The most important thing is that they both wear steel armor...

I have to say that Stan is also considered a personal belonging. After being assigned to Russia by Pierce, he integrated that branch in just a few days, and then made every effort to develop a new generation of steel armor based on the wreckage of Mark 1.

Chapter 107 Tony, long time no see! -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

I have to say that Stan is also considered a personal belonging. After being assigned to Russia by Pierce, he integrated that branch in just a few days, and then made every effort to develop a new generation of steel armor based on the wreckage of Mark 1.

At the same time, he was in the same era as Tony’s father Howard Stark. Of course, he will not forget the father and son Ivan Vanke, who was driven out of the United States by Howard, now living a poor life in Russia. You must know Ivan Vanke. 'S father is a genius scientist who has studied the Ark Reactor together with Howard.

Stan quickly found them through Hydra's intelligence resources, hoping that they could help him solve the energy problem of the steel armor.

But it’s a pity that when Stan arrived at their residence, Ivan Vanke’s father was already weak and only a breath, and died that night full of resentment. Stan could only retreat and put Ivan · Vanke brought back the branch.

Ivan Vanke, who had been instilled in hatred since he was a child, heard Stan seeking revenge from Tony Stark, but he took his precious parrot and went with Stan without saying a word.

Ivan Vanke is also very competitive. Although he did not develop a small Ark reactor like Tony, he also created the energy for the steel armor based on the energy block of the Cosmos Cube of the Hydra Russian Luo Division.

Before Zoe took the space gem, he asked Skynet to throw the universe cube to Hydra. Unexpectedly, Hydra carried the black pot on its own initiative, and after a few hands, it was in the hands of the Russian Luo Division. Here, the researchers inside also used the technology left behind by Anim Zola to extract energy from the Cosmos Rubik's Cube.

It's just that the black widow who sneaked into the Cosmos Cube hadn't waited long for them to be proud of it. You must know that the Cosmos Cube emits gamma rays spontaneously, and Skynet relied on this to find the Cosmos Cube.

After the Black Widow Natasha stole the Cube of the Universe, the next moment this branch of Ruos was turned upside down by agents from S.H.I.E.L.D.

The current Russian Luos branch was just created, otherwise Pierce would not send Stan over.

But fortunately, the energy block was still taken away by the retreat at the time, so Stan and Ivan Vanke were able to catch up with Tony's progress and developed the steel armor at almost the same time.

At the same time as the battle armor was completed, the ambitious Stan slaughtered the Russian branch immediately, announced that he had betrayed the Hydra, and then went to find Tony 820 for revenge with Ivan Vanke.

It turned out that as Tony's elder, he naturally knew Tony's residence, so this scene appeared.

Tony, who was unprepared, was directly bombarded by Stan’s missiles. Even Pepper Pepper was buried under the ruins. After awakening, Tony wanted to rescue Pepper under the ruins for the first time. But with his little strength, how could he be able to carry the large reinforced concrete slab that was pressing on Pepper.

So after saying "Wait for me" with Pepper who was still alive in the cracks of the ruins, he ran directly to his underground laboratory and put on the newly developed Mark 3.

But Stan and Ivan Vanke wouldn’t stand outside the door honestly waiting for Tony to wear his armor. When Tony walked out through the wall wearing Mark 3, Stan had already held Pepper covered in blood in his hand. .

Stan and Ivan Vanke’s battle armor is completely different from Mark 3. Stan’s battle armor is more bloated, with all kinds of weapons on it, while Ivan Vanke’s simple style, except for one Outside of the armor that protects himself, there are only two long whips flashing in the entire battle armor, which are thrown on the ground from time to time, leaving dark scorching marks on the ground.

"Tony, long time no see!" Stan lowered the steel mask and said with a grinning grin.

(PS: Guiqiu automatic subscription!).

Text Chapter 108 I love...

"Stan! You..." Tony said incredulously.

"Tony, do you know? Pepper is a good woman, but it's a pity that she followed the wrong person. I want you to feel the feeling of losing everything."

Perceiving that he was about to die, Pepper gathered up the courage to shout affectionately at Tony for the last time:

"Tony, I love..."

But before those three words could be spoken, Stan manipulated the steel armor he was wearing and directly chopped Pepper's neck, and then roughly threw her body on the floor in front of Tony.

"Do not!"

Tony rushed forward, caught Pepper, and then kept touching her face, hoping that everything just now was just his own illusion.

But the reality is always cruel, Pepper has lost her pulse, she is really dead...

Suddenly, Tony Stark, the **** who was originally bohemian, who seemed to care about everything, felt that his world had collapsed, as if everything around him had lost its color and turned grayish white.

He wept bitterly, he wailed, he kept kissing Pepper's face, but it was too late, Pepper could no longer respond to him, he couldn't ‘annoy’ him as before.

Stan and Ivan Vanke were laughing happily, and the tears of laughter were almost falling.

"Tony Stark, this feels good, there is only one person left in the world who is desperate. You, the proud man of heaven, can also feel it." This time it was Ivan Vanke.

His father died in depression because of the Stark family, and Ivan Vanke inherited the hatred 100% and became a beast against Stark.

However, Tony couldn't hear him anymore. At this moment, Tony's mind was repeatedly showing the bits and pieces of the previous and Pepper's, and he couldn't get rid of it.

It wasn’t until Ivan Vanke locked his neck with a whip and forcibly dragged it under his and Stan’s feet that Tony woke up. Fortunately, Mark 3 detected the danger and automatically put on the armor on his head, otherwise Tony would have been The strong current on the whip turned into a burnt corpse.

Tony was awake and burst into anger in his heart for an instant, and his eyes began to be bloodshot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Stan, I want you to pay for my life~々!"

After speaking, Tony directly repelled Ivan Vanke with a palm cannon, broke free from the shackles of his neck, and then hurled at Stan desperately.

The huge kinetic energy directly brought Stan's Iron Overlord and fell out of the villa that had been in ruins.

However, the Mark 3 has just been developed and has not had time to load various weapons. At present, it only has the ability to fly and the palm cannon. It cannot break the defenses of Stan and Ivan Vanke, not to mention the reactors in their chests. Manufactured from the energy of the Cosmos Rubik's Cube, the output power is far better than Tony's small Ark reactor.

So soon, Tony was pushed to the ground by Stan and Ivan Vanke, unable to move. Even if Tony gathered all the energy to his chest and emitted a huge energy ray, it was regarded by Stan’s Iron Overlord as inconsistent with him. The speed of the bloated figure, keenly avoided.

"Ivan Vanke, dig out the reactor in his chest. With it, the future of the world is in our hands!" Stan drove the Iron Overlord to suppress Tony with all his strength, and then said to Ivan Vanke.

Although the reactor made of the energy of the Cosmos Rubik's Cube is powerful, it is a non-renewable resource.

As long as he gets Tony’s small Ark reactor, Stan will continue to produce steel warriors without fear of Hydra’s counterattack. Even Stan thinks about it. Once the technology is available, he will go far away to control a small country in Africa and then boo. Shh development.

Ivan Vanke nodded, and put away the whip in his right hand without saying a word, and then buckled the reactor on Tony's chest.

Tony fought hard, ignoring the burning sensation caused by the overload of the energy pile in his chest, and exerted 100% of Mark 3's power to get out of the shackles of Iron Overlord, but his anger in his heart could not enhance Mark 3's power.

From the beginning of its design, it was not set according to the power type, and naturally it was impossible to win the Iron Overlord with more powerful power.

Chapter 108 I love...-->> (page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

From the beginning of its design, it was not set according to the power type, and naturally it was impossible to win the Iron Overlord with more powerful power.

As the armor on his chest was gradually deformed by Ivan Vanke, it made a harsh metal rubbing sound.

Tony's heart also gradually fell to the bottom, and the loss of energy meant his death. Tony was not afraid of death. What he hated was that he could not avenge Pepper.

At this time, Jarvis, the artificial intelligence developed by Tony, gave him a glimmer of hope.

"Sir, would you like to call for help!"

After hearing this reminder from Jarvis, Tony thought of Zoe for the first time. You must know that a cat in Zoe’s family has that kind of extraordinary power. It is conceivable that Zoe himself is absolutely good, although it is nothing. According to it, Tony has this instinct.

"Jarvis, call me Zoe."

"`¨Sorry, sir, there is no Zoe in your address book."

Tony's struggle stopped abruptly, and then said awkwardly:

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