Chapter 423 Qian Lulu’s Statement

Qian Lulu’s eyes suddenly became flustered. She looked around, then approached Su Mu’s side, lowered her voice and said, “Master, you must save me.”

“Recently, I feel like I am possessed by a ghost!!

Su Mu was taken aback and asked, “You are more specific, is there something unusual happened?”

The woman named Qian Lulu recalled with a bit of pain, and said~.

“Recently, I often become confused, and sometimes even lose a memory directly, and then I don’t know what I did at that time, and I can’t even think of it.

“Master, have you watched the latest news? My husband suddenly died at home the other night.”

Su Mu frowned, remembering the news that he saw on his phone three days ago. A married man, with a good job and income, is also very healthy, but he died suddenly when he went to bed at night.

When the news talked about this incident, it did not give any cause of death, but mentioned that modern people are under pressure in life and employment, and they need to sleep well and exercise more to prevent accidents.

Qian Lulu’s tears suddenly began to roll in her eyes. She looked at Su Mu and said with a cry: “But the truth is not what was said in the news.

Su Mu raised his hand, motioned Qian Lulu to sit down first, and comforted her, letting her speak slowly.

“My husband has always been very good-tempered and kind. He seldom argues with me when he encounters things. He has always let me. But since a week ago, after he gets home every day, he will become Very strange.”

“Strange? How strange?”

“Yes, after he got home, he didn’t talk to me, he just shut himself in the study. When he went to bed, he had to sleep alone in the living room, and I looked at him as if he was afraid of something. ”

“So you suspect there is a ghost?” Su Mu asked.

“Not only that, a few days before he died, his eyes were red and bloodshot, and he seemed to have not slept all night. I asked him what was going on, but he didn’t tell me.”

“It wasn’t until three days ago that I got up in the morning and went to the living room to find out that my husband was him.”

Qian Lulu began to choke, and she couldn’t speak anymore, and then she suddenly collapsed, hiding her face and burst into tears.

Facing a girl crying loudly in front of him, even Su Mu was helpless. He smiled bitterly, then brought a glass of warm water and placed it in front of her, comforted her to sort out her emotions, and speak slowly.

After taking a sip of water, Qian Lulu calmed her mood, and then continued saying ten minutes later: “I saw him lying on the sofa with his eyes protruding outward, and his hands were pinched tightly on her neck. , Seems to look forward in horror.”

“Everything around is neat and tidy, and there is no trace of anyone coming. I followed his gaze and looked forward. On the wallpaper wall of the TV, there is a symbol outlined by huge amounts of red blood!”

Su Mu frowned, and hurriedly asked: “Symbol? What symbol!” It wasn’t until At the moment that he really felt that it was not easy, and he finally became interested.

“I still remember, I can draw it roughly.”

Su Mu found Qian Lulu with pen and paper, and watched her draw that very complicated symbol on the paper one by one.

As this symbol gradually surfaced, Su Mu’s face became more and more surprised.

Knowing that the entire symbol was painted on paper, although the painting was very crude, but at the moment she finished painting, Su Mu could still feel the deep resentment through the paper. I don’t know what kind of ghost it is. The grievance is so deep.

And for this symbol, Su Mu also recognizes. He clearly remembers that there is an ancient book in his study, which he obtained from the medicine tripod of the Huangye Village case. When Su Mu was free, I turned a few pages, and one of them described in detail a very vicious symbol in the legend, the name was called: Spirit Killing Ghost Talisman!

Su Mu had some insights about this matter. He and Qian Lulu said, “I already know about this. Then, you leave me the address of your home, and I will be there at about 7 o’clock in the evening. Check it out.”

Qian Lulu was also in a hurry to go to the doctor. She accidentally saw Su Mu’s advertisement on the Internet. She knew that there was a doctor from the Wanjie Medical Center who specializes in treating supernatural diseases, so she came here hoping to have a solution.

0……Look for flowers……

She saw that Su Mu seemed to recognize this symbol, so she was very excited, and asked, “Master, do you know what this symbol is?”

Su Mu’s face was very dignified. Looking at her, he said solemnly: “It is very possible that this matter has nothing to do with you.

Qian Lulu was stunned, but no matter how she asked, Su Mu didn’t want to say anything related to this symbol, but constantly told him that these things were not in the category that ordinary people like them could touch.

In the end, Qian Lulu stayed at the home address and left the hospital.

Su Mu hurriedly closed the store door, then opened the storage room at the back, and found a very old book in it, with a few ancient characters in seal script, which read “Yin and Yang”.

When Su Mu turned the book to the third to last page, he finally saw this symbol, which was exactly the same as Qian Lulu’s painting just now, but it was more rounded and fuller.

When these ancient books were written, there were already some special power bonuses, so no matter how vicious symbols are painted on the books, nothing strange will happen.

Looking closely at the following explanation, this spirit-killing ghost talisman first appeared in a ghost hunter in the Tang Dynasty.When he was investigating a case of the destruction of the village, he found that blood-red symbols were everywhere on the walls of the entire village. . And a few days later, this celestial master also died in the wilderness.

This incident shocked the whole country at the time. Later, a high-ranking monk who returned from Tianzhu passed by here, telling that this is a kind of evil spirits full of resentment and grievances. The scary ghost symbol coming out.

It turned out that this village was a descendant of an army in the Northern Wei Dynasty during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. In those days, this army killed countless people, so it caused countless ghosts and ghosts to curse the descendants, so this tragedy occurred. Later, people burned the village directly, and nothing happened.

After reading the content described in the book, Su Mu stayed in the laboratory for a while and took out a golden bead. Although this kind of ghost is not difficult to deal with, it is also very cunning and easy to escape, and this golden bead The ghost can be forced out. Where.

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