
Link was a little puzzled, why did the FBI have nothing to do with himself?


The upper echelons bowed their heads respectfully.

“An FBI agent who calls himself Nick Fury wants to see you.”

“I’ve checked his documents.”

“It’s true.”

The company’s top management secretly glanced at the talented chairman of his family, who often lost sight of people.

Begin to guess what is going on with FBI agents looking for their boss.

Could it be that the boss has some new invention that makes the FBI unable to sit still?

Nick Fury, FBI agent?

Link raised his eyebrows, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, probably guessing what happened when Nick Furet took the initiative to come to his own company disguised as the FBI.

The Night’s Watch’s recent exposure to its strength has made Nick Fury more cautious about Link, who may be connected to the Night’s Watch, and may even be one of the top leaders of the Night’s Watch.

You know, the last time we met, we directly “invited” Link to talk to the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This time, he personally went to the door to find someone.

Thinking of this, the smile at the corner of Link’s mouth deepened.

“Just let him come up.”

“It’s someone I know, don’t worry.”

“By the way, ask him for a business card by the way.”

“In the future, if there is anything that the company cannot solve, you can go to him directly.”

Free labor delivered to the door, no need to use it in vain.

After hearing Link’s words, the company executive couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

Is the boss actually related in the FBI?

It is normal for the chairmen of U.S. syndicates to have contacts with senior government officials.

But it’s unusual to have relationships deep enough to even have relationships within the FBI.

The boss said that if the company can’t solve something, you can go to the agent named Nick Fury, proving that this Mr. Nick Fury is at least a real power figure within the FBI, otherwise ordinary agents can’t have the energy to solve a company’s “trouble”.

But even this kind of real power figure respectfully took the initiative to visit the BOSS, that BOSS …

Thinking of this, the company’s senior executive felt more and more that his boss was really unfathomable, and his attitude became more and more respectful.


“Please sit.”

“Mr. Agent Nick Fury.”

Nick Fury’s sitting motion stiffened for a moment, and he pretended to be nothing.

“You’re laughing.”


Link kind of wanted to laugh.

That wasn’t the way you were the last time we met.

It seems that you guessed something?

“Mr. Chief, is there something wrong with looking for me this time?”

Link was too lazy to go around in circles with Nick Fury.

Straight to the point.

“The last time I met with you, I was unfortunately interrupted because of an unexpected incident.”

“This time I also want to continue our last conversation with you.”

“Excuse me, what is your relationship with the Night’s Watch?”

Although he is asking about the relationship, looking at Nick Fury’s appearance, it is clear that he has decided that Link is definitely the top of the Night’s Watch organization.

Link also knew why.

Link had always known that since the last time Hydra tried to kidnap him, he was easily killed by himself.

Some “secret” monitors from different forces have appeared one after another near his home.

But Link didn’t care.

Those who tried to infiltrate their homes were killed directly by the dragon maid Thor and the others.

After all, according to the law of the United States, in the face of a person who enters a private territory without permission, the owner of the territory has the right to kill him directly, right?

After killing a few groups of people like this, the remaining part learned to behave, and no longer dared to sneak into Link’s home.

At most, he squatted outside Link’s house.

This part of the people was deliberately left by Link.

In order to deter some little minions who do not have a B number in their hearts, they occasionally switch cards after returning home.

Therefore, this part of the people watching on the periphery will be shocked to find that several powerful members of the Night’s Watch organization occasionally enter and leave Link’s home.

This made the organizations behind these people who monitored Link’s family no longer dare to act rashly.

The ruins of a certain base of Hydra, which unfortunately hit the iron plate, are still in place.

No one inside Hydra even dared to go there to clean up the ruins and deal with some clues.

I was afraid that if I sent someone there to clean up the clues, I would be considered by the big guy to be unwilling and vainly trying to take revenge.

And these forces squatting outside Link’s house include S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

As the “true strength” of the Night’s Watch organization continues to be exposed, S.H.I.E.L.D. is increasingly afraid to act rashly.

Otherwise, why did the last conversation clearly say nothing about his information, but then S.H.I.E.L.D. seemed to forget about it, and no one came to “invite” him to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Link is pleased with the current affairs of these organizations.


“Mr. Chief, might as well guess?

(ps: Due to the power outage and network outage in the earthquake community, the Internet café coded a chapter late at night, there is no third change today, tomorrow to remedy, thank you for the little brother and sister who threw flowers at me)

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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