Chapter 102 President kidnapped

Hearing Su Mu’s words, Magneto was taken aback, and a trace of depression flashed across his face.Now that he is beside him, even Raven has left him, where can he go in the future?

“Have you never thought about staying in X Academy, joining hands with professors, and fighting for Mutant’s future together?” Su Mu asked.

Magneto sighed: “Mr. Su, Charles and I are very good friends, but we have too many differences in the view of Mutant’s future. How many Mutants can he open an academy? Ten thousand, or One hundred thousand, and I founded Mutant Brotherhood, everyone united, Mutant who received asylum far exceeded the variants of x Academy

People, so I won’t go to X Academy.

Su Mu didn’t persuade him anymore. Everyone had their own choice. After sending Magneto away, Su Mu contacted Qin, and after informing the situation, he stayed in the hospital.

Facing the embarrassing situation of 3,000 points for the task, Su Mu, who had been lazy for a long time, finally recovered. The medical center continued to open frantically. After receiving the news of the reopening of the Wanjie Medical Center, a large number of patients came to the door.

This time Su Mu is also a rare one. The daily business hours have almost doubled. After his body has undergone the Extremis transformation, his mental power has also improved, and the duration of the treatment that can be extended has been a lot longer. The number of people who can be treated has doubled.

Although there are a lot of mission points in the account, compared to the huge number of 3000, it is still far away. Su Mu has not left the hospital for many days, and the mission points only reached more than 200 points.

While Su Mu went crazy for business, he was also considering the location of his herb garden base. He had collected a lot of information, and finally a report was put on the table by Su Mu.

The report was accidentally discovered by Su Mu in a geography magazine. The picture shows an island that is not too large. It is located at the border of the U.S. waters. It was only recently discovered. According to the magazine’s report, the island has a beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate. In addition, a large number of different kinds of rare plants have grown strangely, and Su Mu was already happy at first sight.

Happy on this ~ island.

However, the only thing that makes Su Mu a little depressed is that the island was an uninhabited island before the report, and now that it has been reported, it has immediately attracted the attention of many people.The U.S. government hopes to turn this island into a tourist attraction. A development team has been prepared, and it will arrive at the uninhabited island-yu in the near future for development.

Just when Su Mu was thinking about how to get this island that made him very satisfied, so as to use the herb garden base, the sound of the phone interrupted his thoughts.

“Mr. Su, are you in the hospital right now? I need to find you urgently!” On the other end of the phone, the voice of General Ross, the military leader who had not been contacted for a long time, rang.

Su Mu was stunned. It was so late. I am afraid it would not be a good thing for Rose to find himself. However, he did not turn away from people thousands of miles away. , I’m just a doctor, I can only treat patients and won’t participate in other things.”

General Ross on the other end of the phone was almost at the entrance of the hospital. Hearing Su Mu’s words, he replied again and again: “Definitely, definitely, Mr. Su, I came to you this time to save people.

“Come here, then.” Su Mu hung up the phone.

Soon, Rose with an anxious look appeared in front of Su Mu.

“Sit down, General Rose, I don’t know who you need me to save? Where are the people?” Su Mu asked strangely when he saw that only General Rose came.

“I want you to help me save the person, *!” Ross said solemnly, “Mr. Su, you must not refuse!

“*?” Su Mu was speechless. He only saved it once a few days ago. Not only did he save*, he also saved the leaders of hundreds of countries in the world. What does this mean now?

Rose nodded: “Yes, it is Mr. President. He is in a critical situation now. He was kidnapped by the terrorist organization Mandarin!”

Hearing what Rose said, Su Mu came to understand, what Mandarin is obviously the ghost made by this kid, it seems that he finally found a way to suppress the side effects of the imperfect version of Extremis.

“The Mandarin organization kidnapped the president and threatened to burn him to death at twelve o’clock this evening. We have sent the best fighters and spies, but we can’t find the position of the president and Mandarin at all.” Rose’s face was very ugly. ,”It’s less than two hours before twelve o’clock now!”

“What about Iron Man? Isn’t he the favorite to show off these things?” Su Mu thought about the relevant plot. It should be Tony that got Jilian right. How could he find himself here.

An embarrassing look flashed across Rose’s face: “We have contacted Iron Man before, but have not received any response. There is news that he has disappeared.”

Su Mu then realized that the feelings of these people are also the last resort to find themselves.

“Bang bang bang!” Just when Su Mu wanted to speak, there was a knock on the door of the hospital, and Su Mu’s expression became intriguing.

It was no one else who knocked on the door, it was Chief Fury, the chief of S.H.I.E.L.D, and Phil Coulson was behind him!

A casual wave of his hand opened the door, and Su Mu motioned for both of them to come in.

Seeing Rose sitting in the hospital with an anxious look, both Fury and Phil Coulson were taken aback, and then smiled bitterly. It seems that their purpose of coming is the same.

“Mr. Su, the president is him” Phil Coulson was about to speak when he was interrupted by Su Mu raising his hand.

“Okay, I know it, * was kidnapped, and the ticket was torn off at twelve o’clock, right?” Su Mu said indifferently.


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