The story quickly spread around the world.

The person who was originally ready to move instantly fell dormant.

After comparing the details of Jiang Haochuan’s entry and exit, as well as the scene of the three helicopter carriers disappearing in the sky, countless organizations could see that it was his handiwork, thunder, space!

Under the suppression of this absolute strength, no one dared to stand up against it, and in this case, Jiang Haochuan’s plan was carried out smoothly.

In the new intelligence department, Jiang Haochuan sat on the back chair with Erlang’s legs up.

Fury stood at the window and looked at the special forces and soldiers training below.

“Your move is really amazing, and it is completely impossible to keep your profile low!” On the table are recent materials, all about Mr. Jiang’s threats on Capitol Hill and his strength analysis sheets, which come from core secrets from more than a dozen countries.

“No, Fury, you’re wrong, I’m already very low-key, haven’t you noticed that you haven’t heard of the General’s death? This is my greatest mercy! ”

“Well, sure enough, I’m thinking you’re thinking a little worse, thinking you’re trying to kill all the Capitol Hill members!”

“Do you think I’m Magneto? How could I possibly do such a thing? Jiang Haochuan said with a smile.

“It’s good that you did this, these materials are their analysis, and all the countries have determined in the end that they must not mess with you, which is why they have won us so much precious time!” Fury sighed that during this time, S.H.I.E.L.D. was like a resurrection, and with the help of mutants, its strength was better than before, and they could better complete the agent mission by using their special abilities.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Haochuan asked, “What happened to Loki’s cane?” ”

“There is still no news for the time being, and none of the 38 strongholds we have eliminated have found anything unusual!”

Three months have passed, three months have passed since the loss of the cane, and in the past three months, the new S.H.I.E.L.D. has been constantly looking for Hydra’s strongholds, and has cooperated with the actions of the Avengers to destroy a total of 38 strongholds.

In the initial period, Jiang Haochuan will personally help.

Later, he completely lost patience and left everything to the remaining members.

Among them, Team America and Tony are the hardest, and Team America has been worried about the failure of a mission, and he wants to find news of Bucky in these operations.

And Tony is much simpler, eliminate evil, and enjoy the fun of fighting~

“Today is the 39th stronghold, right? Where exactly is the Hydra’s staff hidden! Jiang Haochuan walked with his brows in deep thought.

During this time, he was not only in a hurry to find his hand, but also studied ether particles many times, and the result was very disappointing to him, and now he cannot control ether particles.

“Yes, the 39th, they set out for half a day, it should not be long before the news comes.” Fury sat back, and he had always felt guilty about it, and it was at his suggestion that Jiang Haochuan handed over the cane.

Jiang Haochuan shook his head, he really didn’t expect much from this, he only hoped that someone in the Hydra found the power of the cane and jumped out to do evil, so that he could directly kill this person and easily take back the cane.

Originally, Jiang Haochuan also hoped that Banner could find the cane through gamma ray positioning, but he was very disappointed, and Banner could not locate it at all, which led to the current situation.


Jiang Haochuan’s watch suddenly rang.

Tap the icon on the watch, and immediately project the appearance of Black Widow.

“I’ve arrived at my destination and I’m ready to start fighting, bye bye~ wait for me to go back~”

Jiang Haochuan shook his head helplessly, this guy likes to get some of this thing.

Stand up and press your hands into a circle on the table.

The entire desktop suddenly changed, and after a string of mysterious codes, the entire picture outside the base and the actions of the Avengers people floated above the desktop.

As soon as the panorama was opened, I saw Tony flying directly over the castle of the Hydra stronghold in the front.

It’s the way he’s always fond of fighting.


I saw him directly hit the protective shield outside the castle and was ejected.

Jiang Haochuan chuckled when he saw this scene.

“Jarvis, how is the situation on the battlefield now, give me the analysis status of this stronghold!”

“It’s Mr. Jiang.”

With Jiang Haochuan’s order, a private satellite in space immediately located the Hydra base and analyzed it according to the battle.

This satellite was launched into space at the same time as the establishment of the new S.H.I.E.L.D., and an independent satellite system was established for the base, as long as anyone with permission can use it, of course, the personnel with permission are limited to Jiang Haochuan Fury and Tony.

“From above, the central building is protected by some kind of energy shield, and Strack’s technology is far beyond any Hydra base we have taken before!”

Fury came over and guessed, “Loki’s cane should be here, otherwise they can’t have such a high-tech protective device, and this time it should be right.” ”

Jiang Haochuan nodded, this time it was very likely, but for the insurance period.

He continued: “Jarvis, pass over the opponent’s weapon energy analysis, and at the same time monitor the members’ Anwei, contact me if you have any questions!” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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