Marvel: I Can Control Metal

Chapter 395: Li Ye told Leo the purpose

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Li Qian saw Xiang Liou approach Li Ye, hung up the phone and ran over.

"Brother, what do you want to do!"

"Cici, I just saw Leo's face..." Li Ye's head suddenly leaned against Leo's face.

Haven't waited for him to finish.

A strong and intuitive pressure rushed out from the front, and hit Li Ye's nose straight.

As soon as he opened his mouth, a solid air wall came in fiercely.

Li Ye, who was leaning forward, retreated, took a few steps madly, and sat on the sofa fiercely. He didn't feel relieved for a long time, but his nose was sore from the bump, and his eyes couldn't help. He burst into tears.

In Cici's eyes, it was only Li Ye himself who jumped back suddenly, took a few steps, and sat on the sofa and cried motionlessly.

Looking at her is inexplicable, not knowing what to say.

He turned his head and glanced at Leo, who looked normal, still smiling, and there seemed to be nothing wrong.

"Cici, come in and do me a favor."

"Come on!"

Li Qian heard Jenny's voice and ran over briskly.

Li Ye, whose eyes were so shocked that he couldn't be further left, blinked lightly with tears in his eyes, staring at Leo closely, as if he wanted to see him through.

‘Impossible, this is impossible! ! How could the coercion be so strong! ’

‘Even the second uncle, the pressure on his body can only slightly shake the water waves and disperse the dust around him. How can such a strong attack be formed? ’

‘Can martial arts training be strengthened to this level? impossible! Absolutely impossible! Is Leo that kind of person? ! ’

Leo looked at Li Ye, still with the smile on his face, but a little curious in his eyes.

"Li Ye, right? Li Qian mentioned you to me, why? Why are you hostile to me?"

With an attitude of asking if you don't understand, Leo looked at Li Ye and said.

Only when Leo uttered a sound, Li Ye couldn't help but tremble.

Supporting his body with both hands, before he could speak, a faint blood stain flowed from his nostrils.

Li Ye swallowed lightly, "Hostility? That' just took Cici away. She is my sister, don't you allow me to see you?"

Looking at Li Ye's pure gaze, Leo suddenly realized that he still thought too much, so Li Ye was only involved in him because of his love for Li Qian.

But this kind of feeling thought never appeared in Leo's body, and it was ignored for a while.

Perhaps it was because of the problems experienced over the years, after feeling hostility, I became a lot more alert.

Especially after returning from space, he was naturally more sensitive to the perception of hostility, so Li Ye was also a little bit rude.

Feeling that Leo's austere gaze disappeared completely, Li Ye's trembling body finally stopped.

The trace of scrutiny in his original eyes also disappeared completely.

"Just now... which one was just now?"

Li Ye sat upright and asked softly and carefully.

Seeing a tall young man who looked cautiously like a quail, Leo also shook his head gently and pressed his hands gently.

On the single sofa I was sitting on, the armrest on the side was supposed to be soft leather, but as Leo's arm moved lightly, two hidden holes appeared.

Among them, two small muzzles the size of a baby's fist quickly rose.

"Air cannon, 0.5 second trigger time, Stark gave me, is it interesting?"

With Leo's arms covered, the two small muzzles also retracted instantly.

Li Ye looked at the two small pitch-black muzzles, but he didn't know why, but his heart relaxed a lot. The thoughts that had been hanging on him finally disappeared.

‘Is it the air cannon that Iron Man Stark made for him? Let me just say it? My luck is not so bad, how could I meet that kind of person. ’

"It turned out to be this, I thought...this is a bit scary, haha."

Li Ye licked his lips lightly, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

Leo also smiled slightly, where there is such a thing, but he used a part of the metal frame of the sofa to make up two dark and textured cannons.

But even if it was something that was driven out in a hurry, it was easy to fool Li Ye casually.

After all, the identities of himself and Stark were already known by the two of them. With this relationship mixed in, it would be no problem to eliminate the matter just now.

Although the confusion in Li Ye's heart had been resolved, he was still a little timid about Leo unconsciously.

But after I looked at Li Qian in the open kitchen, the doubt in my heart still remained unresolved.

"Leo, do you have anything to do with the black prison?"

Hearing Li Ye's words, Leo's eyes narrowed slightly, "Black Prison? Why would you think I have anything to do with them?"

"Because I saw you enter the black prison headquarters."

Li Ye hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth that he was ready to find the answer by himself.

But then looked at Leo and said quickly.

"But there is nothing bad about the black prison. After all, the reputation of the black prison is much better than those of the previous batch of Mike fast food restaurants. It is usually fair to the shops under the name."

"And also deal with those robberies,"

"Under the governance of the black prison in the entire Queens area, the atmosphere is much better, so what I said is meaningless, really!"

I don't know why, Li Ye always feels a little timid about this boy who is much younger, no matter his age or height.

No matter what the relationship between Leo and the black prison is, it is always right to put it better.

Besides, the reputation of the black prison is really good in Queens.

They will not be like the previous bosses in name. All they bring is chaos and more chaos.

But what the black prison has brought is order, the order of the underworld.

Although it was only a short, it was really calm after passing the **** baptism in the black prison.

There are even many small organizations that just didn't reach the black prison in front, and left the Queens area directly and went to other places to hang out. For those little gangsters who didn't have a fixed place, it didn't matter where they were.

The remaining organizations that can't walk are also consciously converging a lot.

Compared with the chaotic Queens area a year ago, this Queens area is what people living here want to see.

Although in Leo's view, there are still great loopholes and instability factors.

But he also saw that Zoster was really concerned about this matter.

And this is the purpose of Leo's creation of the black prison. At least, it can make Jenny and George more safe and secure when they go out.

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