Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 615: Clark is willing to be ordinary

Clark, who was once a Superman, never put any hot weapons in his eyes.

   Except for nuclear bombs, other thermal weapons cannot pose any threat to him.

   However, today he actually wants to use this kind of firearm that he once dismissed to defend himself and his relatives.

   This scene is indeed a bit strange and ironic.

   Even Batman who sees all this in his eyes doesn't know what to say.

   However, now that things are urgent, he can only ignore this insignificant matter and jump directly from the hovering aircraft.

   then moved smoothly from the window of the house into the room.

   "It turned out to be you, Brue... Mr. Wayne! I wonder if you came to such a remote place late at night, what is the matter?"

   The two people in the house secretly relieved after seeing that the uninvited guest was Batman in battle armor.

   "Carat... Mr. Kent, Ms. Louise, it's been a long time."

   For some reason, Bruce, who was still very anxious before coming, suddenly became calm after seeing Clark’s familiar face.

   then took off his mask and greeted the two with a smile. It's just that he looked at Clark's gaze, but he was a little uneasy.

   "It's been a long time, Mr. Bruce, but you'd better come in through the door next time, otherwise I can't guarantee that Clark won't shoot you out of tension!"

   Clark and Bruce met for the first time three years later, and the scene instantly became a little embarrassing.

   Fortunately, Louise was once a reporter, and she immediately noticed the embarrassment between the two.

   And she also understands that all this is because of what happened between the two before.

   At this time, the two of them have gone from being two friends fighting side by side to the embarrassing situation where they can't directly call each other's name.

   So she smiled and made an innocent joke with Bruce to ease the embarrassment at this time.


  With Louise present, the two naturally wouldn't do anything too much.

   However, both parties knew in their hearts that they were definitely not an ordinary meeting this time.

   "Mr. Wayne, we have lived here for three years, and we haven't done anything that doesn't meet our original agreement, but, I don't know why you are here to disturb us at this time?"

  The embarrassment between the two sides has been somewhat eased, and Clark directly asked Bruce with no expression on his face.

   There are also some speculations in his heart. I am afraid that Bruce can't wait to come to them at night, definitely not just to see how they live.

   Combine with some of what I have watched on TV before about this period of time, the crime incident is in a state of rising.

   Clark Absolutely Batman is here at this time, there is definitely something more important. Perhaps, what difficulties the other party encountered!

   "But, I am no longer capable, what use is he looking for me?"

   However, if the other person really encounters some difficulties, come to help yourself.

   Clark, who has lived peacefully with Louise for three years at this time, has changed his personality, and his heart will not resist the other person who needs help.

   But Clark understands that now he has lost all his abilities and is just an ordinary person.

   Moreover, he is not like Batman. Although he is a mortal, he can use high-tech equipment to show great strength.

   Therefore, no matter what difficulties the other party encounters, if you ask for help, you should also go to Wonder Woman, Steel Bone and others.

   Why has he now found him who is completely useless?

   This is the biggest question Clark has raised in his heart after seeing Bruce arrive.


   "Although it is a bit difficult to speak, but for the safety of this world, I can only come here to disturb you now."

   "Clark, now, I need your help! And this world also needs Superman to save!"

   I heard Clark so directly asking about his purpose of coming.

  Bruce was not prepared to delay the time around the corners.

   He simply took a deep breath, then his face was extremely serious and sincere, and he directly spoke to Clark with a solemn expression.

   I need help from the other party!

   "Sure enough!"

   And hearing Bruce's extremely solemn words, Clark stared at each other with serious eyes. Then, relying on his previous understanding of Bruce, Clark understood that the other party did not deceive himself at this time.

   He did encounter something extremely difficult.

   And only with his own power, he might not be able to solve this very serious matter, so he came to help himself.

   If it had been before, when faced with Bruce with such a solemn expression, Clark would definitely answer the party’s invitation without hesitation and try his best to help the other party.

   But, it is a pity that Clark knew that he had lost his power at this time and was unable to help him at all.

   So, he can't help each other now!

   "I'm sorry, Bruce, you won't forget, I don't have the powerful power I used to be. I am just an ordinary person living in a remote area and self-reliant."

   "So, what qualifications and abilities do I have to help you as Batman?"

  Although he couldn't bear it in his heart, Clark finally refused Bruce's invitation directly.

   Because, at this time, he can't help other people at all.

   He just wants to live a peaceful life and enjoy the time with Louise As for the crisis in this world, it has nothing to do with him.

   Unless, there is a huge disaster in this world that can even affect them even living in such a remote area.

   However, where such a huge disaster is so easy to occur, it has only occurred a few times before.

   "Clark, I'm sorry, I didn't fully tell you something before!"

  Bruce naturally knew what Clark rejected himself because of.

   After all, until this time, Clark had always thought that his ability had been completely deprived of that Mr. Li Yue three years ago.

   However, after three years of ordinary life without the ability, Clark also gradually got used to the life without superhuman ability.

   is just a little bit weaker, I can feel tired when working, and cannot fly freely.

   And these are no big deal in Clark's view now.

   As long as he can live with the people he loves, he doesn't feel any regrets about losing them.

   "Oh? What is it?"

   Hearing that Bruce didn't persuade himself again, but suddenly talked about before, this made Clark feel a little curious, what is the other party hiding from him?

   Or it can be said that while the other party is concealing his own things, what can he confess to himself at this time?


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