late at night.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, the streets of New York are filled with a large number of drunkards and gangsters. This city known as Little Gotham only takes off its bright veil during the day at night, showing people another side of her corruption and depravity. .

Walking on a deserted street, Peter, wearing a red mask, shook his head and walked through the alley he was most afraid of in the past.

As soon as he reached the downstairs of his apartment, Peter saw Uncle Ben and Aunt May standing quietly outside the door waiting for him.


When she saw the boy appearing on the street, even though he was wearing a mask, Mei recognized her nephew at a glance.

"Why are you coming home so late? Do you know how worried Honda and I are about you?"

May stepped forward quickly and grabbed Peter's wrist.

"Hey, Aunt May, and Uncle Ben."

Peter's embarrassed laughter came from under the mask. He scratched his head and pulled off the red mask on his head, revealing a proud face.

"Peter, where have you been?"

Ignoring the pride on Peter's face, Ben looked at Peter with a serious expression.

"Me?" Peter's eyes were wandering: "I went to buy a lottery ticket nearby and won $700!"

As he spoke, Peter opened the backpack behind him, and a pile of colorful Franklins were neatly placed in the backpack.

"Oh my God, Peter!"

When Aunt Mei saw so much money, she couldn't help but smile with joy on her face.

With this money, there is no need to stay up late and work night shifts to earn that meager salary.

"Peter." Uncle Ben was also a little moved, but soon his expression became serious. He patted the boy's shoulder and motioned for Peter to put the money away: "We need to talk."

He pointed to the park not far away.

Peter still remembers that his parents often took him to this park to play when he was a child.

The streets of New York are a bit cold at night.

Ben and Peter sat on a park bench against the howling autumn wind.

"Tell the truth, Peter." Uncle Ben turned his head and looked at the boy seriously: "How did you get that money?"


"Don't lie to me with that excuse, Peter!"

Uncle Ben pointed to Peter's coat: "Your clothes are full of strong smell of cigarette and alcohol."

"You went somewhere you shouldn't have been at your age and that's where that money probably came from."

"So tell me, is it a casino or something?"

Listening to Uncle Ben's words, Peter admired the old man for knowing everything, but at the same time he was also a little helpless.

Uncle Ben is always so stubborn, knowing that the money can be used to improve family conditions, but the other party adheres to the old-fashioned code of kindness.

"I do not understand!"

The anger and dissatisfaction in his heart suddenly broke out, and Peter excitedly pointed to the backpack on his chest.

"The money is indeed dirty, but I won't steal or rob!"

"So why can't I have this money!?"

In extreme anger, Peter clenched his fist and slammed it down on the flagpole next to him.


The flagpole made of steel dented the fist mark at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, because the environment was too dark, Ben did not see the sunken iron sheet.

"Peter, I hope you can give that money back, kid." Ben sighed and stood up, patted Peter's shoulder sincerely, and immediately, the old man walked out of the park.

He has also been here at this age and knows that Peter now needs some private space to think carefully about problems.

Feeling the howling cold wind blowing by his ears, Peter leaned back on his chair slumped.

He didn't understand that he had influenced a solution to his family's dilemma but was not recognized for it.

What can I do? Drop out of school and work?

Let alone Uncle Ben, Aunt Mei would kill him!

[Negative emotions from Peter Parker +100, +100]

It has to be said that high school students tend to be sentimental and irritable.

“Maybe sometimes you just need to think about things from a different perspective, or ask others for help.”

A familiar voice sounded behind him.

Peter turned around happily and saw the blond boy wearing a black suit sitting next to the swing not far away.

"Mr. Keno!"

Peter's tone was full of surprise: "I've been looking for you these days, but I don't have your contact information."

He walked forward quickly and stood respectfully behind Gino. His excitement made him somewhat incoherent and said, "Can you tell me how to become a superhero?"

"But isn't your current worry about helping your family solve their problems?" Gino swayed on the swing, glanced at Peter and smiled: "I watched your competition in the ring, and to be honest, it was really bad. There was no skill but only strength. "

"You, you were there at that time?"

Peter was a little unbelievable, but thinking of the opponent's mysterious strength, Peter still believed that Geno had indeed watched that game.

"But what should I do?" Peter sighed: "I have no connections, and big companies will not recruit summer workers."

The more he talked, the more distressed he became. Peter stretched out his hands to cover his hair in frustration.

"So I'm here, Peter." Gino stood up with a smile and patted Peter on the shoulder: "You know, I admire you very much."

"Mr. Gino, I, I really don't know how to thank you." Peter found it hard to believe that the problem that was extremely difficult in his own eyes was just a piece of cake for this man.

"Yes, Peter."

Keno looked at the night sky and pointed to the tallest building in downtown New York.

"See that building?"

Peter looked in the direction of Gino's finger. Above the dimly lit city stood a city that was taller than other tall buildings.

The huge Stark Industries light sign hanging on the tall building shone brightly.

"Stark Industries." Peter's eyes widened. As a man of science and engineering, everyone knew Stark's name.

"So Peter." Gino opened his hands and snapped his fingers. As the snaps reverberated in the air, the surrounding scene was like water swaying and twisting.

When the surrounding scenes stabilized again, Peter was surprised to find that they were already standing on a large open-air swimming pool, with a panoramic view of New York City not far away.


"Oh my God!"

"Where is the security!"

Peter looked around and realized that he had crashed into a pool party.

Countless women looked at Peter who suddenly appeared in horror, their eyes full of surprise.

Peter looked at the women,

Everything he looked at was blank, making Peter stare blankly and unable to move at all.

"Calm down, girls!"

Stark, who was surrounded by women, stood up from the swimming pool with difficulty.

Stepping on the warm water of the swimming pool, he saw the blond boy standing behind Peter.

After swallowing, Stark carefully asked the woman next to him: "Can you see the blond boy standing behind that boy?"

"Blonde boy?" The black model looked behind Peter in confusion, shook her head and said, "I didn't see it."

"Okay." Stark sighed, clapped his hands and said, "The party is over girls, I will give each of you a considerable income, now get out of here."

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