School City, Coordinating Council Building, Office of the Chairman.

Professor Charles, with a bald head of Varyan, is wearing a home-style beige sweater, sitting in a wheelchair made of special alloys, leaning against the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office.

He has a warm, hand-woven wool blanket on his knees, and a cup of steaming coffee in his hands. His wrinkled face looks fuzzy after the thin smoke, except for the weather-beaten pair. The eyes are as clear as when he was young.

"That's great..."

Professor Charles said, taking a sip of a hot drink, holding the coffee cup in both hands, feeling the temperature in his palms.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he can clearly see the prosperous scene of the academy city.

The high-rises stand in great numbers, the busy traffic, the aerial track of the stacked bed-framed houses outline the embryonic form of the cyberpunk city, and the vast number of Mutants walking on the streets makes Professor Charles even more unreal. Of goodness.

Mutants teenagers who first joined the academy city, some went on to further their studies after completing university courses, and explored how to further combine the natural abilities of Mutants with the technological development of the human world;

Some students directly participated in the work, either staying in the academy city to continue to shine, or going outside and seeing this brand new world with a confident and full vision.

Thinking of this, Professor Charles feels a little bit emotional. The concept of "love and peace" he once promoted, in fact, also has great shortcomings.

At that time, the contradiction between Mutants and humans was intensifying. The peaceful posture led by Professor Charles actually ignored the persecution of Mutants by pure human chauvinists in the American Government and sacrificed part of the interests of Mutants. Temporary peace.

Struggle to seek unity will survive, and retreat to seek unity will cause unity to die.

Blindly retreating, compromising, and kneeling will not only help the state of unity, but also It will cause the situation to deteriorate further and make the contradiction between the two parties irreparable.

Thinking about it this way, Professor Charles shook the head. Although the United Nations Security Council has begun to advance the "Wall Facing Project" and designated several wall-facers, capitulationism has already spread in secret within the United Nations organization.

Human civilization’s odds of winning against alien civilizations are really low for the moment. Some speculators see the situation as they are,

keep on saying, screaming "for the sake of the overall situation" "For the sake of thinking", in fact, it is the mean people who resort to petty tricks that sacrifices the interests of mankind. I can't wait to grab the authority of the wall-facer from the hands of Professor Charles and kneel and lick the upcoming alien civilization first.

"The situation is not optimistic....."

Professor Charles sighed so much and turned his wheelchair (Doctor Strange from the Regenerative Medicine Department can directly help Professor Charles Two healthy artificial legs were transplanted, but the latter did not accept it out of his own habits).

Li Ang, sitting behind his desk, took a sip of coffee, and said slowly: "The enemy is now, so it stands to reason that you have to clean the house first before you entertain guests.

The outer starship team arrived in Earth for a while. It’s better to take a look first. When these capitulationists think that the time is right and they start to walk to the front of the stage, they will take action to catch them all."

" It's up to your arrangements." Professor Charles said kindly.

Li Ang smiled irresponsibly and looked towards Professor Charles with a playful look. The latter said with a bitter smile: "Well, I am the wall-facer. I should have my own thoughts and will. I cannot trust anyone.


Professor Charles hesitated for a moment, finally made up his mind, and asked softly: "Mr. Li Ang, why don't you oneself be the wall-facer?

If you are allowed to make a decision , No matter in planning the success rate, one’s own confidence support rate, or the enemy’s probability of failure, there will be obvious differences, right?"

"I am not suitable as a wall-facer to make decisions."

Li Ang shook the head and said indifferently: "The wall-facer needs an extremely tenacious will, and he needs to be able to make clear and rational judgments under the weight of the formidable, even if such judgments are illogical. , Unethical, and inconsistent with universal values.

The existence of the wall-facer is to blind Sophon and the place’s sight.

If I act as the wall-facer, then the other person Will concentrate the attention of the overwhelming majority on me.

The wise man must have lost his mind. In the face of thousands of extraterrestrial literature wise pockets, even I cannot guarantee that the decision will ultimately work.

Instead of this, it’s better to delegate power to you and let multiple wall-facers execute their plans."

Professor Charles wanted to say something, but saw Li Ang smile He raised his arms and said, "They are here."

The door to the office of the chairman of the coordinating board was knocked, and Harry Quinn walked in with Rocky and Thor who had changed into casual clothes The office.

In front of the life and death enemy who defeated Odin head-on and imprisoned the entire Asgard, Luo Ji inevitably got a little nervous.

And Thor, he didn’t know whether this Golden Haired Great Ape was born. Lacking a root, he was still slow to respond. After a brief sense of tension, he immediately adapted to the atmosphere in the office, even glanced around, looking back and forth at the furnishings in the office.

"Your Excellency Li Ang, Professor Charles, I think that if I participate in the idol singer-song gods project, my brother will accompany me throughout the whole process, which will help me relieve my psychological pressure and benefit the final The step of belief in the gods."

Luo Ji took a step forward and said respectfully to Li Ang: "I hope you can approve my stupid, ignorant, low-level awkward brother, to participate in this project."

"Hehe, I think Thor oneself has to follow you. You have no choice but to find a reason for such nonsense."

Li Ang laughed carelessly, Glancing at Professor Charles, waved his hand to agree.

Luo Ji finally sighed in relief, stepped back half a step, returned to the original position, straightened her waist and waited for the instruction to be issued.

"The idol singer project was first proposed by Harry Quinn doctor and strongly promoted by Professor Charles."

Li Ang adjusted his sitting posture and said calmly, "Of course Now, Professor Charles is the wall-facer. Only he knows the connection between the belief in the gods and the ultimate alien invasion and resistance plan.

However, as the creator of the Academy City, It just happens that I have a little understanding of the idol making stars. For your entire packaging process, Harry Quinn and I will be the leader."

"I understand." Luo Ji is nodded, docile is like a little daughter-in-law, saying: "It's all arranged by your Excellency."

"Don't worry, I will definitely arrange you perfectly clear."

Li Ang As he said, a nasty smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

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