Marvel: I Have Severe Mental Disorder

Chapter 134 Before the Assassination

Falling in love with, Marvel: I have a serious mental illness

Norman Osborn felt the pain, the pain of life rather than death brought about by the family genetic disease, and he felt the horror of the family genetic disease.

After feeling the pain, Norman Osborn sat in an office chair, rubbed his head with his hands, and carefully recalled his symptoms before he fell ill.

Before he got sick, his hands were shaking involuntarily.

Norman Osborn had not seen this symptom in his father, but had seen it once in his son Harry Osborn, when he came home after the illness and saw Harry's hand suddenly trembling.

Fortunately, Harry didn't get sick after shaking.

Norman Osborn had a guess in his heart. It was very likely that the Osborn family's genetic disease had undergone some mutations in his generation, becoming more dominant and more straightforward.

There is no drug to treat the genetic disease of the Osborn family, which Norman Osborn knew very well.

If it could be treated with medicine, the genetic disease of the Osborn family would have been terminated long ago, and it would never be passed on to him Norman Osborn and his son Harry Osborn.

Norman Osborn saw his son Harry, and he also showed the characteristics of the family's genetic disease before the onset of the disease, which made Norman Osborn extremely painful. He wanted to break the terrible magic of the Osborn family's genetic disease. curse.

This incident also made Norman Osborn more determined to develop the idea of ​​​​strengthening the human body. Only by strengthening his body, strengthening his genes, and making up for the defects in the genes, can the Osborn family completely return to normal.

At present, the human body strengthening serum developed by Norman Osborn is in the initial stage. The structure of the human body is really complicated, and the combination and matching between genes are full of mystery and inconceivable.

And this is the first human body strengthening serum used by their Osborn family, so everything has to be done carefully.

Norman Osborn firmly believes that Osborn Industries will succeed in the development of human fortified serums, which is beyond doubt.

After all, there has been a precedent for this before, and Captain America Steve Rogers is a prime example.

The Super Soldier Serum turned a sickly, emaciated young man into a superhero, Captain America.

Under the rudimentary and backward conditions of the last century, it is possible to develop super soldier serum.

There is no such reason in the world, but if there is a formula for super soldier serum, the progress of research will definitely be faster.

Thinking of this, Norman Osborn nodded with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

At the smartphone launch event, not only Norman Osborn had a smile on his face, he was thinking about it.

The emperor of New York's underground world, the leader of all the underworld, the most well-known great philanthropist, and the great benevolent person who was born to the Buddha, Mr. Jin Bing, who also aspires to become the mayor of New York.

Jin Bing looked at Zhou Ran on the stage, his face was full of blooming smiles, he stretched out his hand and gently applauded Zhou Ran, it could be seen that he was very happy now.

That is a kind of happiness from the inside out, it is a kind of happiness that every cell in the whole body is emitting joy.

smart phone? Very good ideas, great inventions, overthrowing all outdated mobile phones in one fell swoop, taking the lead, and the future development is blue, just look at it and know that this is a very lucrative market.

Adam and Eve? It's really a good thing, these two AIs can be developed again, and there are too many tricks to do!

Stark Industries Mall? What a great idea,

Good means, awesome, really awesome.

Using a smartphone in each hand will drive Stark Industries to develop again efficiently, increase user stickiness, and subtly cultivate the purchasing habits of customers and users, so that all mobile phone users will make Stark Industries their first choice.

Jake is amazing, Stark Industries is amazing, this link after link perfectly forms an industry chain, which is really great.

The better Stark Industries develops, the happier I am.

Because all of this is going to be mine, I'm about to swallow the behemoth of Stark Industries.

This kind of big gamble, this feeling of snake swallowing an elephant is really great, it makes my blood boil.

Jin and sighed lightly.

However, it is still a bit unpleasant that it can only be swallowed secretly. Jin Keke can't do it clearly. The identity he has created on the surface is there, and he has no such strength.

As for the identity in the dark, it is already in the dark, and it is impossible to show it at all.

As the emperor of the entire New York underground world, he secretly controls the underworld in the United States, and at least 40% of the criminal transactions are related to extremely vicious people, and Jin is very rich.

The wealth in Jin Bing's hands, those Franklins who are jumping every day, has reached an incalculable level, and Jin Bing himself does not know how much money he has.

Jin Bing, who is sitting in the underground kingdom, has an amazing amount of wealth in the entire Marvel universe. It is not difficult to squeeze into the top ten of the rich list.

However, gold does not have money and can spend all this money, these are two concepts.

Although they were all the same money, with Franklin's head engraved in green, some money could be spent, and some money could not be spent.

Most of the money in Jinbing’s hands is money that cannot be spent, and this money is black money.

If you want to spend black money, you must first launder it. This step of money laundering is very important. Only after money laundering can the money come in normally, and it will not be unreasonable.

If there is no money laundering step, Jin Bing would have been arrested long ago. Those FBI are not dry rice, but not vegetarian, they still have some brains.

However, even if Jin also launders money through various methods, such as: doing business at a loss all day long, building Fisker Pharmaceutical Building, doing charity in the United States; setting up anonymous companies to invest in cash-intensive industries, using fake financial companies, legal affairs Money laundering by institutions such as brokerages; forgery of commercial paper, money laundering through the securities and insurance industries.

Even if he laundered money through various methods, Jin had no way to launder all the black money in his hands. No matter which industry it was in, suddenly a large amount of money would be investigated by the FBI and the IRS. He sold it himself, and the fox showed his feet.

The IRS proposes that after various large-scale zero-dollar purchases in the United States, the stolen goods and income obtained must be reported to the IRS and taxed.

This kind of joke is like a joke. Jin Bian never imagined that some idiots would go to the IRS staff to report and pay taxes, and then these people's stolen goods were all confiscated, and they were directly sent to prison.

When Jin Bing heard the news, he couldn't help sneering. This is really stupid. You are a criminal to pay taxes, why would the IRS collect your taxes, directly drain you all, and then throw them in jail?

Jinbian has already prepared funds for secretly swallowing Stark Industries. He uses both black money and white money. He himself used the white money to buy the shares of Stark Industries. The loyal core triad forces use black money to buy them.

Those core triads, but not even Bullseye, Jin Bing always likes balance and checks and balances. He always leaves himself a few back ways and a few cards in his hand.

Use Bullseye's ruthlessness to check and balance those unstable gangsters, those gangsters who don't obey management, those gangsters who have rebellion in their hearts, and then use the loyal and fully mastered gangsters to check and balance Bullseye in turn.

As for what he said to Bullseye, of course, Jin Biao was painting the cake, the kingdom of the underworld, this great work, but Jin Biao spent decades of hard work to create it.

Jin Keke was reluctant to give this foundation, this goal that he had always wanted to achieve when he was a teenager, to Bullseye. There is only one king of the underground world and that is Jin Bing.

Frank the Punisher mixed in with the crowd at the press conference. After Zhou Ran came in, he came in alone, and Deadpool was thrown into the car by Frank alone.

Frank wears a cap, a very inconspicuous brown suit, a pair of glasses, a thick mustache on his lips, a camera around Frank's neck, a reporter on his chest , with a large schoolbag on his back.

Frank entered the venue after disguising himself. As a retired member of the Marine Corps, Frank is extremely proficient in these makeup and hidden methods.

After all this dressing up, Frank doesn't look at all like Hell's Kitchen, the famous Punisher who made gangsters terrified.

Anti-God Evil God

Frank is now like the reporters in the venue, his demeanor, demeanor, and behavior are exactly the same.

Even Zhou Ran, who was speaking just now on the stage, did not find the figure of Frank the Punisher. Frank's makeup skills were really amazing.

After chatting with the reporters around him for a while, Frank deliberately found a very good position in general, with a wide field of vision, and began to silently observe the scene of the press conference, observing one after another on the scene.

Frank did not enter the venue with Deadpool.

Because it is not wise to enter with Deadpool, after all, the red tights and the very perverted decoration are too attracting attention.

After some observation, Frank also found the location of Jessica who had sneaked into the scene a long time ago. Frank did not take the initiative to find Jessica.

He frowned, touched the headset with his hand, and asked in a low voice, Jessica, you have been in the venue, have you noticed anything?

Hearing what Frank the Punisher asked, Jessica shook her head and replied, Punisher, I didn't find a killer or someone like a killer. I sneaked here in advance, and everything was normal.

After listening to Frank, he nodded, took a deep breath, and his eyes became more and more solemn.

In this situation now, there are only two possibilities. The first is that there is no assassination at all, and the second is that the killers are terrible. They are not normal killers, they are specially trained like them.

If it is the second case, then the person who is planning behind the scenes must be very patient.

This is a very terrifying person. The assassination is sometimes like fishing. You must have strong patience and determination. The most important thing in fishing is to pull the fish out of the water at the moment when the fish is hooked.

All the actions before that were all wrestling and learning from the fish.

A smile appeared on the corner of Frank's mouth. This thing is getting more and more interesting. He pressed the headset and asked in a low voice, Daredevil, Iron Fist, do you two have any new discoveries?

Daredevil lying under the car shook his head and said, Punisher, as before, there is no smell of gunpowder and inflammables around Times Square, and there is no sound of swords unsheathed, everything is normal.

Iron Fist Danny Rand, who was standing on an office building outside Times Square, opened his eyes and said, Sorry, I didn't find the killer, the qi here is normal, not like the chaotic qi machine when danger occurs. .

When I was studying in the Kunlun Secret Realm, Master Lei Gong, who taught me skills, said that in meditation, you can use qi to perceive the world more realistically. In normal times, when things move naturally, qi will not change.

But once someone destroys it, the qi mechanism will change. By observing the world with qi during meditation, you can find this change, and through this change, you can determine the specific situation that causes danger.

Tell everyone the good news. From what I saw, we won't encounter any terrifying dangers this time, so you don't have to be so nervous, and the few of us together are really strong.

After listening to Frank, he said in a very calm tone: Iron fist, I don't know what you're angry about, and I don't know what you can see, but I know that the calm before a storm always makes people think that there is no storm, and it doesn't erupt in silence, Just die in silence.

So, we all still have to keep our full attention, and we must not be slack in the slightest. We must know that it is easier to destroy than to protect, and it is easier to kill than to save people.

Jake is not just a person, he is an upward spirit, a great character, we must protect him!

Frank paused, gave orderly orders, and said, Luke Cage, your mission is the most important. You must guard Jake's side every step of the way. Your King Kong's undamaged skin is the most important shield, which is very important.

Your ability, Daredevil, is also very important, you can detect danger, you can get the precise location of the enemy, just like a radar... Daredevil your location, keep still, or keep lurking in the car, Report the enemy's location for us, don't come forward until the critical moment, you are the back-up.

Iron fist, your ability is very powerful. A pair of iron fists is indestructible. When facing a strong enemy, you are responsible for fighting. I will give you long-range fire support...

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