Marvel: I Am Odin’s Brother

Vol 3 Chapter 99: : Observer 2

"They can't control me..."

Hearing the words of "Big Head Doll" Yuatu, Ganata pouted and snorted: "I'm going to devour this planet today, you can't stop me!"

"Miss Ganata..."

"Big Head Doll" Yoartu sighed, "If His Highness Ganata insists on destroying this planet today, please don't blame His Highness... I will stop His Highness!"

Ganata looked at Yuartu in surprise. She knew the race of the Observer, and it could even be said that the Observer race had something to do with her.

This is not the case with the previous observers.

Before the endless years, the early observer race had directly carried out hundreds of thousands of technological upgrades from a primitive civilization that was still at a low level.

The most typical example is: there was a member of the Observer who brought a nuclear energy gift package to a race that was still in the primitive tribal civilization.

This kind of suffocating operation also made the primitive tribes at that time a little confused.

Nonetheless, the Observer race quickly elevated the civilization of that planet to the age of nuclear civilization.

For this reason, the observers clapped their hands and left with satisfaction, preparing to come back to see it after a while.

As a result, when the subsequent observer race came back, they found that the civilization of that planet had been destroyed.

Because of this technological civilization with no background accumulation, it accelerated the corruption of the civilization on that star.

Therefore, it directly caused the people on that planet to start wars in order to compete for resources, and eventually went to extinction.

It was precisely because of the demise of the natives of that planet that, under the leadership of his father, Ganata was able to devour that planet and have a good meal.

After the destruction of life on a planet, coupled with the disappearance of the planet, the observers have decided that they will no longer participate in any life events in the universe.

It's just that I will witness it as a bystander. This is the lifelong commitment of the observer family!

But what Ganata didn't expect was that the observer in front of him would break the promise of their race - to prevent himself from swallowing the planet of the Eternals.

"You beat him..."

Ganatara pulled the corner of Ravels' clothes and whispered, "Knock him down and we can devour this planet!!"


Hearing Ganata's words, Wells, who was watching the play at the side, was also stunned for a moment. He first smiled politely at the "big head doll", and then whispered to Ganata: "What are you doing? No, you have to pull me..."

As the so-called see in a small way!

Wells is not a fool either. When he first saw "Big Head Doll", he immediately realized that this person is a master!

An extremely difficult powerhouse!

No hatred, no grudges, why would you provoke such a strong man!


"Big Head Doll" Yua seemed to have heard the conversation between Ganata and Wells. He nodded slightly: "I don't want to do anything with His Highness Ganata either..."


It was too late to speak, and Yoartu the "big head doll" raised his palms, his body was imposing, and his five fingers went straight to Wells's head with a gust of yin wind.

While attacking, Yoatu said apologetically, "How offended..."

Wells showed disapproval, and secretly scolded this guy for not being disciplined at all, even if he said he would beat him.

But now people are swordsmen, I am fish, and Wells has to fight.

Wells dodged sideways and avoided the edge of "Big Head Doll" Yuartu, but when Wells looked at "Big Head Doll" again, he found that "Big Head Doll" Yuartu was like a ghost, and posted Moved by his body, he didn't know when he appeared beside him again,

"Big Head Doll" Yuartu continued to stretch out and grabbed Wells' head. Wells saw that he could not hide at the moment. On Wells' left shoulder, "Big Head Doll" Yoatu moved his fingertips slightly.


There was a crisp sound from Wells' shoulders.

Wells' eyebrows trembled, enduring the pain, he swung his right hand, and hit "Big Head Doll" Yuartu with a heavy hammer.


"Big Head Doll" Yoatu's body was like a stone. After Wells slammed "Big Head Doll" Yoatu's body, the infinite glove made of Zhenjin made a dull clashing sound.

Seeing this scene, how dare Wells hide his clumsiness, the power of the Infinity Stones gathers.


A flash of lightning illuminates the surrounding galaxies.


The golden light appeared, and Wells roared, "Get away from me..."


Wells' fist landed on the head of "Big Head Doll" Yoatu.

This time, the sound of falling fists was accompanied by thunder, and the expression of "Big Head Doll" Yuartu changed, and his body quickly retreated, and his body did not stop until he had withdrawn two feet away.

After Yuartu retreated, Wells squeezed his shoulders. Only at this moment did he realize that the bones of his left shoulder had been crushed to pieces by the "big-headed doll" Yuartu.

Wells stretched out his right hand, the divine power brushed over his left shoulder, and the huge divine power began to repair the injury just now.

In this confrontation, it seems that Wells beat Yuartu back, but the reality is that Wells is considered inferior, and his left shoulder was crushed by the "big-headed baby" Yuartu in the first round.

This will have a great impact on the next battle.

"Infinity Stones?"

After Yuartu stabilized his figure, he looked at the glowing gemstone in Wells' hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

"Are you still fighting?"

Wells moved his left hand and noticed that it was still a little painful. He had to put his left hand down and asked Yoartu the "big head doll" in a deep voice, "Why did you stop us?"

Hearing Wells' question, Ganata also looked towards "Yoartu.

Wells' question is also what she wants to ask the most. After so many, only this Yuartu violated the orders of the Observer Clan.

"Big Head Doll" Yuartu responded, "I can't tell you yet..."


Wells said disapprovingly, "Then I'll hit you and say..."

After speaking, Wells was covered in golden light, clenched his fists tightly, and threw himself at "Big Head Doll" Yoatu.

This time, he didn't deliberately control his power, and the power of the four gems gathered into his fist.

Under the might of the sky, take the thunder to enter!


In the face of Wells' attack, Yuartu frowned and said fiercely, "Back then, when my Observer clan fought against the Heavenly God Group, and they fought hard and were defeated, how could someone like you imagine the power!"

After he finished speaking, Yoartu the "Big Head Doll" was not afraid either. He took a deep breath and flew directly towards Wells. He was even faster than Wells at the moment.


A vast beam of light struck, and after this moment, the galaxy was completely silent.



ps: After posting it again, I will correct it. If you have any typos, please leave a message. .


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