After all, often when a bomb explodes, although the energy in the center of the explosion is very damaging, it is definitely not as powerful as the shrapnel inside it that explodes to the surrounding areas.

And the same is true now. The current Sky City is like a mine that has been triggered to replenish troops. Although its power is not as terrible as a missile now, when it is triggered, the thousands of small steel balls on it will be very powerful. The dominance of the surrounding creatures is even more terrifying.

But now, all this has been magnified countless times. Unless they can hide in the air-raid shelter, it will be too late.

At the beginning, they fell like meteorites from the huge sky, so the air-raid shelter was already in chaos. They were going crazy and doing evil. They were forced to have no choice but to follow. Out.

But if they wanted to go back now, it was such a long distance, and those boulders might have fallen before they even reached the door.

‘The island began to descend, eight hundred kilometers from the ground. ’

This time, the island had been bombed and split into four or five pieces, leaving only thousands of large and small gravels. Now, as the Punishment battleship group began to disperse and attack the small stones, , at this moment, all those truck-sized gravels became the main targets of this battleship group.

As each large and small artillery and the electronic array missile group locked on its target, with just one salvo, thousands of pieces of gravel were immediately smashed into pieces again, and then directly annihilated into dust and disappeared. Above the sky.

At this moment, the only debris that continues to fall in the sky is the size of a television set. This kind of debris can be smashed down, as long as the people below are not standing directly in the open air.

As long as there is a little bit of obstruction, nothing will happen.

"Oh my God! Is this the strength of the Pioneer Technology Fleet?! This is too strong!"

"This kind of precise lock-on attack on an object is simply terrifying."

"Yes!! Every cannon on every battleship seems to be planned by one person. I just took a closer look and found that no shells hit the target repeatedly. They all hit the target with one shot. This The synergy efficiency is terrifying.”

"I asked why Pioneer Technology didn't come out in the first place. It turns out that it was waiting for now!"

"No wonder the Earth Federation is composed of one division of the Wuchang. The military strength of this division is not inferior to that of the previous five."

"Upstairs, let me tell you a bit of trivia. The Earth Federation was founded by Pioneer Technology Universe Corporation. If it weren't for the purpose of allowing mankind to enter the interstellar age with all its strength, it would be enough for Pioneer Technology Company to develop it itself. Moreover, this kind of warship was a product of Pioneer Technology a year ago, and with the research and development speed of Pioneer Technology Company, there may be something new now."

"Hiss!!! Is Pioneer Technology so scary?!"

At this moment, after seeing the terrifying combat power displayed by Pioneer Technology Company before the live broadcast, and watching the live broadcast of the audience from all over the world, everyone could not help but after a short silence, it was replaced by a thick Intense discussion.

After all, no matter what, Pioneer Technology is a company to them.

They are all large companies that have entered their lives, so almost most people just marveled after seeing the terrifying strength of Pioneer Technology, and then they hope that this company will continue to increase research and development so that they can experience it earlier. The age of space travel.

And now, just when everyone thought that the matter was over, they were quietly waiting for the remaining gravel, which was less than a few dozen centimeters, to fall.

As the battleship group took aim again, at this moment, everyone discovered that they still underestimated the strength of the Pioneer Technology battleship group.

The current Pioneer Technology battleship group is obviously to completely eliminate all accidents that may be caused by falling gravel in the sky.

Then, with another shelling, at this moment, the rubble had reached a height of 500 kilometers above the ground.

And this is also the height at which they last existed. As the cannons of the battleship group were charged and fired, at this moment, all the stones visible to the naked eye were directly shattered into dust by the energy missiles that came with strong light. Just like that. Disappeared into the world.

"Sir, all the rubble has been destroyed, and the battleship group has completed its assigned mission!"

With the end of the bombardment, Killian, who had returned to the spacecraft at this moment, heard the report from Dabai.

"Well, what's going on with live broadcasts and the Internet now?!"

After nodding, Killian immediately asked again.

"There are 1.1 billion people around the world watching the live broadcast at this time."

"The viscosity is very high! The network has returned to normal. In countries where network base stations have problems, I have also connected them to our company's network. It is expected that the plan can be implemented!"

After hearing Killian's words, Dabai also called up the number of viewers in the major live broadcast rooms about the current rescue scene of Pioneer Technology in South Korea, and then said.

"Directly connect to the heads of major countries!"

"this is a good chance."

After hearing Dabai's words, Killian, who looked thoughtful, spoke immediately.

As Killian's words fell, the screen lights in the entire cabin dimmed, and then the virtual conference room was projected.

At this time, leaders or representatives from other countries also entered the conference room immediately after receiving the invitation from Pioneer Technology.

After all, the noise caused by Pioneer Technology this time can be said to be unprecedented, and this time it is also related to the crisis of the destruction of the entire earth.

To be honest, if the networks of various countries had not been paralyzed due to Ultron's early invasion, and even the entire military underground optical cable network was blocked, interfered and completely destroyed by all channels, they would have launched nuclear bombs against South Korea. A precise nuclear strike was carried out.

As for the so-called iron hand system of a certain big country, it is nothing more than a nuclear strike target that has been determined long ago. It is a calibrated GPS positioning entered in advance, and South Korea does not deserve to be positioned at all.

Therefore, even if many countries want to launch a nuclear attack on South Korea without the Internet, they cannot do so.

Not to mention the fighter jets carrying nuclear warheads to strike, those fighter jets couldn't even break through the robot army defense lines deployed by Ultron around South Korea.

You must know that the pilots of these fighter planes do not have satellites to rely on the maps in their hearts to fly, and they do not have any technical back-up support.

Even because of its small size, it is equipped with a small-yield tactical nuclear warhead in order to reach the target as quickly as possible. Unless it can directly hit the target, otherwise, any deviation will be useless.

And not to mention that compared to robots that can fly flexibly at full speed and have satellites for early positioning, they only need to ambush the fighter jets in advance to destroy these fighter jets at the minimum cost.

Even many fighter pilots did not see their targets until the fighter was destroyed.

And it is precisely because of this that when several major countries dispatched fighter planes to no avail, the major countries had no choice but to pay attention to the live broadcast of Pioneer Technology.

But the good news is that in the end, with the help of Pioneer Technology, this epic extinction crisis of mankind was ended.

After that, they also received a meeting invitation from Pioneer Technology.

That's why these big countries can come in so quickly.

Otherwise, do you really think that these people at the top of the pyramid in their own country can be so free and enter the conference room in less than a few minutes? !

"Sir, the heads of the major countries present and their representatives have been notified and are in place."

As the person in charge of the last country entered the conference room, Dabai's voice immediately echoed in the virtual conference room.

"Well, the main reason why I called everyone together this time is for one thing. I think the time has come."

"I believe that during this period of time, everyone will have no problem using the space carrier."

"So I plan to take advantage of this time to carry out joint development of the universe at this moment when everyone is watching."

After taking a deep look at everyone present, Killian directly stated his purpose without any mince words.

After all, with the advance of the Ultron incident, Killian always feels that the rhythm of the world is a little out of his control. In order to avoid the advance of the Thanos crisis and the crisis of the multiverse, Killian must start to step up his company's development pace.

If we continue like this, let alone interstellar colonization, we may be wiped out by Thanos before the time comes.

"Are you in such a hurry?!"

"Although it's not long before our original plan, I think it's better to stay on track."

At this moment, after hearing Killian's proposal, one of the Indian representatives raised an objection with a frown.

After all, they were planning to take advantage of this period of time when the whole world was blind to do something, but just as it was about to start, they suddenly announced that they were not going to play anymore and were officially setting the tone? ! How is that possible for them.

"Yes! Mr. Kilian, although a month is not a big deal in general, the various departments of our corps have strict time planning and allocation. This suddenly disrupted the established schedule. There may be problems with the rhythm.”

After hearing what the Indian representative said, the red representative on the side also nodded and suggested.

Although they are dissatisfied with India's recent actions on the border, they always feel that this guy who only cares about food but not taxis is going to start something wrong again, but this is an international event after all, and no matter what, we still have to discuss the matter.

"Is there another emergency?"

"Sir Kilian, if there is any unexpected situation, you have to speak up directly and stop hiding it."

At this moment, the President of the United States, Ellis, who was the most deeply affected by these turmoils, after hearing Killian's sudden proposal, he was as frightened as a bird, and he spoke eagerly.

After all, the two years he has been in power can be said to have been bumpy and bumpy. First, there was the inexplicable biochemical crisis. The entire county became a paradise for biochemical creatures, and tens of thousands of people died directly or indirectly. , not to mention property damage, which is sky-high.

Then, under the escort of the US military, it was Tony Stark, a senior American partner who was still kidnapped by the gang.

Because of this, many arms dealers have serious doubts about whether the United States can guarantee the safety of their lives and property. Some even directly named him as unworthy of being president. His failure to act during his term has even cost his country’s tax payment. No one can be protected.

If he can barely make sense of the above two points, then the subsequent Ultron robot rebellion incident can be completely pinned on him.

After all, Tony Stark cannot be responsible for this matter. Not only was the other party not the culprit, but he also took action to solve it. He came out as a superhero.

And so did Hank Pym.

So the only one who can stand up and take the blame will be him.

Now he doesn't even pray for re-election. As long as he can get away safely, he will be thankful.

So in the next few months, until the election begins, he doesn't want any more accidents to happen.

So now every suggestion from Killian can be said to be challenging his nerves.

"There are no surprises."

"It's just that through this incident, I discovered that our technological development is still too slow. A mere piece of artificial intelligence can defeat the governments of all major countries in the world without any resistance, or even shrink into a corner in the end. "

"Even if I wanted to help, I couldn't do it due to various problems."

"In the final analysis, all this is due to technology and resource limitations. As long as we have enough resources and enough technologies that can be used for reference, even if the Ultron incident is repeated again, we will not be as passive as we are now."

"What's more, if we had colonized several planets in the solar system in advance, we wouldn't be as passive as we are now."

"So I suggest accelerating the pace of all development, establishing planetary colonies in the solar system as soon as possible, and reclaiming all planets suitable for survival."

"Not to mention that everyone here should ask themselves, is this little time important to everyone?!"

After looking at everyone present, Killian also spoke immediately.

After listening to Killian's words, everyone present also fell into subconscious silence.

After all, advancing a large-scale plan, even though it is not far in advance, means that for a country, it will disrupt the advance planning. This is definitely not a good start.

But what Kilian said makes sense after all. After this crisis of artificial intelligence, they all found that their country's defense against artificial intelligence was almost empty.

Even now after the war is over, they can't think of any effective way to restrain themselves.

In the face of artificial intelligence, the electronic technology that humans have always been proud of, modern warfare is simply a joke.

Unless we return to the face-to-face style of fighting during World War I or World War II, humanity as a whole has almost no chance of winning.

After all, in the Gulf War, the United States relied on its modern advantages to completely crush India. At that time, India's military power was known as the world's second-generation military power, directly compared to the United States.

Although the major countries don't say it, they all know secretly that the other party does have this strength.

The result was that they were frightened, and now... facing Ultron, they felt as helpless as India faced the modern war of the United States at that time.

Even the so-called intranet is of no use. If it weren't for the existence of pioneer technology, it is estimated that the entire human race would be gone by now.

So when it comes to Killian's words, no matter how much they feel conflicted, they still have to think about it carefully.

And for this reason, they are still willing to take them to play. It can be said that they have done their best and put food on their lips.

"And what I need to say here is that just one Ultron crisis almost destroyed our entire planet."

"If everyone continues like this step by step, then there may be another alien invasion crisis next time. When the time comes, we who are huddled on the earth will have no way to escape, and I am afraid that we will really have to be wiped out by the group."

“That’s it, it’s up to everyone.”

After watching everyone remain silent and not speak, Killian continued immediately.

Following the development history of Marvel, he knew that after this, not only the Dark Elves invaded the universe, but also the Loki invasion, the Chitauri invasion, Thanos, Galactus, the Skrulls and even the so-called Kang Dynasty, etc. The threats can be said to be countless.

If you want to take advantage after this, it can be said that it is absolutely beneficial to Pioneer Technology to bring everyone together.

But even if it doesn't, it doesn't matter. At worst, Killian will open up another parallel universe and continue his company's development there.

He believes that some countries are willing to cooperate with Pioneer Technology.

"I think what Mr. Kilian said is correct. The times are progressing now, even beyond our imagination."

"So we can't continue to be complacent."

"To keep up with the development of the times, this is our opportunity and the opportunity of this era."

At this time, the representative from the red side also spoke first, looking at everyone.

After all, apart from the Internet, it can be said that this time the Ultron War caused almost no losses to their country.

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