Marvel: Fusion

Chapter 393: Play until you can't afford it

Outer dimension, Sannomiya hell.

Jude stood on the top of a desolate hill, which was black, charred and desolate, like a big iron mound under the red sun in the sky.

Opposite him is the Lord of Hell Sannomiya.

The huge body formed a sharp contrast with Jude. In front of Sannomiya, Jude was not as big as a fingernail.

But body size does not represent strength or weakness. The two stand there, just like two completely equal existences, no one is weaker than the other.

"Sannomiya, you don't need to introduce yourself, you know who I am, right?"

Looking at Jude in front of him, Sannomiya looked fierce on the surface, but to be honest, the old demon was still very surprised.

There are several reasons for the surprise.

The first is Jude's wisdom. His teleportation technology can break the barriers between the worlds. Even these old monsters who have lived for countless years find it incredible.

During the recent period, a large group of **** lords gathered together with the purpose of deciphering the key technology of the teleportation gun.

Then **** can break the boundaries, conquer the main universe, and invade other worlds.

But Jude made the teleport gun simply by looking at it, but when they got it on their own, they realized how difficult it was.

The formula is clearly there, and it is very concise, you can understand what it means at a glance.

But when it comes to manufacturing, simple formulas cannot be implemented at all.

The teleportation guns they made were all failures, not even one-time ones.

With the wisdom of a group of **** lords for countless years, they were stupefied to get a teleportation gun. Everyone was annoyed, but there was no way.

This is knowledge, you don't have that talent, even if you break it apart and feed it to you, you still don't understand it.

The second is his courage. You must know that in the dimension of the **** lord, they have all manipulated the rules.

The awesome people in the main world come to the **** dimension, and many of them will be abolished.

But Jude took the initiative to go to the **** where Mephisto was. In just two days, he not only mastered the knowledge of hell, but also messed up Mephisto's territory.

Moreover, he even dared to come to his own territory and be alone. Such a strong man is worthy of being respected and worthy of being respected.

Sannomiya looked at Jude condescendingly: "You are Jude Herbert. You just messed up Mephisto's **** some time ago. I know you."

"But my **** is different from Mephisto. No one here can be fooled by you. If you want to make trouble here, you can only make a fool of yourself."

Jude smiled helplessly: "Who said that I was here to make trouble? You people are really sick, and when you see me you think it's trouble, can't it be a good thing?"

Sannomiya snorted: "There is no intersection between us, even if something is really good, why are you looking for me?"

"So what you call a good thing, there must be a trap behind it, don't want me to be fooled."

"But there is one thing I am very interested in, and that is your teleportation technology, leave it to me, otherwise you never want to leave here!"

Sannomiya is straightforward, wanting Jude's teleportation technology, which is enough to prove that their guess was correct.

Mephisto exchanged the wisdom of the little spider for exactly the same purpose.

Since the other party is so eager to leave hell, then my own capital is more sufficient.

Jude folded his arms and looked at Sannomiya jokingly: "You just said that we have nothing to do with each other, but open your mouth to teleport technology. Why should I give it to you? Why do you?"

"If you really want to show sincerity, I am not incapable of considering it, but if you want to use prostitution, there is no way!"

Sannomiya is straight to the point, and Jude has no face at all, and the former is suddenly furious.

"Jude Herbert, it seems that you don't understand your situation. I am not in the dimension of the weak Mephisto."


Sannomiya roared, six eyes opened, and the red magic light rushed straight into the sky, suddenly forming a complicated magic circle in the sky.

"Do you know what this is? I have blocked the dimension. All you rely on is the mage named Gu Yi, and she is helpless."

"In other words, you can't go anymore. If you don't hand over the teleportation technology, I will shut you up here to torture you so that you can't survive or die!"

"Don't doubt my ability. There used to be a planetary **** named Hades in the main universe. I am still trapped here and tortured every day."

Jude snorted disdainfully: "Are you scaring me? So don't you even want to listen to my conditions? Believe me, this is not a good choice."

"Even if you are a powerful **** lord, I still have a way to deal with you."

Jude's arrogant speech made Sannomiya even more angry. No one dared to speak to himself like this, even Lucifer.

With a flick of his finger, the magical energy instantly hits Jude. This energy will not kill him, but it will always torture him The person who is hit is like suffering a thousand times all the time. No one can bear this kind of pain.

"I want to see, can you last a few minutes? Hahahaha..."

Sannomiya looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he had the chance to win, but then he felt wrong. When he fixed his eyes, Jude had fallen down, his vital signs disappeared completely, and he was dead.

"It's impossible, how can my magic happen?"

For a while, even Sannomiya couldn't figure it out. He was a master of magic, and it was absolutely impossible to make such a low-level mistake.

At the same moment, above a waste star in the main universe, a laboratory hidden within a thousand kilometers of the ground was suddenly activated.

"The emergency mechanism is triggered, and the Phoenix plan is activated!"

Accompanied by mechanical sounds, the lights suddenly turned on, and this geocentric laboratory began to work on its own, with a lot of mechanical operation, gears turning, and creaking sounds.

At the core of the laboratory, the rows of life storage containers of the exhibitor, each of which is a clone of Jude.

One of the containers opened, the nutrient solution flowed all over, and the clone inside suddenly opened its eyes.

Jude walked out of the container, and the robot next to him brought him clothes.

"Sannomiya, since you don't accept my suggestion, then be prepared to bear the price of arrogance."

While talking to himself, Jude came to the experimental platform, where he had stored a large number of experimental equipment in advance.

With a burst of crackling, the utility knife kept waving, the afterimage of Jude's hands appeared in the air, and a lot of waste was discarded.

It didn't take much time, just a few minutes, a black hole bomb was completed.

Picking up the bomb and tossing it, Jude smiled: "Since you want to play, I will play with you until you can't afford it!"

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