Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 366: Overall victory


A trembling roar suddenly sounded, it turned out that Banner was facing the rock giant who was rushing towards himself, and finally could not help but release Hulk.

At this time, Hulk can be considered to have some reason, at least not against him or her, and hit his teammates.

In the face of the giant yellow stone giant who came rushing and brought unstoppable momentum, Hulk seemed to be greatly provoked.

The stone giant is very large, but still looks a little thin in front of Hulk.

However, the nature of becoming a rock giant naturally knows how powerful his strength and physical quality are at this time.

Although the opponent suddenly changed from an ordinary person's state to such a huge green giant form, it was inevitable that both Ben and Reed were shocked, but at this time, they had no possibility of flinching, and they could only continue with their scalps. forward.

Although Reed's body also has a lot of enhancements, and he can also extend his body almost indefinitely, but his speed is naturally faster than that of the stone giant beside him.

So this was the first to rush in front of Hulk and Annie.

In the face of the stone giants who were violently attacked, Anne and Techara did not move. They knew that this monster like a giant must be blocked by Hulk, who is also a monster.

Their opponent is the handsome man who does not look much different from ordinary people.

Sure enough, Hulk did not disappoint them. In the face of the fierce stone giant, Hulk ran directly and greeted him without any fear.

Hulk is fearless!


When the two sides are about to contact, or the heart is sharp, Hulk and Stone Giant each wave their huge fists.

The fists of both sides brought Ling Xian's fist style and waved towards the other party with all their strength!


No accident happened, the huge fists of the two monsters suddenly bombarded together, and instantly produced a huge noise like a gas explosion.

At the same time, at the position where the two giant fists met, a violent wave suddenly swept towards the surroundings, just like the shock wave generated by the violent explosion, the street around the original was abandoned for a long time, only some intact glass left All shattered.

However, the body shape of the stone giant is not as huge as Hulk after all. Under the full force of both sides, Hulk only retreated a few steps.

The stone giant was directly retreated by nearly ten meters.


However, the difference in strength between the two sides is not too great after all, so the first tit-for-tat between the two monsters did not cause any damage to either.

The stone giant seemed unwilling to be compared with the green monster on the opposite side, and continued to rush towards the other party with a roar.

At this moment, Ben had completely accepted his body like a rock.

Moreover, when he faced Hulk even more powerful than his own power at this time, he suddenly raised a sense of eagerness for more power.

However, the power is not directly obtained without thinking. At this time, the abilities and powers have been almost nationalized, and it is possible to become more powerful unless you experience a powerful cosmic storm again.

However, now he is fighting against Hulk, naturally there is no chance to contact the cosmic storm again.

Facing the stone giant who rushed towards him again, Hulk's face showed a disdainful expression on his face.

Although Hulk had a low IQ, he still remembered the battle with Sol and Li Yue before. At that time, Hulk even felt a sense of powerlessness even when facing Li Yue.

However, now, after playing against the stone giant in front of him, he realized that not every opponent is as powerful as Li Yue, and he can fight against him without any fight.


At this time, Hulk knew that the opponent's power was not even as good as that in the ordinary state, and naturally would not take the opponent's heart too seriously.

So looking at the stone man who rushed towards himself, Hulk just stopped at the same place, waiting for the other party's attack.

However, the biggest difference between the stone man and Hulk is that the stone giant is changed by human beings, and still retains the original human memory and IQ.

So the stone man's charge this time, the surface seems to want to face the Hulk tit. However, when the distance is less than ten meters from the Hulk, the stone giant suddenly kicks the ground with two feet, and the speed that was not fast is suddenly accelerated!

The huge body, like the same shell, slammed into Hulk's chest.


Hulk had no time to evade and block, and was slammed into the air, but the stone giant was also hugged tightly by Hulk's hands, preventing him from escaping.

The two monsters began to roll like wheels on the ground. Raise the billowing smoke.

Then, after stopping, the two sides didn't hesitate and directly greeted the other side with huge fists at close range.

In the face of the opponent's fist attacking his own fist, he did not stop it at all, and let it fall on his own body.

The battle between monsters is so direct, as if to see who will not be able to persevere first and be beaten by yourself!

At this time, Reed and Anne and others also started their fight.

But their battles are not as straightforward as between Hulk and Stone Giant.

Reed's ability is to turn his body into a rubber-like substance, and every part of the body can be extended quickly.

However, his ability to restrain people is not bad, of course, can easily defeat ordinary humans.

But he faced at this time Annie with super powers, as well as the Iron Fist with the power of the dragon, and the Zhenjin armor, and he also took the heart-shaped herb and obtained a special survey that far exceeded the physical fitness of ordinary people. Pull.

Among the three, any single person can easily complete the Reed abuse.

So Reed only tried hard to resist for less than a minute, and was caught by Sansheng without the power to resist.

On the other side, the battle between the stone giant and Hulk is still not over. The three of them just looked at the side, and didn't mean to help them.

The first is the battle between these two monsters, they can't help much when they step forward. The second is that they can easily see that Hulk is clearly in the upper hand at this time.


At the same time, Tony and Dr. Kiwi basically solved their opponents quickly.

The battle between Tony and Doctor Doom is naturally not much. After all, Tony almost perfectly restrained all the abilities of Doctor Doom.

If it weren’t for Tony’s dark heart, he wanted to give him the thought that he had acquired He could ignore the profound lessons of anybody’s existence, he could even use his superpowers to let the other party do whatever he wants. Do it yourself.

But Tony didn't do that. He allowed the opponent to attack him with all his might, even if he couldn't avoid it. He defeated the opponent in the things he was most proud of and would make the opponent completely lose all his will.

In the end, after Tony raged the opponent again, he controlled the opponent with superpowers, making him unable to move, and then flew to the place where he was before.

On the other hand, Dr. Strange also easily caught Su who wanted to escape.

In fact, Su's ability is not weak at all, and can bend the light around the body, causing him to be in an optically invisible state.

It can also be used as a protective cover, which has a great effect on restraining the enemy and protecting itself.

Unfortunately, what she encountered was the Supreme Master of the Earth at this time: Dr. Strange!


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