a long time for Nick Fury to digest the news and hesitated and said: "Uh...I represent the planet The Defense Committee and the Earth Fleet, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you, Lord Li Ang."

Li Ang was nodded indifferently, and said casually: "Earth's defensive ability is still a little weak today, and it has to cope with the coming In an enemy attack, we must unite all the forces that can be united and mobilize all the labor that can be mobilized.

This is what I, as the masses of people, should do."

That's how it is said, but Nick Fury didn't dare to treat Li Ang as an ordinary enthusiastic crowd. He quickly nodded respectfully, and then he seemed to think of something, he hesitated and said: "Please let me ask, the owners of these ships, how are those Dark Elf now? "

"Some are dead and some are disabled. You can take some of the dead and use them for scientific research experiments, and you can also take some of the disabled to obtain information."

Li Ang said calmly: "As for the first evil, I have been locked in a glass ball."

"Glass, glass ball? Is it the kind of marbles children play? "

Nick Fury said subconsciously, but immediately regretted it.

A kind of premonition warned him not to ask anymore-this is also correct. If the marinated egg sees that Li Ang can already squeeze the space fragments into small glass balls, I am afraid it will make His view of the world was shaken.


Li Ang said solemnly: "There are three steps in putting a person into a glass ball. Open the glass ball, stuff the person in, close the glass ball. .

If you want to see it, I can give you a live demo."

"No, no need."

Nick Fury hurriedly refused, he He is a warrior, entrusted by the Planetary Defense Committee, to assume the responsibility of defending Earth and mankind.

Not a scientist. Need to dig into the roots of everything and figure out the principles of things.

"That's really a shame."

Li Ang chuckled his mouth and said calmly: "Put people into glass balls, or put elephants into the cold of the refrigerator. The jokes can be traced back to the ironic jokes of the Soviet era.

In order to put the elephant in the refrigerator, Soviet politicians first needed to use political means to pressure a cat to admit that it was an elephant.


Citizens across the country are then encouraged to donate to make a refrigerator that can hold elephants.

However, the donations will not go to the refrigerator, they only need to put the cat in the refrigerator. At the same time, the witnesses were bought to admit the results of the testimony, and finally contacted the media to publicize their feats to introduce their feats to the Soviet citizens. The whole country suddenly fell into a national celebration carnival."

Li Ang said the origin of this cold joke, Nick Fury, who was simply chatting and awed him, used his brain to think deep down in an instant.

What did Li Ang imply in using the Soviet Union as a metaphor?

The Soviet empire that once straddled Europe was Level 1 of the Earth’s poles. Its historical relationship with the United States is just like the current Earth human civilization and Li Ang.

Is he suggesting that the current planetary defense committee is not what he wants?

Is he implying that the Planetary Defense Council is very happy?

Is he implying that some members of the Planetary Defense Committee have begun to be corrupt and lazy?

A word that the leader said at random, the subordinates have to break it up and analyze it carefully, for fear that they may not be able to figure out what they want, and ignore the subtext of the leader.

While nodded, the black eggs said yes, they should be with Li Ang, while turning their minds around, speculating on the "profound meaning" of Li Ang's joke, and deducing that the Dark Elf ship will cause the Earth situation What kind of impact.

Poor Nick Fury, who once hated those office villains who like to go to camp and intrigue, has become oneself the most hated look at this moment.

Li Ang ignored Director Fury, who was using his brains. Shi Shiran left the ship, and several Blinks went to the underground base of Xueyuan City, and delivered the glass balls with Malekith to Ultron for analysis.

Ultron, who has a quantum computer brain, can expand her von Neumann mechanical cluster while consuming computational power to analyze how to kill Malekith without damaging the glass ball. .

It’s great to have subordinates. You don’t have to do everything by yourself, you deal with busy affairs, and you can just and honorable fish.

Li Ang returned to his personal office after he had thrown the pot away. In line with the principle of stealing a half-day leisurely life, drwsily flipped through the various documents submitted by the academy cities and the planetary defense committee.

"With the death of Dormammu, the lord of Dark Dimension, the divine blood on the European continent has completely lost the divine force.

The supernatural power endowed by divine blood is actually a conventional universe. When the space and the Dormammu Dark Dimension merge with the law, the energy feedback loop generated, Dormammu is dead, the loop is broken, and the divine blood becomes null and void.

European wizards, sorcerers and other magical creatures begin to lose their extraordinary powers.

However, the researchers of the Academy City successfully found a substitute for divine blood-Scarlet Witch's Mutants gene.

After injecting Scarlet Witch genetic modification solvent, the original transcender He has been given a brand new seed of ability,

and the injections under the age of 13 will have a higher potential for development of abilities.

In this case, Hallibo Specially as a spokesperson in the European area of ​​the academy city, he proposed to establish a brand-new magical Academy in Europe.

Different from the previous magical Academy, it will adopt an inclusive and inclusive school policy and announce its existence to the outside world. education for everyone, irrespective of background, to receive all new western transcender children,

The Academy is called'New Western Magic Academy', and the slogan is also openly published in the mainstream Western social media,

'To learn magic, go to the New West'

'When you meet a new Western sorcerer, just marry it'

'Which one is strong in magic technology, United Kingdom London New West'

With the help of these advertisements, in a frenzy opened by the New Western Sorcerer Academy, it accepted thousands of school-age children in the first semester alone."

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