Marvel: Fusion

Chapter 391: Hand union

The Himalayas, the Supreme Sanctuary.

In the room, looking at Gu Yi was like an old monk entering Ding, his eyes closed and he didn't move.

Jude felt a little amused, and walked over to squat down, approached her and observed.

"Hiccup...Bruce, come and take a look too. This old woman is conservatively estimated to be three hundred years old. Looking at her skin, it's really good."

Bruce's expression was a little unnatural: "It's better not to be presumptuous, it will look very rude."

"It's enough for you to be shameless, don't let the wizard think that I am the same as you."

Jude turned his head and glared at him: "What? You look down on me?"

"No, I look down on it very much!"

"You obviously have incomparable power, stronger than anyone else, but your behavior is very shameless."

"At the beginning, against the invasion of the Celestians, you obviously made the most contribution, and you are a well-deserved savior."

"But didn't you find out? The people don't remember who you are. They are more willing to support Superman, Phoenix Girl, etc., because you are really annoying."

"Haha...but it also feels very reliable, right?" Jude opposed the general.

Bruce was speechless, and he was silent for a while before answering: "Yes, although you are annoying, you are indeed a trustworthy person."

"Hahaha... I just like this feeling. You obviously see me very upset, but you have to rely on me when you encounter difficulties. If you are upset, I am very happy."

Bruce was completely speechless. This guy was supposed to be Superman, but he was more like Constantine. Constantine had no other scum.

At this moment, Gu Yi's eyes suddenly opened, and the green energy of the house was instantly retracted into the eyes of Agomoto.

Then the hundreds-year-old woman and Jude stared with small eyes. The two were so close that they were about to kiss.

"Mr. Herbert, what are you doing?"

Gu Yi asked very calmly, she is not that kind of little girl, she has already entered the state of Gujing Bubo after hundreds of years of experience.

Jude stood up, returned to his seat and sat down.

"Uh... it's nothing, Bruce sees your skin is so good, so let me take a closer look."

"By the way, mage, what did you see?"

Gu Yi frowned slightly: "Nothing. I tried for a long time, but still can't see anything. It's chaos."

"What does it mean to not see? What does it mean?" Bruce asked hurriedly.

"It represents three situations. The first kind of thing will not happen at all. Your nightmare is just a nightmare. Maybe someone used superpowers to affect you."

"The second is that this event will happen, but not in the near future, but in the distant future. It may take a long time to be fulfilled. It is so long that even time gems can't detect the slightest clue."

"The third type is the most terrible, it means that the things in your nightmare are too high, and they have completely exceeded the authority of Infinite Gems. He is blinding me and making me unable to see anything."

After hearing Gu Yi's speech, Jude couldn't help but curl his lips: "Mage, listen to the Lord's words, than to listen to the words, is there any difference between what you said and what you didn't say?"

"Of course there is. The probabilities of these three situations are different. I can make a preliminary judgment. The third situation is more likely to occur. Someone is deceiving me."

The long nightmare caused Bruce to suffer. He suddenly got up and said loudly: "It must be the third type. They are coming soon, and the darkness is about to erode us." Gu

"We need to be prepared, we must be prepared, the earth has just been damaged by Thanos, and we can't let it be invaded again."

Gu Yi nodded slightly: "Mr. Bruce's words are reasonable. Preparation in advance can always reduce losses. You can notify the coalition government in advance."

"What about hell?"

"Hell is not sure yet, I need more time to observe."

After returning to Wayne Manor, everyone hurriedly asked about the results, and finally decided that they should wait for Jason Todd's news.

After all, you can't take a nightmare as a reason, you will be laughed to death.

That night, waiting until three o'clock in the morning, Jason Todd sent a call request.

"Bruce, I have arrived at the headquarters of Harley Transportation Company in Chicago. After friendly contact with the company's general manager, I got the client's contact information."

"Jason, you didn't do anything excessive, did you?" Barbara asked hurriedly.

People in the Bat family usually don't kill people, of course aliens don't count, but Jason Todd is an exception, he is very good at using guns.

"Huh! Don't worry, I'm very careful even when I speak, but I secretly took his mobile phone and returned it without his knowledge."

"Regarding the client, this guy is called Rutdo Giatins. On the surface, he is a Jiama-sama who sells down jackets, but he is carrying out illegal activities behind his back."

"Including blockages, kidnapping, etc., and he has a connection with Shouhe. For the time being, I only investigated so much, but there must be hidden secrets in I think this matter is definitely not that simple, maybe just It has something to do with hand-healing."

The bat family was a little surprised when he heard that the hand-to-hand association was involved behind the scenes.

Because although the Shouhehuihui is also a big underground force, its organizational strength is not weaker than that of Hydra, Assassin Alliance, Vandalsavage and so on.

But compared to the Hydra, the Assassin League, and Vandalsavage, who love to do things, the hands-on association is much lower-key.

This organization simply manages its own one-acre three-quarter land. It is not as keen on blasting assassinations like Master Ninja, nor does it have the desire to seize the world like Red Skull and other careerists.

One of the major events that Weier had done was the Gotham Beast incident, and the other was the Dark Dynasty Project.

But in these two incidents, the Shouhehehui only played the role of a participant, and the mastermind was never it. It was like the kind that was pulled to make up the number.

Once it fails, it will immediately become a tortoise, and the whole organization will be low and small, and it will be severely hit by the government once.

In view of the low-key style of the hands, it is difficult for Bruce to imagine what conspiracy they can have.

Time flew to the next day, and Jude stretched out of the bed.

When I had breakfast, I realized that only myself and Alfred were left in Dabieye.

After asking, I found out that the whole Bat family was dispatched last night and set off immediately after receiving the news.

And Jude did not act with them, because he was a mental worker. Instead of expending effort to investigate, he may not be able to investigate the results. It is better to take defensive measures directly.

No matter what happens in the future, I will be able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, and I will kill two birds with one stone or many birds. This is what he has to do.

Wiping his mouth and saying hello to Alfred, Jude went to the Supreme Sanctuary again.

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