Marvel: God-level foodie

Chapter 191 Red faces and white faces sing together

This scene shocked everyone who was desperately attacking Magneto to build a defensive shield.

The defensive barrier they had worked so hard to break down was shattered just by the aura exuded by Johnny?

Magneto was suddenly under pressure in his extreme state, and was immediately injured. His ability was temporarily interrupted, and the magnetic field defense barrier around his body was instantly penetrated by everyone's attacks.

This scene was something that no one expected. Thunder, laser and other attacks penetrated the defensive barrier built by Magneto and were about to fall on Magneto.

Magneto, who was feeling weak, faced this powerful attack, his abilities were interrupted and suffered backlash, and it was impossible to mobilize his abilities to defend again, so he could only let the attack come.

Faced with these energy attacks that everyone used with all their strength, Magneto's flesh and blood body could turn him into ashes in the blink of an eye without even thinking about it.

The powerful attack came, and Magneto, who was weak and full of despair, could only close his eyes and wait for destruction and death to come.

"Space, confinement."

A calm voice sounded.

A few seconds later, Magneto opened his eyes in confusion. The imagined situation of his body being torn to pieces and his consciousness sinking into darkness did not happen.

In front of Magneto, several energy beams were completely banned and stopped in front of his eyes. The latest attack was already close to his body.

But now, these attacks are like a static picture, without any fluctuations.

Seeing this scene, Magneto was shocked. He had seen this move many years ago, but the one who was imprisoned was not the attack, but himself.

At the critical moment, Johnny took action and saved Magneto's life.

Seeing this, everyone also retracted their attacks and relaxed.


"Director Johnny!"

Whether it was the X-Men or Steve, they all relaxed and came to Johnny. Barton also released his invisibility and stood respectfully behind Johnny. Only the Hulk, whose exuberant energy was not released, seemed Somewhat manic.

Johnny smiled and nodded. This time the field work was left to them. Although everyone was not very satisfied with the completion, it was understandable.

We haven’t seen each other for many years. Magneto’s exploration and development of his own abilities has reached an extent that affects the planet and even destroys it. It is indeed not something that everyone can compete with.

"Why don't you kill me?"

After reacting, Magneto spoke, his face extremely complicated.

"Eric, to be honest, I don't want to kill you, otherwise I wouldn't have stopped the attack just now."

Johnny smiled lightly. The original Magneto was dispensable in his eyes, and it was even difficult to arouse his interest.

But it's different now. After Magneto's ability has been developed to this extent, it has aroused Johnny's interest. With such a powerful combat power, it would be a pity to kill him, so taking him under his command is the best choice.

Although Magneto had taken action against him before, at Johnny's level, there was still room for tolerance.

Regarding Johnny's words, Magneto was a little confused and didn't speak for a while.

"Okay, that's it for this time, Banner, change back."

Johnny glanced at the huge Hulk and said something.

After Banner transforms into the Hulk, he will be very manic and angry. However, when faced with Johnny's calm words, even the manic Hulk's body trembled slightly. Apparently, he still remembers the violent beating by Johnny. After some hesitation, , the body shape slowly changed, and soon returned to normal.

After a few brief explanations, Johnny took the lead and teleported away with Magneto. Steve and others simply dealt with the aftermath and then left in a fighter jet.

After Johnny brought Magneto back to the Security Council, he did not imprison him, but casually gave Magneto a simple treatment.

"Eric, do you know why I don't kill you?"

Johnny asked calmly.

After a short period of treatment and recovery, Magneto's face looked much better and his breathing stabilized.

Regarding Johnny's opposite, Magneto was a little confused and could only shake his head.

Johnny smiled slightly, and his conversation with Magneto did not show any strong aura. It still felt like chatting with old friends.

"This is an instrument you researched and manufactured..."

In Johnny's hand, a communication bead lit up, and the light and shadow changed, quickly forming a holographic image. The effect was a simulated scene, which simulated the radiation device studied by Magneto that radiated to ordinary people. process.

After being irradiated, ordinary people do gain temporary special abilities, but soon, the ordinary people who were irradiated also die.

Seeing this scene, Magneto's expression changed slightly.

When the X-Men and others told him the news, he thought it was a deception by the X-Men and others to stop him.

But when these words came out of Johnny's mouth, Magneto had no doubts at all.

Because a strong man like Johnny had no reason to deceive him.

"If your plan succeeds, the final result will be not only the death of all leaders and senior officials attending the United Nations summit, but also the tens of millions of people in New York who will be exposed to radiation."

Johnny's voice was calm and he stated a simple fact, but Magneto's expression changed.

If the leaders and senior officials of various countries and tens of millions of civilians in New York die as a result, mutants may become public enemies of the world in the blink of an eye, and his great plan will become completely different.

It can even be said to be counterproductive.

Seeing this, Johnny didn't say much. The light and shadow of the communication pearl in his hand changed, and another simulated image appeared.

"Eric, don't you want to give ordinary people the ability to become mutants? Let's see."

This simulated image simulates a cosmic storm. Under the radiation of the cosmic storm, ordinary humans quickly undergo strange changes, and everyone displays special abilities to varying degrees.

"What's this?"

Seeing this, Magneto's eyes showed great shock and excitement, and he couldn't help but ask.

"This is the technology of the Security Council. Using this device, ordinary people can obtain special abilities under radiation. They are more powerful than many ordinary mutants. Moreover, mutants' abilities will be significantly enhanced when exposed to radiation. , and even has a certain chance of breaking through to the Omega level. The most important thing is that this device does not have any side effects."

Johnny talked eloquently and explained all the abilities of Cosmic Storm.

After listening to Johnny's explanation, Magneto was stunned and speechless.

At this time, Magneto only had one sentence in his heart, he was so damn strong!

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