The strong and almost substantial Spiritual Qi condenses a straight beam of kilometer long, with the center of London as the central axis, splitting the night sky.

The beam of long sword is swung straight down, the sword's momentum is like a tidal wave igniting the howling wind, the thick and gloomy clouds are blown away, seemingly slow and fast to retreat, revealing the desolate moonlight hidden behind the clouds.

Wherever the light goes, everything collapses and cracks, air, dust, reinforced concrete structures, and several airships in the sky.

Those war giant beasts with streamlined appearances were immediately cut by lightsabers to cut the outer armor made of lightweight alloys, destroyed the bright silver paint, shredded the inner skin, and crushed them. The force of dry weeds and smashing rotten wood destroyed all the steel supporting structures inside the airship.

Dozens of airbag compartments inside the airship were twisted and broken, and the rear wing power room painted with the anti-swastika symbol was also detonated, igniting dense smoke-fortunately, the airbag compartment was filled with more stable helium Gas instead of hydrogen, otherwise the airship will be completely ignited within half a minute after the flames bloom.

However, the final result was almost the same. The airships, which were cut off by the waist, were wrapped in dense smoke, posing "grabbing ground with their heads" posture, and fell towards the ground.

Li Ang, Feng Danyun lightly lifted the Spiritual Qi long sword, staring at the anti-swastika mark painted on the tail rudder of the airship, looked thoughtful and took out the cellphone from his pocket and pressed it at will few times.

The central SmartBrain processing center of the Xueyuan Urban Underground Experimental Base immediately used the highest priority authority to forcibly connect to the monitoring chip in the back of Baron Strucker's neck.

The Baron Strucker, born in Hydra, was finally squeezed out of value, and through Ms. Harley Quinn’s personality reshaping operation, it became a harmless little white mouse with a lower authority than Normal employees, higher than "experimental D Grade personnel".

Normal employees of the underground experimental base can pass through most non-confidential places, have access to information with lower levels of confidentiality, and can even take on Quests issued by superiors, and improve the level of employees by completing Quests.

The "experimental D Grade personnel" is a secret cooperation between the Academy City and the governments of various countries at an unofficial level.

Academy City will select some heinous inhuman death row prisoners from American prisons to conduct various anti-human and dangerous taboo experiments, including but not limited to cross-mutation, high The research on the effects of high-intensity β and Y-ray radiation of equivalent nuclear weapons on the human body, the enhancement of the physiological quality of ordinary individuals by divine blood, and so on, the specific experimental results will be shared with governments of various countries as appropriate.

Baron Strucker, with his extraordinary innate talent capable of regenerating the body, has survived a series of tragic and taboo human trials, and finally obtained the qualification to survive.

At this time, he is sitting in the staff canteen of the underground experimental base with Lars Gul Al, Death Knell and the others, holding a fork and a knife, cutting with expressionless faces Vegetarian sandwiches.

The staff canteen is very spacious, all wooden furniture, luxurious and elegant decoration, comparable to the iceberg restaurant built by the penguin in Gotham City.

The interior of the canteen adopts a fully automated system, and the octopus intelligent servant performs cooking, ordering, cleaning and other services, which is efficient, elegant, and pleasant.

But Baron Strucker is not happy. Years of human trials have basically destroyed his Essence, Qi, and Spirit, and now he is still alive. I am afraid that only Harry Kui is left because of him. Set the virtual personality.

"You have a newsletter from'Li Ang'."

A line of subtitles popped out of Baron Strucker's eyes. He just wanted to click to accept, and the central SmartBrain of the experimental base The back-neck chip has been connected, directly taking over Baron Strucker's body control.

The central SmartBrain quickly scans all the information in Baron Strucker's brain, quickly and efficiently retrieves the content that Li Ang wants, and in the form of Linuxsystem file format, all projections are in Li Ang's pupils.

"Hydra is the remnant of the **, but the ** remnant is not the same as Hydra.

The major of the SS, led by the "last battallion", is The most devout former Sect Lord righteous member. Imitated all the ideas of the mustache head, upholding the concept of'fulfilling the long-cherished wish of the German 3rd Empire', gathering strength behind the scenes and planning a conspiracy."

Li Ang raised his eyebrows with interest, neither fast nor slow flipped through Baron Strucker's memory.

"We are under attack,"

In the command cabin of the airship, a Prussian man dressed in the costume of a high-ranking German officer from World War II picked up the intercom and shouted: "Repeat , We are under attack!"

On the other side of the walkie-talkie, the Major’s indifferent voice came, "Then abandon the airship and get ready for ground battle."

Hundreds Tons of steel construction, coupled with the gravitational acceleration caused by the vertical drop, caused these airships to fall almost unstoppable and crashed straight into the high-rise buildings in the city center.


The magnificent exploding flames bloomed, rubble splashed, steel flew horizontally, and the thick smoke rising up can only be used as "covering the heavens, shielding the sun". Words to describe.

The terrifying picture made the residents of London fight on both legs, desperate. The general public living in developed countries in the peaceful era have never understood the horrors of war as they do today.

War-themed movies, no matter how clever the props, lighting, and sound effects are, no matter how the director and protagonist work together, they can only move towards the goal of "restore the battlefield as much as possible".

Movies projected on huge screens are just artificial fakes.

The pungent gunpowder, the stinking blood, the unkempt residents who fled in the ruins of the city, and the roar of explosions one after another, but from nowhere.

Countless people in fear ran past Li Ang, but he didn't care, just lifts the head, squinted his eyes, and stared at the smoke-filled place.

The black raindrops fell from the cabin of the falling airship and rushed out obliquely in the smoke from the explosion.

There were hundreds of them wearing black The hang glider was gliding slowly, landing steadily on the streets of London.

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, stopped his movements, and walked casually to the middle of the street.

In the dense smoke, a lingering silhouette was exposed.

Wearing a double-breasted waisted woolen coat designed for officers of the German Empire during World War II. The clothes are worn with primitive iron epaulettes and collar badges, and a buckle-style military cap is worn on the head. Wearing a wind mask on his face.

They are not so much big soldiers, as they are officers who walked out of history books.

The landmark buildings in the past were blown up and cut off. Tens of tons of reinforced concrete bricks and stones were smashed head-on. The familiar streets and lanes were reduced to messy morgues. Those fresh, flesh and blood All the faces of his compatriots became icy corpses.

The war is not as magnificent and impassioned as people think, like the vigorous army under the Arc de Triomphe, like the clay figurines standing quietly in the Tomb of Qin Shihuang.

War is always embarrassing, hurried, cruel and savage, like rotten bones in a quagmire, like thorny thorns on the road to a cramped mountain. At the time of causing panic and trauma, it magnifies the cowardice and cruelty of human nature, Infinity.

The German officers who walked out of the smoke took off their masks.

Their lips were cracked to both sides, almost extending to the side of their ears, their sharp white teeth were as hideous and terrifying as if they were attached to the gums, and the blood energy rippled over them, and the crimson was almost substantial.

Man-made Blood Race-the last **battallion, finally landed in London again nearly a century later.

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