"The established law of class consolidation cannot be avoided at any time and anywhere.

No matter which country wants to embark on a path of peaceful and stable development, it must face it The social structure is stereotyped and the flow of social wealth is restricted."

Diana Princess groaned, frowning, and tapped her temple lightly with her jade finger.

European capitalist society, which has developed several hundreds of years, has a staggering degree of class consolidation.

If China’s extremely utilitarian exam-oriented education system can barely guarantee the smoothness of the upward path, then the European society for a long time has acquiesced in the separation of elite education and civilian education. Really achieve the purpose of blocking the upward channel by monopolizing educational resources.

Diana thought of something, turned on the computer, and called up the relevant social survey data statistics table of European society.

In the statistical table, the circulation of all strata of European society is low to terrifying. It is as difficult as heavenly ascension for the children of a commoner family to jump out of their parents’ strata and obtain high-reputation jobs from higher strata. .

Diana Princess squinted her eyes. She seemed to have grasped some clues, but she couldn't piece it together in her mind.

"Keep thinking, you stupid..."

She said to herself, neatly biting her lower lip, delicate and pretty, reflecting on her face The inorganic cold light of the electronic screen.

In Europe, children of cement workers will not know how to play polo and golf as they did after honoring honors;

The daughter of a cook girl will not be like after bureaucrats, right Classical music is precious.

Polo, golf, classical music, and classical literature are really just "miscellaneous studies" with little practical use, but behind the miscellaneous studies is the difference in vision.

The class consolidation strategy implemented by the European elite for a long time is successful. This strategy is not calculated by a certain individual elite, but is countless generations of upper class society. Elites rely on the inheritance of wealth, education, social relations, and the European government's tacit approval of the unfair distribution of educational resources.

However, the key to the prosperity or decline of a society lies in whether the upper class of the country is inclusive or squeezing.

Today’s Nimaru society is generally depressed and decadent, not just as simple as the economic recession, but behind it is also the serious solidification of the Nimaru class, the stagnant social circulation, and the high degree of hereditary occupations, which have led to young people’s Abandoning one's own social identity, the mentality is gradually numb, not thinking about making progress.

The consequence of the solidification of classes will inevitably lead to a social atmosphere that is "destroyed", or "Buddha"-this is why many media wave the flag and shout to boycott "Buddha youths". Recognizing the tragic truth of class solidification, and being intimidated by the bloody truth, passive exhaustion, self-willing and decadent, and refusing to work hard, how can you continue to produce new social wealth? I'm afraid it's not far from total destruction.

The more Diana Princess thinks about it, the more she feels something is wrong.

There is no doubt that the degree of class consolidation in India is higher than that in Europe, and the gap between rich and poor is even greater. Li Ang and his memetic pharmaceutical group do not need an ultimate weapon such as genetic adjustment. Tighten the upward passage of Indian society.

"So, why is this?"

Is it possible that Li Ang hates India so much that it must make Indian society lifeless?

No, not like this!

God loves the world. Although Li Ang does not like or even despise the blacks and the Asan ethnic group, he still kindly gives them a choice.

Diana's eyes lit up, she continued to search back and forth in the folder, and sure enough, she found what she wanted in a sub-folder.

"The overwhelming majority DNA sequence in the human genome does not have the function of encoding protein. These DNA sequences are preserved for a long time during the evolution of organisms for hundreds of millions of years. They seem useless, but they are endless. The potential is available to be explored."

Diana read softly according to the small print on the screen.

After watching Kabbalah’s Tree of Life, Li Ang was not only as simple as deciphering the biological genome map, but he was also able to tamper with the gene sequence with the help of "Gate of Truth" do as one pleases, Additions and deletions, rearrangements and combinations, freely create new species.

As long as he wants, he can give instructions to the Memetic Agriculture Group at any time, so that the agricultural company will produce genetically modified food, and top secretly plant the seeds of genetic mutation in the human race.

Take several hundreds of years and thousands of years as the span, so that "cat ears" individuals with cat ears, "mermaid Princess" individuals with fins, and even "Medusa" with hair turned into snake hair are common in the human race. "individual.

The authority of the Creator is so defying.

Unfortunately, Li Ang is not a fat house who likes hehehe and laughs endlessly, nor is he a god full of evil tastes. He has not implemented this kind of unfathomable mystery transformation plan for all mankind. Instead, he continues to dig deeper and explore In the process of Kabbalah's Life Tree, a novel toy named "Gene Hierarchy Sequence" was accidentally discovered.

The so-called gene-level sequence can also be called a gene lock.

There are many useless DNA sequences hidden in human genes. These sequences will actively activate when the host encounters a fatal danger, activate the potential of sleeping in the human body, and exert the terrifying power of far surpasses the imagination. .

Just as the news reports, the old lady can lift a one-ton car in order to save her grandson; the mother can run downstairs at a speed far exceeding the world record in order to save the child who fell from the building,


Meme Pharmaceutical Group expects that in the human modification projects implemented in Africa and India, the back door of the genetic lock is buried.

Those Indian untouchables who have received low-level human transformations will be driven by the upper-class Indian elites as pigs and dogs, used as consumables, and used as the cornerstones of building a great country in India.

According to the established script, the upward passage of Indian society will gradually be locked, and these untouchables will never turn back because of the genetic gap.

The liberation effect of gene lock will appear in individuals who are firm enough to be dissatisfied with the fact of being enslaved and angry.

Those low-level Indian untouchables who have opened the genetic lock will have power and wisdom far beyond ordinary people, and at the same time they will also have anger towards the upper-class elites in India.

The genetic gap Let the low-level untouchables who have opened their genetic locks always been unable to integrate into the upper class. This gap is so huge that they will inevitably move on to a violent revolution and overthrow the rule of Blood Race.

And India's man-made Blood Race, as a vested interest, is determined not to give power to these untouchables who try to drag them off the throne.

A single spark can start a prairie fire! Revolutionary flames will burn all over India, turning this ancient civilized country into purgatory!

What Li Ang wants is to make India a sea of ​​resistance, to make the original social order collapse, and to show people's will to fight.

God loves the world. What Li Ang likes to see is the magnificent scene of those fighters who are willing to fight, fight, and use their blood to pour life fruit, fighting for their ideals and beliefs.

If there is oppression, there will be resistance.

Only by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to destroy the original social order, can people develop rapidly.

Diana's hands and feet were cold, she suddenly realized something, exited the sub-file, and checked all the Level 4 confidential folders of the Meme Company.

Not only Africa and India, but South America, Australia, North America and even Europe have all been played by Li Ang.

"Soviet Yuri Mind Control Project"

"South America God Creation Project"

"Europe Blood Race Cleaning Project"

"North American Man-made Completion Project"

Diana Princess looked at the rows of confidential documents and was silent, letting her nails pinch deep into her palms.

First Layer reasoning: Memetic companies help India build a public medical service system.

Second Layer reasoning: Meme companies are implementing genetic modification in India to solidify the Indian class.

The 3rd-layer reasoning: Meme companies solidify the Indian class in order to promote revolution.

The 4th layer reasoning: Not only India, the memetic company wants to destroy the inherent social order of the whole world, Li Ang is a majestic and loving father, he will wield the whip, spur the human race to move forward .

So far, Diana Princess can see through Li Ang's true purpose.

At the bottom of the document, there is a small line of ancient Chinese characters. Diana Princess reads word by word in jerky Mandarin:

"天行健, The gentleman strives for self-improvement."

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