Marvel: Fusion

Chapter 343: Sweep clones

   Black robe picket world.

   Jude walked leisurely on the street. Through the signs, he had determined that this was indeed New York, the center city of the Comic World, and the birthplace of a large number of vicious incidents.

On both sides of    are high-rise buildings, shopping malls and hotels. On the outer walls of these buildings, giant billboards and fluorescent screens flicker constantly, playing advertisements.

   It’s just different from the fusion world. It’s not a well-known singer and movie star in the advertisement, but superpowers.

   They endorse various products, which are peripheral products developed with their own influence.

   For example, a locomotive known for its speed, the endorsement product is an energy drink, and the advertisement says that you will be as fast as I am after drinking it.

  The motherland people endorsed military supplies and called on young people to keep weapons to defend the country.

   Queen Maeve speaks for women's and children's products. After all, these two groups are very profitable.

   Mind readers sell books written by themselves, and many super-powered people make movies.

   And behind these people there will be a unified logo, the logo of Water Company.

   Although this company is called a biotechnology company, in fact it has reached out to all aspects of society, affecting the lives of the people to varying degrees.

   Jude also had to admit that the planners behind Water Company are indeed powerful. Their wisdom is only slightly higher than that of ordinary people, but they have used decades of time to gradually open the door to control the world.

  If it continues to develop in this way, in another 20 to 30 years, Water Company is very likely to completely control the United States, and then control the world.

   It is a pity that decades of development have split the company internally, and the powerful forces have also aroused the government's jealousy.

  This led to the birth of the black robe picket team, a resistance organization, and the black robe picket team can gradually become stronger under the pressure of Water Company.

   So that it eventually drove the people of the motherland crazy, causing the superpowers to lose control across the board, causing a backlash from the entire United States, no one dared to protect the Water company, forcing it to abandon the car to protect its handsome, and its vitality was greatly injured.

   Jude gave the four Bruce a week to observe the world.

   If the four of them discover the truth of this world, they will inevitably wash away their three views. It turns out that superheroes can still do this.

   If they don't find out, then Jude will teach them a lesson. He will let this old bat understand what is truly selfish.

   made them all aware of what kind of madness they would plunge the world into if they were really selfish and became like the superpowers in the world of black robe pickets.

   And before that, Jude needs to fix his own clone, as he said, when the tools are used up, it should be recycled.

   When these clones were created, they had already been manipulated by him to facilitate his tracking.

   took out a tracker, Jude quickly searched for the location of the clone, and then, in front of the people on the street, he drove the Cowboy No. 2 soaring into the sky, causing the surroundings to exclaim.

   "My God, scare me, what's that?"

   "Of course it's a superhero, can't you see it?"

   "Of course I know it is a superhero, but what is he wearing?"

   "It seems to be a mechanical armor from the movie, wait...Does Walt have this superhero?"

   "It seems...I haven't heard of it, maybe it's a newcomer."


   Cowboy No. 2 travels through the clouds at high speed, more than ten times faster than in the fusion world.

   The previous battle between him and Mongo caused the world of war to become bumpy, but it did not achieve a starburst.

   But with his current power, he alone can make a starburst not a problem.

  The pressure brought by the will of the world is different, and the degree of strength is suppressed differently. If superpowers from other worlds are allowed to go to the fusion world, they will still be cut into dogs.

   Two minutes later, Jude landed on a small island in the Pacific Ocean. According to the tracker's display, this was the hiding place of clone 35.

   Cowboy No. 2’s eyes shot a red sensor beam, quickly scanning the island, and the island’s defense system suddenly appeared.

   "Sure enough, it is a clone. The threat level of the defense equipment is still far short. Let me see what you guys are doing."

   simply cracked the island defense system, scanning two rooms with red dots representing vital signs, Jude directly smashed a roof and landed in it.



   In the room, Peter was rolling the sheets with a strange woman. The two of them were doing their best. Suddenly by Jude, Peter almost wilted.

   "Mr. Herbert, what are you doing?"


   Two energy rays headshot Peter and the strange woman.

   Obviously, the clone of this little spider thought of itself as clone number 35, and it really was a fool.

   However, his violent destruction also aroused the alertness of Clone 35. When Jude walked out of the room, he happened to face Clone 35 and Ivy’s clones.

"It's you!"

   Seeing Jude, the clone immediately pointed at him and shouted.

   "Is it unexpected? You should expect that there will be this day, and the tool man will have the consciousness of the tool man."

   Clone No. 35 is not nonsense, and instantly activates his own armor.

   "Don't think I was wasting my time. Jude Herbert is a scumbag with no credit at all. I know you will come sooner or later, so I'm already prepared."

   "Hiccup...Do you know that often those who say this are the loser, because the winner knows how to take the initiative to attack."

"And I didn't smell alcohol from you. You actually abandoned this hobby. It is no less than abandoning the soul. Without the soul, what useful things you can invent ~ is just shit. ."

   was ridiculed for a while, clone No. 35 was furious, and a large energy net was cut over.

  At the same time, Ivy's clone also activated its ability, and immediately a large number of thorns grew on the ground to engulf Jude's legs.

   "Naive, your armor has only been enhanced by half a version, which is far from it."

   Sure enough, the two attackers hit Cowboy No. 2 and could only leave white traces, but the traces were automatically restored in an instant.


   "Hiccup...The Pimi-phase armor is unimaginable with the wisdom of your clone."

   was repeatedly ridiculed, clone No. 35 was furious, and continuously used various weapons, but none of them worked.

   Just when he wanted to use the last resort to explode, the light flashed, and the two clones had fallen down.

   "I won't give you this opportunity. I didn't use a password to control you. It's already a lot of face. Just treat it as a reward for you as a tool person."

While    was dead, Clone No. 35 looked at Jude resentfully.

   "Don't be proud, someone will take care of you, we will definitely come to you, we will..."



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