"The volunteer team of White Helmets was founded in 2013. The members are all Syrian civilians and there are more than 3,000 people. It aims to help the general public in Syria who have suffered traumas during the war. "

John Constantine said frankly to the BBC camera: "However, the founder of this well-known non-governmental organization is not a local Syrian, but a British and a An officer of the United Kingdom Army named'Mechelier',

He used to serve as an adviser to the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Department, enjoying a high allowance from the British Government to help the British Empire deal with some Stability maintenance work in foreign areas."

Prime Minister Rachel Ross's face was tense, without saying a word, his face sinking like water.

Constantin joked and said solemnly: "This United Kingdom officer, Mr. Meschelier, who has a decent job and a high salary, one day suddenly has a thought, he must be in the flames of war and conflicts. In the Middle East region, a rescue organization was formed.

And it is quite strange that countries such as United Kingdom, United States, Japan, etc., through official or private channels, unanimously gave the Bai Helmet the nameless status. The new organization makes donations.

The United Kingdom Foreign Minister Johansson bluntly pointed out in front of the camera that the British Government had funded 32 million pounds for white helmets, while the Dutch government funded 4.5 million USD, and the American Agency for International Development also unfathomable mystery invested 23 million USD in the cause of civil defense in Syria-part of the funds went into the pocket of the white helmet.

It can be seen that the funder behind the white helmet is the European United States home, then the problem Here, why should the European United States support the White Helmet?"

Constantine's eyes swept across the crowd, and everyone looked at their noses and hearts, but no one responded.

"The answer is very simple, because the Western world wants to use the White Helmet's actions to forcibly create the illusion of a humanitarian crisis in Syria, as an excuse for the Western world to interfere in Syria's internal affairs."


Deadpool took the conversation and danced pole dance on the ground with the golden scepter.

"In August last year, the Syrian Aleppo region suffered an air strike, which was controlled by anti-government forces. The Aleppo Media Center took many photos of the people on the scene. The first one was a dusty Syrian boy with blood on his head, sitting in a chair at a loss.

The photos swept all the mainstream media in Europe and America, and all western media felt distressed and sad for the boys. For a time, the condemnation of the Assad government army became tumultuous, urging all major powers to put more pressure on the Assad regime.

However, in fact, this photo is a product of a pose carefully concocted by the White Helmet organization.

They dug out the little boy from the ruins, instead of rushing to treat him, they took him Taking it away from his father, forcing the little boy to sit in the car, ask him to face the camera, pose, and adjust the camera angle many times to make the final photos as miserable and vivid as possible.

All this is in accordance with the instructions of Western countries, and aims to incite the sentiments of the European United States people, make them sympathize with the Syrian people and oppose the Assad regime, and provide an excuse for the European United States to interfere in the internal affairs of Syria. "

Deadpool snapped its fingers, and a series of document photos appeared on the three-dimensional projection, all of which were photos of the White Helmet organization helping Syrian children.

"Look, there are three elements in the pictures of these photos: the ruins of Syrian cities under the smoke of war, Syrian children covered in dust and blood, and members of the White Helmet organization who shuttle through the war.


These amazingly consistent photos are all deliberately concocted by the White Helmet organization. For the effect of the program, they even recycle some seemingly tragic Syrian children.

These The members of the White Helmet organization that received funding from Western countries are all kind and compassionate and good people in front of the camera. Once the camera is removed, they are allies of the anti-government army that symbolizes the "boiled with oil", frantically hostile to Russia and The government forces under the control of Assad even went on stage to support the anti-government forces attacking the Assad army.

The filmmaker of "White Helmet" who won the Oscar for Best Short Film and Chief-In, the white helmet organization -Charge Reid Saleh was even refused entry by the US Government because of his connections with terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaida in Syria and the Nusra Front.

Look, even the United States does not deny it. The connection between the White Helmet and terrorist organizations,

For the United States, the White Helmet is a tool to cause a'news war' and a'war of public opinion'. It is a piece of toilet paper stained with shit. Deal with these dirty work, you can throw it away after you use it."

Deadpool jumped to the front of Prime Minister Rachel Ross, picked up the manuscript from the podium, and said with a smile: " And this Syrian chemical weapon attack is also a good show made by the white helmet.

The town of Duma, the prime minister, is an area dominated by Russia and the Syrian government.


According to White Helmet’s statement, Russia and Syria deliberately use chemical weapons that are prone to international controversy when they have a military advantage. Moreover, they did not attack the anti-government army, but attacked the unthreatening masses of women and children.

Do you say that Russia and Syria are stupid? Or are we stupid to listen to the news?"

Prime Minister Rachel Ross remained calm, she said nothing. Just staring at each other with extremely cold eyes.

Can’t answer, can’t answer, can’t answer.

In front of the truth revealed by the other party, sophistry is weak, and even the defense itself will be used again by the other party.

Deadpool looked at the silent female prime minister and said with a smile: "They cooperated with the anti-government forces, major Western world news agencies, and United Nations agencies to carefully create all kinds of illusions of chemical weapons,


No matter how crude this illusion is, no matter how hypocritical it is, as far as the Western world is concerned, it only needs to use this excuse to act wilfully and bomb the weak and backward Syria,

They are a group of shameless international rascals who have no sense of morality. For the benefit of their own, they can destroy all good things indifferently, and use various methods to beautify and sublimate their despicable behavior!

Boiled with oil, how many crimes are in your name.

The ultimate goal of all this is to create refugees and force millions of Middle Eastern refugees to flock to Europe for Blood Race. Provide food."

Finally some of the congressmen couldn’t listen anymore. They slapped the table and ranted, "Absurd! Nonsense!"

"Oh? Absurd? What do you mean? Part? The white helmet is the Blood Race."

Deadpool slowly patted the dust on his shoulders, suddenly "peng" and shot the congressman.

The special bullet with a silver nitrate shell pierced the Senator's shoulder easily and freely, causing him to stagger and fall to the ground, dripping with blood.

The screams of horror sounded again, but the brutal and tyrannical imposing manner erupted from Deadpool directly overwhelmed everyone, making the Dagongong fathers fight with their legs and dared not move.

"Uhhhhhhhh ——"

The painful cries came from the councillors, his face became narrow and narrow, his back skeleton was deformed, and a pair of torn wings stretched out. , The whole body is longer with dense gray fluff.

Constantin coldly smiled and whispered to the camera lens:

"This is what I call Blood Race."

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