Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 318: Raton's Resistance

This is the monster that appeared at this time, Li Yue has some understanding of its details! Of course, it is also limited to what is shown in the movie!

   Its name in the movie is called Raton, and it has been hidden in a volcano before!

   Moreover, its combat power in the movie is also good. Although it was easily defeated by Quidola, the destructive power displayed in the face of the US Air Force and humans is still very impressive!

   In the movie, the fighting power it shows can also be regarded as good, second only to Godzilla and Quidola! Although it has defeated Mosla, it does not mean that its strength is weaker than Mosla!

   However, what makes people more sick is that its position is not firm, it can be regarded as a wall of grass!

   Whoever is powerful, it will surrender to whom, and will listen to its command, a proper two or five!

   This character is most vividly displayed in the movie! Whether he was defeated by Quidola for a few seconds at the beginning, he immediately surrendered to Quidola!

  Kidola just licked his face to show his allegiance to Godzilla when he died! All perfectly show its character of knowing the current affairs for Rutton to make the rudder!

  However, Li Yue didn't think there was anything wrong with this! Moreover, it is this kind of personality that may make it easier for him to subdue it and let it willingly serve as his own mount!

  After the last thing, Li Yue was very suspicious. If he wanted to conquer Quidola, it would be very difficult! After all, he only hurt it a little bit, and he was subjected to its crazy revenge!

   It seems that if you don’t tear yourself into pieces, you won’t stop!

  As for conquering Godzilla, Li Yue has a feeling that it is impossible to achieve!

   Of course, if Li Yue wants to capture them, it is still very easy! After all, Li Yue, who has space gems, only needs to use the energy of the gems and put them in the space of the space gems!


   It is just that, compared to forcibly taking Godzilla or Quitola, and not necessarily succeeding in conquering afterwards, Li Yue still wants to try to directly conquer Raton which is easier to conquer!

  It is not polite to say that Li Yue is more fond of the image of this latton than Quidola!

   The whole body looks like an eagle, rocky skin, and sharp claws. After spreading its wings, it is almost a hundred feet!

   And the flight speed is even faster than Quidola! The red light behind the huge wings spread like magma, and it adds a bright color to the figure out of thin air!

  Compared to the three-headed Gidola, Li Yue felt that it was more appropriate for Ratun to be his mount! After all, in Li Yue's view, Raton's image is more in line with his own aesthetic!

   As for the issue of strength, it is not Li Yue's concern! Although Latton's strength is lower than that of Quidola, Li Yue does not need to be as powerful as his mount!

  Anyway, if I subdued Radon as a mount, I used it to force myself in my appearance!

   After all, Li Yue's speed is much faster than Raton's flight speed! It even has the ability to teleport, and it will hardly spend much time on the road!

  However, Li Yue knew that, compared to running on his own, having a mount that makes people feel very shocked at first glance is the weapon used to force!

   Therefore, from the moment Li Yue saw Radon, Li Yue had already decided that even if he left the world without taking anything away, he must take Radon away and use it as his own mount!


   Immediately, Li Yue did not care about Quidola flying back, would he fight with Godzilla again! It is directly above the fast-moving Raton body that came to the ground!

  Li Yue appeared above the top of Radon’s head, just in the middle of the two dragon-like middle areas!

  When Li Yue stood here, I felt that this position seemed to be tailor-made for myself! It happened to be the only place above Raton's head that was relatively gentle, and even slightly depressed downward!

   There are more than a dozen square meters in this place. Li Yue doesn't feel cramped when standing on it, and there is no big problem even sitting on a dozen people!

   "Haha, I didn't expect that the space here is really very suitable. I will not only have a table on it for drinking tea, but even a barbecue grill for barbecue!"

   "Moreover, you can drink tea with your friends and overlook the great mountains and rivers at your feet! Would you please!"

  After Li Yue came to Radon's head and felt how suitable this position was for him, he became more determined to conquer Raton as his mount!

  However, while Li Yue secretly admired in his heart, Raton did not have Li Yue's beautiful mood at this time! Even his heart is full of anger!

   Of course, this is understandable, after all, anyone who finds that a strange creature suddenly appears on the top of his head, the mood cannot be too good!

  Latton is exactly the same at this time. When he noticed that Li Yue appeared above his head, he was very angry and wanted to throw Li Yue away, let him fall from the sky, and smash his bones!


   "Just, although I am a two-five-figure, but not anyone can stand on my head to bully!"

   As a giant beast, Raton also has its own dignity. Although it will show surrender to Godzilla and Quidola, it is because the other party's strength exceeds itself and can even kill itself!

   Therefore, in order to save lives, surrendering to them is nothing to Raton!

   However, at this moment, realizing that a tiny human being, dare to stand above his head, it is a serious challenge to his dignity! This is something that Raton cannot tolerate!

   Therefore, the body that was trapped in anger, the body that had been flying smoothly, became unstable in an instant!

   began to fly down or up suddenly! He even shook his head drastically in an attempt to throw off the annoying creature above his head!

   "Hehe, want to dump me, I think you think too much!"

  Li Yue, of course, also noticed Raton's violent But he didn't pay much attention to it!

   knew very well in his heart that this situation is like what happens when a trainer trains a hard horse!

   When the mare is not tamed, when humans ride on it, it will always want to use every means to throw off the humans on it!

  This kind of resistance will reflect how fierce it will be according to the degree of recklessness of the mare!

   Some horses that are easier to tame, basically only resist a little bit for a while, and they will adapt to someone riding on themselves!

  Some of the unruly horses will resist until they are exhausted!

   And Li Yue and Raton at this time are also similar to this behavior of training horses! Li Yue is the horse trainer, and Radon is the horse being tamed by Li Yue!

   Fierce resistance is essential! After all, aside from Raton's character, it should still be very sturdy!

   Therefore, Li Yue didn't feel any surprises about the fierce resistance that Raton would have!

He only needs to stand firmly on Radon’s head and not let it dump himself. When it is exhausted until he has tossed his strength, it is estimated that with his character, he will show surrender to Li Yue. Now!

   In this regard, Li Yue didn't have any doubt that Raton would rather die, because for Raton, life is the most important thing, and the rest is floating clouds, especially loyalty!


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