Marvel Comics: Crossing into Krynn, I am the Master of Technology

Chapter 101 Controlled Nuclear Fusion Experiment (Please subscribe!)

In this kind of situation where outsiders are present, their shyness level has undoubtedly gone up to several levels.

"Well, it's very good. What's the cost?"

After a brief glance, Killian nodded with satisfaction, and then asked the person in charge on the side.

As for the level of intelligence, with Dabai's own learning software and the updated learning CPU, Killian has nothing to worry about.

As long as it is a robot-like product under Pioneer Technology, even Dabai will be connected to the Internet 24 hours a day, and background data will be updated regularly.

This one is to collect customers’ experience and optimize it to make customers’ experience better. On the one hand, it is also to upgrade Dabai’s software.

Today's Dabai hardware, if compared to a mobile phone, is basically the top configuration of a mobile phone with 10 TB of memory and 512G of running memory. However, the system still uses the Android version, which is too old. .

There is still a lot of room for subsequent updates, so it is necessary to collect user data in a timely manner for feedback and summarize big data, so as to feed Dabai in the company and enable it to be updated iteratively.

Therefore, because Dabai can update the machine software at any time, Kilian can also save a lot of labor costs in terms of later maintenance and real-time updates.

It can be said that Dabai alone watched the work of dozens of teams, and even worked part-time on the business of various other companies.

And this is why Kilian only expanded the R\u0026D team and basically did not invest in post-maintenance.

With readily available artificial intelligence, only fools would do those thankless things.

"In terms of cost, because our original intention of setting it up is to be a civilian version of a companion robot that everyone can afford."

"So, we have made some cuts in the technology arrangement. In addition to the artificial simulated cell skin, which has a relatively low-cost rechargeable graphene battery, there is also a convenient version (low-end version). machine, and a complete internal cleaning system.”

"There are also tactile simulation systems. After calculation, the cost of a set is 5,000 US dollars. If the network can be fully covered in the future, the processor and tactile simulation system can even be completely eliminated and switched to networking. In this way, the cost will be conservative. It is estimated to be reduced by another US$1,000-2,000.”

After hearing Killian's words, the person in charge at this time also thought about it for a while and then opened his mouth to report.

After hearing the man's words, Killian nodded happily.

Although brain-controlled chips can ensure that the loyalty of those in charge will not be a problem, their own abilities and attitude towards work cannot be determined.

It was obvious that although the man in front of him was not very good at developing combat robots, he had endless potential in these civilian companion robots.

There were some things that even Killian felt that he had experienced so many veteran drivers in his previous life and was influenced by the post-Internet explosion period. He didn't think as much as the person in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed.

However, Killian also had the idea of ​​​​changing the person in charge.

After all, the robot project is too big for a man, and he cannot be like Samuel, who is responsible for the development and testing of an entire biological weapon by himself.

Let alone whether men have that energy, in terms of ability alone, men do not have the abilities of Samuel and Otto.

If the same problem were faced by two of them, they would definitely find a solution by themselves instead of pulling him over and telling him what is difficult here and what is difficult there.

He is the boss, and he has managed enough funds. Since the project has been handed over to you, then you just have to be responsible for the entire process. If there is a problem, find a way to solve it. He has to handle everything that happens, so you have to be responsible. What do people do?

But Kilian didn't blame the other party, it was him who gave him unequal expectations based on his abilities.

Just use people to their best advantage.

"Very good. We are doing the final test here. After confirming that there are no problems, we will submit it to the office to prepare for the next product launch."

After patting the man on the shoulder, Killian gave the final instructions and then walked out alone.

At this stage, although the Terminator cannot bring him any objective income, the service companion robot derived from the Terminator, according to the company's planning, will bring them reputation points that are not even weaker than Baymax.

Especially at this stage, with the coverage of medium and large cities, although Dabai's sales have not decreased, they will gradually begin to level off.

After all, the quality of the products produced by Killian's company is so good that one product can last for decades, and the last company with this quality has almost gone bankrupt.

But for Kilian, these don't matter. Since you produce a product, you must do it to the end. Instead of selling a version that is constantly being chopped down, a deleted version of the product within the abridged version, and then update it through software iterations. , so that the hardware cannot keep up, allowing customers to change equipment to harvest leeks repeatedly.

It is better to do your best from the beginning and let customers switch because they sincerely want to buy.

Besides, for that little money to cut leeks, Killian has blinded such a big black technology system in vain.

Wouldn’t it be possible to gain a lot of reputation points with just any technology?

Not to mention the T-0 series of strengthening potions that have passed medical review but have not yet been officially released. Killian is sure that once this thing is released, its sales volume will not be weaker than that of Dabai.

But for Killian, Leek...oh, no, it's time for the press conference.

And with the end of Killian's side, time also began to pass little by little.

The entire pioneering technology has also begun to develop rapidly and in an orderly manner.

During this period, because of Pioneer Technology's products, almost every city has been transformed. Places such as New York and Washington have all undergone transformation and development.

But the most rapid one is Miami, a city in Florida where Pioneer Technology is located.

Because of the location of Pioneer Technology, more and more people are gradually appearing around and are moving towards this place.

Because anyone with a discerning eye can see that Pioneer Technology has developed here as its base camp.

And if this is the case, then Miami will definitely be its priority city to popularize technology.

I didn’t see that before the 5G signal was officially released, many locals had already announced the news on the Internet. However, at that time, because Pioneer Technology did not make a statement, everyone regarded them as fun people.

But now it's different.

After experiencing the second press conference of Pioneer Technology, more and more people know that the place where Pioneer Technology is located is a gold platinum platinum. It is better to take advantage of the fact that few people are paying attention and move here as soon as possible. Even if you can no longer live in it, you can still sell it for a high price.

And according to some people, the headquarters of Pioneer Technology has been purchasing a large amount of steel-like materials recently, and is suspected of producing new robots.

It is also because of this that the GDP of Miami and the entire state of Florida has once again experienced a surge.

The most exciting thing here is that Pioneer Technology has announced that it will hold a new round of product launches at the end of the month.

And this time, before the invitation letter from Pioneer Technology was even sent out, the editors-in-chief of the world's major well-known news media rushed over with their teams overnight, for fear that they would be late and not be able to catch a better position.

And at nearby hotels, one pack lasts for a month.

For a time, the supply of nearby hotels exceeded demand, and in the end, even the tents were sold out, which shows the current influence of Pioneer Technology.

Fortunately, thanks to Lisa's coordination and the full support of the local government, everything went on in an orderly manner without any major trouble.

But compared to the upcoming product launch, the progress in the laboratory gripped Killian's heart tightly.

"Boss, you are here."

At this moment in the laboratory, Dr. Otto was standing upright, with a serious look on his face and spoke to Killian who came into the laboratory.

"Well, how's it going?"

After hearing what Dr. Otto said, Killian immediately asked.

"I failed to live up to your high expectations, boss. I failed twice. The first and second experiments failed because I was not familiar with them and made certain mistakes in some places."

"This technology is still too advanced for us, especially the readily available room-temperature superconducting materials. Before boss gave me this cooperation, I could hardly believe that such a substance could be synthesized artificially."

"There is also high-constraint advanced control technology. With this technology, although the previous ignition experiment failed, there were no other serious consequences. With all due respect, this is simply unbelievable. Sometimes I even think about you, boss." Are there aliens behind you?"

"But don't worry, we have profoundly summarized the lessons from previous failures and eliminated any suspicious risks in advance."

"I believe that this time, we will be able to succeed, and when the time comes, it will be enough to make our technology and even the entire human race jump to the level of interstellar civilization."

After hearing Killian's words, Dr. Otto on the side also spoke apologetically.

After all, each of the raw materials required for controllable nuclear fusion requires huge funds, and almost every failure means that hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars are wasted.

Not to mention that if this failure continues, Killian may not believe him in the end. Even if he still believes in him, he will doubt himself a little.

"It's okay. You've done a great job. It's amazing that you can amplify it and restore it to controllable nuclear fusion energy through a controllable nuclear fuel cell in a short time."

After patting the other person's shoulder to indicate that it was no big deal, Killian spoke comfortingly.

That's right, the controllable nuclear fusion technology they are currently studying is derived from the controllable nuclear energy battery on the T-800.

However, although both are energy sources, it is also very difficult to enlarge an originally scaled-down technology.

It's like you know how to make a battery, but suddenly you are asked to build a power station, which is different.

Dr. Alto in front of him was able to reverse-engineer the original nuclear battery blueprints within a month and build the large-scale controllable nuclear reactor he saw now. At least in Killian's opinion, he had done a pretty good job.

And according to Dabai's data, the probability of success this time is very high, more than 90%, and this is why Killian wants to come to check.

After all, energy issues have always been a headache for mankind around the world. Although there is still a lot of oil, as exhaust gas pollutes the earth's ozone layer and the environment, people also want to find a clean energy source.

The controllable nuclear fusion reactor is like this. Not only will there be no pollution, but there will also be no risk of being completely uncontrollable in the event of a nuclear leakage like a nuclear reactor.

It can be said that Tony Stark in the original Marvel movie mastered this energy, and in one fell swoop led the company to once again catch up with the huge losses caused by the Stark Group abandoning the weapons department.

As for the money spent on failed research and some losses, Killian can still afford it. It is no exaggeration to say that even if the liquidity on his company's books is gone, whether it is Ross from the military or Kennedy and others from the government, they will all I wish I could send money to him.

After hearing Killian's words, Dr. Otto just smiled slightly, and then began to make final pre-test adjustments to the huge superconducting tokamak device in front of him based on the adjustment plan that had been drawn up.

After everything was ready, following Alto's order, he immediately began to inject deuterium and tritium raw materials into the vacuum chamber at the center of the Tokomak device, preparing to start the third experiment.

"Fuel injection complete."

In a short while, as everything was ready, an assistant next to the main console reported to Alto.

The laser igniter is preheating, the power is locked, and it is ready to ignite, ten, nine, eight, seven. "


"Three, two, one fire."

The other assistant also looked at Dr. Otto at the same time, and then at Killian's signal and Dr. Otto's nod, the assistant immediately pressed several complex buttons on the main console in front of him, and while doing so He said while pressing the button.

‘Buzz! ! ! ’

In an instant, everyone felt an annoying buzz coming from the huge superconducting tokamak device in front of them, but this feeling completely disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a A low rumbling sound that was so low that it was almost inaudible continued to spread.

It was just like the noise in a silent computer host that had just been assembled, and other than that, there was nothing unusual about it.

"Ultra-high temperature ignition is successful, and now fuel plasma begins."

"The temperature display is gradually increasing, the internal reaction of the device is intensifying, and the data is rising normally. At present, the core temperature of the vacuum chamber has reached the first set temperature, and the first critical point has reached the energy gain factor q value of 0.006, which is still rising."

With the successful ignition of the superconducting tokamak device, the assistant in front of the data desk at this moment seemed extremely nervous. Even the simple return of a few data made him feel sweaty. experience.

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