The goddess Bast found that she did not hit Zoe nor was discouraged, she disappeared again at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and she, who was in her soul state, did not make a sound of breaking through the air, just disappeared silently.

Zoe tightened his nerves and looked around vigilantly. He could feel the goddess Bastet moving fast around him. Sen Leng's eyes kept staring at him, as long as a trace of flaws was revealed to greet Zoe. It must be her thunder blow.

In the face of this tense battle, Zoe suddenly smiled happily.

This kind of nerve is tense all the time, adrenaline is secreted very fast, dancing from the tip of the knife, and the feeling of walking with death is so cool!

No wonder there are so many people all over the world who play extreme sports regardless of life and death!

Zoe has never felt so real, alive!

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Text Chapter 67 Kitty, where are you going

And Zoe’s distraction also gave Bastet an opportunity. She appeared directly on Zoe’s left side, and she swung her claws at Zoe’s chest. It was too late when Zoe was about to teleport away. .

The master's victory or defeat is just a matter of thinking, Zoe's distraction in the battle is obviously lack of experience.

So Zoe also paid the price. Although he teleported to the other side, although he escaped a fatal attack, he was also hit in his left arm by Bast, and the severe pain that followed made Zoe groan. Two beeps.

Zoe glanced at his left arm, and saw that the arm looked intact on the surface, but Zoe could clearly feel that the elbow of his left arm had lost consciousness at once, and his left hand was like a piece growing on the body at the moment. Like his flesh, although it exists, it is no longer under his control.

Reminiscing about the sharp pain he felt when he was hit, Zoe already had speculation in his heart.

"Soul attack? It's really dangerous!"

Although he has been injured, but I don't know why the smile on Zoe's face is even brighter.

The panther goddess Bastet looked at the smile on Zoe's face, and suddenly felt a shudder inexplicably.

"What a lunatic!"

Then the goddess Bastet disappeared from Zoe's sight again, and Zoe teleported to another place as she disappeared.

In an instant, from the perspective of King Techaka and Princess Su Rui, countless Zoe appeared in the huge palace. This was the afterimage of Zoe teleported too fast and left in their retina.

And the goddess Bastet also appeared from time to time, smashing the afterimages of Zoe one after another.

This is a contest of speed and reaction, as well as a contest of patience and soul. As long as Zoe relaxes a little bit, Bastet's claws will pierce his chest.

Time passed slowly, half an hour passed without knowing it, the eyes of King Techaka and Princess Su Rui were gone, and Zoe and Bastet still did not decide the outcome.

I don't know if it is Bast's illusion, she feels that Zoe's reaction seems to be getting faster and faster and the teleport angle is getting more and more tricky. She can't keep up with Zoe's speed.

Bastet’s cognition is not wrong. Zoe has gradually become accustomed to Bastet’s speed in this tense battle, and this frantically probing situation on the edge of death also allows Zoe to be fast at a speed visible to the naked eye. Adapted to the rhythm of the battle.

Even he could vaguely guess where Bastet would appear next time, and where her attack would fall on his body. Sometimes, if he escaped Bastet’s attack, he would send out one or two rays to counterattack from time to time. .

Zoe is growing rapidly in the battle, he is using Bastet's whetstone to become more and more sharp!

Gradually, the goddess Bast began to become impatient, stopped her figure and looked at Zoe in mid-air.

"Human, I admit you are troublesome, but it's time to end."

After finishing speaking, Bastet directly gave up her own beast's fighting method and directly used the vast divine power in the body. Although the beast's fighting method was the most familiar and comfortable for her, she was already impatient.

"Everything else, kitty, I want to play a little longer." Zoe said teasingly.

Chapter 67 Kitty, where are you going-->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Everything else, kitty, I want to play a little longer." Zoe said teasingly.

After hearing Zoe's disrespectful words, Bastet's eyes flashed with irritation, directly concentrating divine power to his throat, and then let out a roar in the direction of Zoe.

The air seemed to have been blessed by Bast’s supernatural power. This roar shook waves, but this roar was most aimed at the souls of all things. Some of the flowers and grasses in the palace that were affected by the aftermath seemed to lose their spirituality in an instant. , Becoming like plastic flowers and plants, their souls were shattered!

And Zoe faced this roar, although it was not the same as the flowers, but the soul was shaking violently, and it had reached the edge of fragmentation.

The reaction in reality was that Zoe stood there blankly, his brain blank.

When the goddess Bastet saw this scene, she smiled triumphantly at the corner of her mouth, licked her paws in no hurry, then walked up to Zoe and stroked Zoe’s chest with her paws, just like a stroke. There was no resistance as a ball of air, and Zoe didn't leave any scars on his body.

In the next moment, the blood on Zoe's face quickly disappeared, becoming as pale as a dead man, and his undulating chest did not move, and he fell to the ground like a piece of wood and splashed with dust.

With the death of Zoe, the chains originally tied to King Techaka automatically retracted into the treasure house. The free Techaka immediately gave a five-body bow to their belief in the black panther goddess Bast.

"Great goddess, please save my son!"

Tchaka said piously, in his heart, the goddess Bast is omnipotent and can naturally save his prince, but Bast shook his head in the face of his expectation.

"This person is completely dead, I can't save him."

The Tchaka who got the reply seemed to be a lot older in an instant, and even his upright back seemed to become rickety. Suddenly he seemed to think of something.

"That great goddess, can I see him in the land of the ancestors?" Tchaka asked with the last glimmer of hope.

"Nor, he has not eaten heart-shaped grass, and he cannot return to the land of his ancestors after death."

The panther goddess Bastet shook her head and pinched out Tchaka's last hope without mercy. She was already a little impatient when asked by Tchaka.

"Okay, I'm going back, remember to rebuild Wakanda quickly."

"Yes, great goddess." Techaka replied in despair.

After speaking, Bastet turned to return to the land of the ancestors and continued to sleep to absorb the power of the Wakanda people's faith, but a familiar voice made her froze in place.

"Yeah, kitty, the battle is not over yet, where are you going!"

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Chapter 68 of the main body of the text, the Yin Soldier borrows the way, and there is no grass!

Bastet turned his head and saw that Zoe was greeting her with her ruined left hand like a okay person.

"You???" The goddess Bastet looked dumbfounded.

"Okay, kitty, I won't play with you, it's been long enough."

After talking about Zoe, he launched [Son of Death], opened the soul space of this skill, and released the soul army that has reached hundreds of thousands in it. Although Zoe did not have it when he bombed Wakanda wildly. People who deliberately aimed at Wakanda, but the aftermath also killed hundreds of thousands, so the number of undead being manipulated soared so much.

It's just that the palace is too small to accommodate too many undead, so it can only be released in batches.

As early as when it was confirmed that the goddess Bast was the body of the soul in the left arm, Zoe actually knew the way to deal with her. The best way to deal with her was to activate [Son of Death] to use the soul to the soul, but Zoe I feel that this is a good opportunity to hone myself and it has been delayed until now.

Thousands of undead summoned by Zoe to this world came forward to the black panther goddess Bast, among them humans and lizard people, the same thing is that their eyes are all the same dull, expressionless, no Breathing, no roaring, and even the process of advancing silently, the mighty formation and the silent state formed a strong contrast.

If someone looks down on the battlefield from above, they will definitely be scared to sleep by this weird picture, and the fragile heart may leave a lifelong shadow.

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