Chapter 187

On a private jet over Washington.

Pepper leaned tightly on the front seat, panic in his eyes, very anxious.

The secretary and lawyer beside him were also with Pepper, watching the small TV ahead intently.

What appeared on TV was New York where the war was raging.

Big explosions, flames, damaged streets, aliens in the sky, panicked crowds, and police everywhere to maintain law and order.

‘New York’s streets have become battlefields, and the army has arrived, trying to control the situation, but obviously, they are not opponents at all. ’

Everyone listened to the host’s explanation on the TV.

Pepper hadn’t noticed that two meters behind him, his mobile phone by the window was vibrating.

‘I’ve never seen such a scene, we know very little about this response team, but we recognize Iron Man, a millionaire, Tony Stark…’

On the Sky Mothership, Nick was also standing in front of the screen, watching calmly, and at the same time had begun to think about what to do after the war.


Tony was carrying the nuclear bomb, getting closer and closer to the Stark Building.

Looking at the portrait of Pepper on the screen, his eyes became more and more cautious.

There were no other thoughts in his mind, only the nuclear bomb in his body was sent to the portal.

J.A.R.V.I.S sends all the energy to the steering system.

The two propulsion devices on his chest were fully opened, and two fierce plasma fireworks were ejected.

The energy of the armor began to consume quickly.




Tony carried the supersonic nuclear bomb and started to turn to high altitude and rose.

Mark 7 brushed past the Stark Building, and under everyone’s gaze, carrying the nuclear bomb rushed straight towards the portal.

Leo followed not far behind Tony, carrying the two nuclear bombs beside him, and also turned to high altitude.

One after the other, with golden light on all of them, they passed straight through the illusory giant portal and rushed in.


On the Air and Sky Mothership, all the agents who paid attention to this scene.

Watching three nuclear bombs disappear on the streets of New York and enter the portal.

Seeing the disappearance of the nuclear threat in New York, everyone couldn’t help but cheer up Roar.

Hill’s tight heart finally stayed slightly, and he exhaled and looked at Nick Fury not far away.

There was also a rare smile on Fury’s face, and he nodded when he looked at Hill.

S.H.I.E.L.D began to act.


Tony At the moment also forgot the nuclear bomb behind him. Leo behind him put the nuclear bomb on his shoulder with all his heart.

Mark VII is about to run out of power, carrying the pinnacle of human weapon history.

From the flames of war, there were explosions, wailings, crashes, huge amounts of sound waves on the battlefield of New York.

Flew into the dark outer space.

There was only the silence of death.

All the sounds disappeared in an instant, and all the noise was left behind, even the tearing air sounds of him wearing his armor and slashing through the air.

Mark VII has completely lost its power. At this moment, the power equipment of the nuclear bomb is carrying Tony continuously hitting upwards.

Tony’s eyes widened and trembling slightly, and again Roar didn’t get a response when he called Pepper.

‘Roar is called failure. ’

Tony let go of the arms holding the nuclear bomb weakly.

The nuclear bomb still rushed upward with its tail flames, and the target was the huge and incomparable Zetaru mothership in the distance.

And Mark VII completely lost all power, the eyes of the battle armor and the reactor in the chest were all extinguished, and the virtual status panel in front of it was also dimmed and disappeared.

With the back of the Zetaru mothership, a faint Fixed Star light shines in the distance.

Tony could also see with his naked eyes that in the vast amounts of space, hundreds of Leviathans were slowly flying towards the portal from both ends of the mothership.

The endless dark universe, the fierce Zetaru battleship, and countless Leviathan beasts all showed up in front of Tony Stark.

As Mark VII was captured by the poor gravity of the earth and fell feebly, the terrifying darkness seemed to swallow Tony.

Two silhouettes with tail flames swept past Mark Qi, who was unable to fall, speeding up and chasing after the previous nuclear bomb.

Within a second, three nuclear bombs exploded powerfully on the Zetaru mothership.

Tony, who was tens of thousands of meters away, also really saw the power of a nuclear bomb.

A dazzling light flashed that couldn’t be seen directly.

A crimson-orange energy fireball expanded, swallowing the entire Zetaru mothership in one second, and rapidly expanded.

It will affect them in a few seconds.


In New York, Manhattan, all the Zeta Swiss soldiers lost their links instantly, fell to the ground and died without warning.

The Leviathan who had been stunned by Thor had also completely lost the chance to get up again.

Rogers panted and looked at the portal in the sky.

Natasha Romanoff also looked at the sky tightly, hoping to see them in the next moment, “Come on, Stark! Leo!”.

Several people below also saw the power of the nuclear bomb explosion, and the dazzling light of the nuclear bomb explosion made Rogers a little unable to look directly at it.

Rogers glanced at Thor next to him, in order to prevent nuclear bomb energy from spreading through the portal to New York below.

“Close it!” Captain Rogers said.

Natasha Romanoff did not move. She stared at the sky closely. She defied the order and decided to wait.

At the moment, the explosion energy range of the nuclear bomb is getting closer and closer to the earth.


The spoiler behind Mark VII, under the control of J.A.R.V.I.S’s last consciousness, was separated from the body so that Tony could fall faster.

Stark closed his eyes as he watched the rushing nuclear bomb energy.

Fighters that have lost their energy supply cannot continue to provide oxygen and provide corresponding protective measures. The outer shell of Mark VII has a layer of frost in space.

Nothing worked, Stark could only wait helplessly, unable to make any other actions.

But as soon as Tony closed his eyes, he felt the whole person turn around.

The leaning back figure turned into a frontal descent.

When I opened my eyes once, I only saw a pair of purple-gold phantom wings leading in front of me.

The two have quickly passed through the portal and returned to the earth.

Under Leo’s control, Mark 7 followed firmly behind him steadily.

“Natasha Romanoff, it’s up to you!”

Leo’s brisk voice rang in the channel.

Natasha Romanoff also had a smile at the corner of his mouth. The scepter in his hand inserted into the energy center of the Rubik’s Cube without hesitation, interrupting the energy supply.

The light blue energy column disappeared above Manhattan.

The huge portal above, quickly patched up the loopholes in space, but disappeared completely in just two or three seconds.

In outer space, the empty portal disappeared in place, and the tyrannical energy of nuclear bombs followed it, swept over from above, destroying everything.

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