Chapter 489 Hades disappeared

Pedestrians all looked for a place to hide, and Acha, who had calmed down, was even more difficult to deal with! Wen Han thought to himself in his heart! Not long after! The ferryman and Wen Han seemed to be at a disadvantage.

Su Mu met with Ah Cha and killed several traitors in the underworld! Su Mu turned his head and said loudly to ordinary people hiding in other places: “Now Wen Han has nowhere to go! Betrayal Ah No one in tea will die well! But Pluto has a heart of charity and is willing to accept ignorant people who have gone the wrong way and are willing to turn back and return! If you are sincerely willing to surrender and return

Follow the Pluto, the previous mistakes will not be held accountable again! Otherwise, they will all be killed!”

Hearing Su Mu’s words, everyone looked at Wen Han who was at a disadvantage and couldn’t help but shake.

For a while, Wen Han felt an unprecedented fear, this fear and despair that made him unable to calm down anymore.

Although Su Mu only made a slight shot, the strength contained therein is obvious to all. In the face of Su Mu’s absolute strength, Wen Han still couldn’t help shuddering.

Seeing Su Mu’s indifferent and stern expression and Acha’s angry eyes, Wen Han couldn’t help but knelt down.

“The subordinates know that they are wrong, I beg Master Pluto to forgive the subordinates for not knowing things.”

Acha’s face was cold, and she waved her hand, a burst of spiritual power surged up, restraining Wenhan, and in front of everyone, escorting Wenhan back to the underworld.

The news that the prosecutor Wen Han wanted to betray the underworld but was caught back and was heavily punished instantly spread throughout the underworld! Not only the underworld people panic, even Kunlun also heard the news.

Kunlun also exploded. After all, in the eyes of the people of Kunlun, Acha is just their prisoner, taking charge of the underworld for Kunlun, but now the underworld sits big, and the reputation of Acha is bigger than the day, and it is majestic in the underworld. At its peak, where Kunlun was still sitting, he immediately moved his mind and prepared to seize Acha privately to shock the underworld.

Although Kunlun has suffered a lot nowadays, there are still many capable people, and Acha was invited to Kunlun privately the next day.

There is no Pluto in the underworld! The news spread little by little from the mouths of some ghost servant maids, and the underworld, which was originally a little stable, rioted again.

Su Mu, who returned to the Wanjie Medical Center, also received a message from the official Zhao that there was a big riot in the underworld.

When Su Mu set foot in the underworld again, he was still shocked by the sight in front of him!

Not far from the gate of the underworld, there are many huge boulders. The baldness gives people an abrupt and natural weird feeling. There is a river flowing quietly like mercury beside the boulder.

Su Mu settled down and stopped paying attention to the beautiful scenery in front of him. Looking at the quiet river surface, he did not see the ferryman, which is very strange!

Ferryman is a special profession. Many people sell their souls to the king Acha after death, and obtain endless lives. However, they are accompanied by souls who have no emotions!

And the ferryman’s job is to attract dead spirits, or go to the world to destroy evil spirits!

According to common sense, there must be a ferryman on the side of the Styx River. Because of the special nature of the Styx, the dead cannot pass by themselves, so Su Mu is strange, how can no ferryman be seen today!

“Could it? What happened to the underworld?”

Su Mu stood by the river Styx and couldn’t think of a reason, so he could only get up and fly deeper into the underworld.

After flying for a long time, Su Mu finally saw an old man resting under a boulder.

“Old man, may I ask, where did all these ferrymen go, and what happened to the underworld?”

“I don’t know what happened to the underworld, but I heard that it seems that the underworld king Acha is missing? As for the missing ferrymen, hehe, they have long been unable to bear their growing ambitions!”

The gray-clothed old man took a deep look at Su Mu, but there was no hesitation, and he told Su Mu everything he knew, without any concealment.

“Then thank you old man for letting me know!”

Su Mu nodded to him, and flew towards the palace of Acha in the underworld.

After he left, the gray-clothed old man shook his head and said to himself.

“Hey, why bother, people, after all, you have to be self-aware!”

And outside the palace of Hades at At the moment, hundreds of ferrymen gathered, noisy and noisy to see Hacha, saying that there is something to discuss, ask Hades to decide, but the desire to rebel is clear. Expose!

“Everyone, stay calm, Lord Pluto is resting in the temple, please come back, sirs, and come back tomorrow.”

The maid at the gate of the palace can only excuse that Pluto has rested.

The ferrymen were stunned. After all, there is no definitive proof whether the king Acha is in this palace or not, it is just a rumor. So everyone, look at me and I look at you, don’t know what to do!

“Don’t use rest as an excuse. Master Pluto has always been diligent and conscientious. When did you delay business due to rest! You maid, if you are talking nonsense, I will not forgive you!”

I saw a young ferryman who heard this but stood up and asked loudly!

This person was named Xia Qing, who was once one of the most trusted ferrymen of the Hades Acha, but now he is involved in the rebellion, and can even be said to be the initiator!

“Hmph, believe it or not, you don’t want to step into this palace today unless you kill me!”

This little palace lady has received a lot of favors from Pluto. At the moment, she is also loyal and does her best to stop everyone’s conspiracy!

When Xia Qing heard the words, there was a fierce light in his eyes 223. If he didn’t succeed, he would become benevolent.

When he glanced at the Hades Palace, gritted his teeth, and saw that he was about to do it, the sudden change occurred.

“Let me see who dares to do it!” The voice is not loud, but it resounds clearly in everyone’s ears!

“Executive sir!”

I saw a figure stepping from the palace of Hades. It’s the figure of Su Mu!

In fact, Su Mu has arrived long ago. The reason why he didn’t come out directly is to see who is the most powerful!

“Who’s mother said that this evil star is entangled in common affairs and can’t come!”

“Which bastard is talking nonsense! Killed Lao Tzu!”

The people under the stairs immediately blew up. Although Pluto is not there, but Su Mu, who is more terrifying than Pluto, is still there. Then the people who came here today did not have a good end!

“Give you two choices, one, leave here, I never answer in the past. Two, die!”

Su Mu looked at everyone and spoke slowly.

Just when everyone started to retreat.

“Everyone, don’t be fooled by him. Even if we leave today, we will be put to death in secret. If we don’t fight for death today, I don’t believe that he can kill so many of us alone!”

It was the Xia Qing who stood up and agitated everyone, looking at Su Mu with a stern look!

Su Mu was furious when he heard the words, his eyes fixed on Xia Qing, and suddenly he sneered.

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