Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 228 Backhand (Second Change)

Agent Romanov said you developed an artificial intelligence...

F*uck off! Salomon became irritable. Before the business of going to Jarvis to settle accounts began, he was blocked by Nick Fury at Eton College. This guy sneaked directly into his dormitory, looking like he didn't regard himself as a guest at all. Say something quickly. The mystic threw down the book irritably, and pulled off his black tie. As soon as he saw Nick Fury, he felt his back itchy, as if it was covered with ants. It is definitely not a good thing for this guy to come to him, Salomon thought so, and he didn't give Nick Fury a good face.

Do you know how I pushed your identity to the Senate, Congress, and the World Security Council? Nick Fury pointed to himself, I said you came out of an unknown corner, I didn't reveal your identity. But it won't be long. My boss, Alexander Pierce, already knows that I know you. Those senators are also clamoring for the Avengers to be heard. My boss also invites you Share the magic.

Do you know why I went to that Skrull? If you knew, you wouldn't say these things. Did you come to me just to say such nonsense? Salomon didn't put the politicians at all. Keep in mind the idea that those trash are just political status accumulated from votes and political donations, and their attitude is not important at all to Salomon. He just wanted to turn his head and leave, but suddenly thought of something: Nick Fury didn't say these words for nothing, if other people heard these words, they would think they owed Nick Fury a favor. And he mentioned that Salomon's identity cannot be kept secret for too long, which is also a kind of threat, meaning that only I can help you keep it secret-if it is an ordinary person, Nick Fury's words will work, but Salomon doesn't take threats, and he's no ordinary person.

Then let's start with the senator I punched that day. The mystic turned from defense to offense, How many heads does it take to quiet the White House?

Ahem, little bastard. Nick Fury didn't feel any frustration at all. It was just a habit to say those words. He knew that Salomon would not give in. He doesn't care if he catches a big fish or not. Seeing that nonsense didn't work, Nick Fury started to talk about business, Captain Rogers wants to see you. He smashed his mouth, It's actually another person who wants to see you, you may have heard her legendary story, S.H.I.E.L.D. founder Peggy Carter. You'd better decide quickly, Peggy Carter doesn't have many sane moments.

F*uck off! Salomon was ready to leave. He didn't think that this kind of thing deserved to be informed by Nick Fury himself. This guy must have other purposes. Okay, wait. Nick Fury skipped the topic as Salomon expected, Be more patient, little bastard, I haven't finished yet.

You'd better hurry up, because I find that the British court cuisine in the 16th century is quite good, and my prejudice has caused me to miss a lot of delicious food.

Captain Rogers did want to see you because you disappeared after Agent Coulson's funeral and no one told him where you were. So did Peggy Carter, did you know that Peggy Carter's nanny tried to adopt you ? If it wasn’t for your adoption information being inexplicably cancelled, you should know Peggy Carter by now. What an amazing coincidence. But these are not the most important.” Nick Fury said, “You remember what Captain Rogers dealt with The Ghost Rider? We've rediscovered his place - now it's time for you to fulfill your obligation to Kama Taj to keep extradimensional beings off Earth.

Are you sure you want to talk around the corner? Kama Taj decides how to deal with Ghost Rider, not you. Salomon rolled his eyes, The reason you have lived until now is because your work is too much. It's important, otherwise I justify the humanitarian destruction of you based on the trouble you caused. So, learn to shut up, Nick Fury.

Really? A look of interest flashed across Nick Fury's face, Is it the same as you accepted the proposal to resurrect Agent Coulson? Could it be that I will save the world in the future?

Damn, I hate agents. The mystic raised his middle finger, I don't know as much as the Supreme Mage, but I also know your role in the future. So, accept your death with peace of mind, Nick Fury, are you a fugitive? But.

Well, we still have a lot of problems to solve, let's go one by one. You developed artificial intelligence, yes or no?

Yes. Salomon rolled his eyes and decided to send Nick Fury away early.

Master, why did you allow that mortal to question you. After Nick Fury left, the artificial man came out of the mirror dimension. The thing that happened before made the mortal lady very puzzled. She waved the long sword in her hand, If Master gets bored, I can kill that mortal for you.

No, my dear assistant, Nick Fury is too important, and I still can't find someone who can take over his job. Salomon sighed. Nick Fury didn't come to him for fun. Although this guy likes to talk around corners, he did reveal some information: he didn't bring anyone with him this time, and the main reason he came to see Salomon The purpose is to arrange a backhand. According to Nick Fury, Salomon is someone who has nothing to do with S.H.I.E.L.D. and has nothing to do with the secular society. He can trust him—since there is no substitute, he has the ability to dig out the hidden forces inside S.H.I.E.L.D. Work has been slow, but even so, Nick Fury has unearthed some startling information. In order to prevent the failure of his S.H.I.E.L.D. internal force removal plan, Nick Fury also handed over a document to Salomon, and asked Salomon to open the document after receiving the message, and immediately after receiving the message Clean up Tricurve Wing HQ.

The real cleaning, the kind that doesn't spare even a single cockroach.

The document marked the location of several top-secret S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury was furious. Mystics are not at all interested in these secret bases and what is hidden there, because the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard is about to be repaired-by that time, no S.H.I.E.L.D. base will be able to withstand the rainbow The attack on the bridge and the exposure of the location of these bases have long been on the agenda.

Master, if you think Nick Fury's work is too important, why don't you take those powers back? The artificial man couldn't understand Salomon's thoughts, At that time, you don't have to face the power of these mortals. Inquired, the secular society government can't resist your power. I don't think your teacher, the Supreme Master, will mind if you do this.

Then, do I still need to recruit civil servants? Salomon sighed. The moral boundaries of artificial humans are indeed worrying. Artificial humans are not those mindless constructs. Salomon cannot completely control the artificial human body. Actions and ideas, so he can only try to let Dinah learn to understand human society.

Let ordinary people play what they want. We only need to regulate the growth of human society. Human society will naturally eliminate various systems. As long as human beings don't play themselves to death, we will not care about it. Sa Lomon picked up his cell phone and made a call, I have something to discuss with God.

Ask for tickets~~

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