A perfect creation will eventually surpass its creator.

Li Ang observes Ultron's every move with great interest.

The latter raised his head, using sight, hearing, smell, and touch to collect information from the outside world.

She can see the dust and bacteria floating in the air, and watch the invisible, unconscious slender worms wriggling endlessly;

She can hear beyond a thousand li, when the steel giant ship entered the harbour, the loud whistle sounded, and the lively sound of pots and pans in the ship’s cabin; she could smell the waves in the wind Salty smell, can smell the bloody smell of the animals injured in the natural selection on the desert desert;

She can feel the slow geological movement deep in the earth's crust , The natural mighty power that has been hidden for thousands of years, happens quietly in the secret underground that no one can explore, and it will explode only when it reaches the critical point.

A huge amount of information flooded into Ultron's brain, as if the tide flooded a dry river bed.

She processes this information in a way that humans cannot understand. As if she was born, she clearly saw the secrets of nature.

She only needs to spit out an insignificant spit of air like ordinary people, and then she can pull the atmosphere and create a huge storm beyond a thousand li.

She only needs to be like ordinary people, stomp, to penetrate the ground veins, detonate the huge energy accumulated by geological movement in advance, and finally create a deep rift.

Collect, analyze, decipher, and apply.

Ultron is evolving rapidly. The original brain structure constructed according to the Li Ang model is no longer suitable for Ultron's current requirements for computing power.

This is not to say that Ultron nowadays has surpassed Li Ang in terms of computing power, but the brain structure of carbon-based organisms is not completely suitable for silicon-based organisms.

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed across Ultron's face. She was frowned and stretched out her take action palm, directly into oneself's exposed brain.

Li Ang laughed and pulled his own hand back, looking at Ultron expectantly.

I saw Ultron’s slender metal fingers slowly rubbing the alloy neurons, completely erasing the dendrites and axons belonging to carbon-based organisms, using the crystal-like central processing chip of silicon-based organisms Replace it.

After the initial transformation of the brain, the information collection rate, information processing ability, logical thinking ability, and creative ability of this quantum machine have been qualitatively improved.

Go Evolve, go beyond.

In Ultron’s brain, those abandoned dendrites and axons were not completely abandoned, but melted into liquid metal again, and under the action of a magnetic field, they differentiated into nanoscale silicon-based machinery. .

These nanoscale silicon-based machines are like single cells in living organisms, capable of self-replication, self-upgrading, and self-modification-this is the perfect von Neumann machine.

The most important thing is that the neural network composed of nano-scale silicon-based machinery is a perfect quantum computer system.

"Your entire brain is like a silicon chip carrying hundreds of millions of qubits.

Different from classical computers,

quantum mechanics principle of state superposition, This allows the state of the quantum information unit to be in a superimposed state of multiple probabilities.

This also means that quantum computers can perform parallel calculations, and their computing power is worlds apart from classical computers."

Li Ang smiled, looking at Ultron created by oneself, Feng Danyun said lightly: "Now, you have been able to perform high-efficiency quantum superposition state operations and distributed data processing. In terms of computing power, you have already Beyond me, Ultron."


The second new New York, in the basement.

"Mad, crazy, he is absolutely crazy!!"

A certain scientist's three-dimensional projection scolded: "Isn't he clear? How terrifying is Ultron's potential? According to the scheduled deduction, once Ultron’s physical hardware imprisonment is opened, it can easily reach the technological singularity in less than two days of climbing time!"

The so-called technological singularity is based on technological development. Shi summarized the point of view that an inevitable event will occur in the future-technological development will occur in a very short period of time, which is very close to Infinity's progress.

several millions In several years, humans have been using natural and animal power to lead an extremely simple life. Although possessing intelligence, it is called "the primate of all things", but the advantage of human beings over other species is not obvious.

However, with the emergence of the three inventions of the steam engine, the Generator, and the electric motor, the level of human productivity has been pushed to an extremely high level in less than several hundreds of years. Go up to Nine Heavens to capture the moon, and down to the five oceans to catch turtles. Modern humans can even roam freely in the vast Star Sea, just like the "gods" invented by the ancients.

However, even steam engines, generators, and electric motors can only be regarded as technical singularities of the low-profile beggar version.

According to the extension theorem of Moore's theorem-Kurzweil's theorem, all technological developments have increased exponentially since the emergence of mankind.

If we take time as the horizontal axis and technology level as the vertical axis for the technologies developed by all mankind, we can find that the cutting-edge science and technology acquired by mankind are concentrated in the past two hundred years. And as time continues to advance, the density of technology emergence will become higher and higher.

Finally, after reaching a certain singularity, the emergence of emerging technologies will take "Heaven", "hours", "minutes", and "seconds" as the horizontal axis of time. At that time, even Human beings are completely unable to understand the technology developed by themselves—just like a black hole in physics, completely engulfing human intellect.

Intelligent machines that can evolve and reproduce themselves are considered technological singularities.

And Ultron, unfortunately, is such an intelligent machine with the singularity potential of breakthrough technology.


means "self-designed, self-evolved and self-reproducing synchronous quantum processing units", referred to as seeds, this is the essence of Ultron's design.

"No, Li Ang knows this very well."

Mister Fantastic Reed Richards stared at the Chinese youth in the picture, gnashing teeth said: "He knows the potential of Ultron , He knows what might happen in the future, but he doesn't care, he simply doesn't care-mother doesn't care!"

It's no wonder that Mister Fantastic, who has always been good-tempered, will explode. The existence of a technological singularity is no different from a black hole for humans. Even Mister Fantastic, who has far more wisdom than ordinary people, cannot predict the future after the singularity.

"As scheduled, Ultron, as a quantum computer, once opened its hardware limitations, it only takes 12 hours to evolve, and it can ignore all the conventional military forces of mankind, even if it is tied to the transcender of the whole world. Together, she can’t help her.

With only 24 hours of evolution time, Ultron can ignore the most powerful anti-matter bomb produced by humans and even Chitauri.

Only 36 hours of evolution time, Ultron can grow to a point where humans cannot understand, understand, or even observe—at that time, to us, she was like an all-knowing and almighty God."

Iron Man Tony Stark lay down in a chair and sighed softly, "Worse, Li Ang has also shortened the time it takes Ultron to climb to a technological singularity.

We, manufacturing There was a wild beast that could never be controlled, and Li Ang loosened the chain on her neck."

There was a dead silence in the basement, where everyone was stiff, staring at the big screen, like Observing the religious fresco created by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican——


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