In this way, countless professional teams started busy around Luo Ji.

Under the planning and promotion of the marketing team, an ordinary fuzzy photo was uploaded anonymously to the Internet.

In the photo, a girl with a bright smile is wearing the uniform of a McDonald’s employee, standing behind the shop counter.

The girl’s infectious smile. That pure face like the girl next door, the curvaceous figure under the uniform, and the inexplicable divinity revealed by in the bones allowed her to stand out among the billions of ordinary people, which triggered a heated discussion among netizens-netizens thought To know who she is.

Soon, the marketing team signaled celebrities to enter the venue, and those pop singers, young Hollywood movie stars, and twitch anchors who had accepted the instructions of the meme company forwarded this photo to further enthusiasm for the topic.

At this time, the navy of the marketing team finally revealed the true identity of the girl in the photo—an ordinary girl named Luo Ji who was still in high school in New York.

More than that, the marketing team also pretended to be ordinary netizens and continued to disclose details about Luo Ji’s life. He finally grew up in a difficult environment and formed a positive, optimistic and cheerful personality. Now he is working at a McDonald’s and is supporting oneself independently.

Here, Luo Ji, who has a good initial personality, has already won the love of most netizens, but this is not enough.

It can only be regarded as the level of ordinary Internet celebrities. After the heat subsides, she will disappear like countless internet celebrities who have been hot but forgotten by people.

However, the navy of the marketing team also revealed a news that Luo Ji is participating in the "Voice of United States" audition program and successfully passed the audition.

It is this news that keeps the topic of Luo Ji hot.

Every Tuesday and Wednesday night, Luo Ji appeared on the stage of this talent show produced by the American Global Broadcasting Corporation, punching in and reporting in front of millions of Americans.

In contrast to the girl next door, Luo Ji’s music literacy is extremely professional. The god of cunning, after a period of study, also easily learned modern bel canto and popular singing.

From the perspective of singing alone, Luo Ji's level is even higher than those of the guests who act as judges.

Under the advantage that anyone with a discerning eye can see, Luo Ji has easily passed through the knock-out competition of "Voice of United States" as if he had gone through five levels and cut six generals. Step by step gained popularity. , The fan group is expanding rapidly.

Moreover, the marketing team has also concocted millions of naval forces, extended by social networks, spread like a virus, and used a way that will not cause people to be bored. Ji conducts publicity.

The girl next door who works at McDonald's, the singing voice comparable to top singers, the pure and unpretentious personality, and the inspirational and positive life experience.

The above four elements would have attracted the attention of the audience, even more how are there countless professional teams to act as the backing of Luo Ji?

In this way, Luo Ji’s popularity is advancing layer by layer like the waves, and it has wrapped up the "Voice of United States" audition program, won the highest ratings of this season for several consecutive periods, and harvested tens of millions of United States. The audience's eyeballs undoubtedly won the show's championship this season.

Thinking about it carefully, there is some black humor. The overall champion of "Voice of United States" can get a contract from Universal Music, formally become a professional singer, and get a stepping stone into the music hall.

However, Luo Ji, who stands behind the entire Academy City, actually simply doesn't need this stepping stone.

Whether it is the production company of "Voice of United States"-NBC American National Broadcasting Corporation, or Universal PictureCo Universal Pictures Co., which has awarded the record contract, it has to be a no-nonsense in front of meme companies, keep quiet out of fear, for fear that something is not done in place, causing dissatisfaction with the latter.

For Luo Ji, the pre-determined champion seat of the draft show is just a platform. After debuting and becoming a singer, Luo Ji cooperated with industry Peak musicians and released several albums with high real value. At the same time, Hollywood film and TV drama companies also have contracts.

It can be said that Luo Ji is definitely the hottest Hollywood rookie this year. There are tens of millions of boys and girls around the world who regard Luo Ji as her idol in life and choose a spouse.

Of course, what makes these fans a bit dissatisfied is that Luo Ji will always be followed by a bodyguard who looks like a Golden Haired Great Ape.

The members of Luo Ji’s tens of millions of fans said that the blond bodyguard in suit, leather and big sunglasses, although somewhat resembling a long-lost Avengers Thor, is far better in temperament than Thor. It's much more wretched, and occasionally the look in Luo Ji's eyes is sticky, salty and wet, and dirty.

Fan wrote to Luo Ji one after another, asking her to dismiss the blonde bodyguard on the grounds of paying attention to safety, but always got Luo Ji’s handwritten reply,

The letter stated that The bodyguard is Luo Ji's childhood playmate, he is trustworthy, and he is also a pure natural and pollution-free gay, known as the "universal socket" in the gay circle, and has no interest in women at all.

I have to say that the fan effect of entertainment stars is extremely terrifying. Just a few months of starmaking activities have accumulated an extremely objective Power of Faith for Luo Ji.

These Power of Faith mixed with fans or positive or negative, or positive or negative emotions, in terms of quantity, can already create powerhouses like Olympus Twelve Main Gods,


But these Power of Faith are not pure, and they need to be purified in layers to remove the emotional impurities that are too fanatical.

At this time, it’s the turn of Professor Charles to appear. The distinguished chairman of the coordinating board has not forgotten the psychic powers he once mastered.

He uses the Cerebro device, right Pointing to Luo Ji’s spiritual power (or Power of Faith) globally, purify it, take its essence, and remove its dross, leaving only the most pure part.

When the impurities are stripped off, the Power of Faith is instilled into Luo Ji's body, so that the Asgard god once again tastes the taste of the powerful divine force,

The initial completion of the Conferred God plan Luo Ji, can already completely suppress Thor in the frontal fight, and hang this brother up with a hammer-and this is only the result of a few months.

Over the years, meme companies have first introduced artificial meat and then artificial organs. Now even gods can make them artificially.

If Luo Ji’s experience of enshrining the gods is further promoted, then the meme company will be able to manufacture artificial Spiritual Gods with powerful divine force in batches like an automated assembly line.

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