Marvel Endless Power

: Regarding the issue of the delay of simultaneous update of the bookstore, note 1

   Regarding the update, under normal circumstances, two changes per day

   Around 10 in the morning, around 6 in the afternoon

  If there are special circumstances, there will be relevant instructions

   There is no interruption for a while, but the update speed is relatively slow, I hope everyone will forgive me

   There is also an important situation, the update of the starting bookstore is not synchronized with the creation

   This is a system problem, but it’s not that fat cats are lazy.

  Like today, I finished it earlier, and the starting point didn't respond

   went to qq customer service complaint, but hundreds of people were waiting in line, I was helpless.

   Therefore, if the book reader who is the starting point sees the update delay, it is not a fat cat being lazy. I cannot control the update of the system. Please forgive me.

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