Martial God

Chapter 12: Father returns home

After collecting the two transcripts, He Yiming also left the secret room. He was very satisfied with the results he practiced today, and he was somewhat upset with satisfaction.

Leaving the door, the sun on the top of the head was already a little westward. He touched his stomach, only to find that he was hungry. It took too long to practice the two battles.

Just thought of taking a bit of something in the kitchen in Zhuangzi, I saw a familiar figure coming in from outside the yard.

He Yiming squinted his eyes twice, and his face immediately showed a surprise color. He shouted: "Hey, are you back?"

Coming from the outside is a middle-aged man, a round face with a smile on his side covered with thorn-like short squats. Although the nose is high, his eyes are not big, his hair is thick, but his skin is white. The name of the family business in the county town.

At this moment, in the eyes of He Yiming, the light of joy shone, and after receiving the notice, he immediately put down all the things at hand and rushed home as quickly as possible.

In the family, another three generations of children were promoted to the sixth level of internal strength, and he was only his 13-year-old son He Yiming. As one of the core members of the family, he certainly understands what this represents and is full of expectations for the future of this little child.

"One song, come."

The first thing that He Wei entered into the yard was to extend a palm. He Yiming shook his head slightly, I really couldn't figure out why these elders had to try it for themselves to believe. It seems that in memory, the second brother and the third brother did not get this preferential treatment.

Helplessly stretched out a hand, clinging to the father's big hand, the internal strength of both sides broke out at the same time. Of course, under the control of both sides, these internal strengths did not scatter, and after a light touch, they suddenly converge.

The smile on the face of He Yiming finally swayed all the way. He looked at his son and his eyes were full of pride.

He Yiming’s heart was faintly stunned. He knew that he could break through and not rely solely on his efforts. Will this good thing continue to appear in the future?

"Well, one song, you are really good." After half a ring, He Wei’s name put away a smile, solemnly said: "But you can't be complacent, you should continue to work hard, try to be like your big brother, before twenty. Promoted to level 7."

"Yes, hehe." He Yiming said cautiously: "The baby must work hard."

He Yiming said with satisfaction: "I just went to the big brother, I heard that you have selected two sets of combat skills."

He Yiming gently nodded his head and secretly glanced at the old man, and did not see any blame, so he let go of his heart.

However, the words of He Wei’s name turned sharply and said: “Yi Ming, I know that for you, it’s very yearning for combat skills. But I hope that you can only learn one war skill.”

"A war skill?" He Yiming asked in surprise.

"Yes, in your grade, you should have a lot of work in the future. Now it is a good time to cultivate the inner strength and leaps forward. As for the combat skills, it is a sideline. As long as your internal strength is deep, you can cultivate a strong battle at any time. Technology.” He Yiming’s face is dignified: “You can cultivate to the sixth floor when you are thirteen, but don’t let down such a good talent and luck.”

' "Yes." The loud voice came from behind He Huaming's name. He Yiming looked up and saw that the three uncles He Yiyi had come in and said: "Yi Ming, the cultivation of combat skills is not an easy one. Things, if you want to practice a war skill to be proficient, even at the peak, you have to spend a lot of time and energy. For you, it is really worth the loss." Suddenly, he added: " Tell you the truth, those who are thinking about the skills of cultivation, who are not confident in their own internal strength will be desperate in this regard. Like your grandfather, uncle and big brother, they put most of the time In the cultivation of internal strength, this is the right way for our practitioners."

He Yan’s name was nodded in a row, but the eyes of their brothers both had a look of envy and regret.

Inexplicable, He Yiming suddenly became somewhat clear, and his father and uncle were very envious of their talents for Grandpa and Uncle. After all, the uncle is the only one of the second generation of the family to be promoted to the nine-layer inner strength.

However, in He Yiming’s heart, there is a question. Does it take a lot of time to cultivate the warfare skills to the peak state? It seems that within half a day, I have already cultivated the skills of two different attributes to the peak of the sixth floor.

He Yiyi said, suddenly said: "Two brothers, you don't believe me, you have to test it."

"I just can't believe it." He Yan said with a bitter smile, he never thought that the younger son would suddenly bring him such a huge surprise.

He Yiyizheng said: "Second brother, congratulations to you anyway. The achievements of Yiming will not be under the day, it is the pillar of our future."

He Yan’s name waved slightly and said: “Don’t praise him any more, and then boast, I’m afraid he will forget even his last name.”

The two brothers laughed in the courtyard of He Yiming like this, and from their laughter, they were full of unrestrained smiles.

He Yiming hesitated a moment and suddenly asked: "Hey, three uncles, how long does it take to cultivate a warfare cheat to reach the peak?"

The two brothers of He Wei looked at each other with a slight sorrow. At the same time, their minds thought that Yiming’s interest in martial arts was far greater than that of internal strength cultivation.

However, this is not just a question of He Yiming alone. For everyone in this age group, almost everyone is in such a state of mind.

Gently sighed, He said: "Yi Ming, combat skills and internal strength are the same, mainly depends on whether the physique of the practitioner is compatible with the practice of cultivation, so that everyone's cultivation effect is It’s different. But if you want to practice a war skill to the peak of this level, it’s not a year, but it’s not necessarily a decade or decades.”

He Yiming slightly opened his mouth and said with a smile: "It takes a year to cultivate to the peak?"

He Wei took a look at him and said with a serious statement: "Yimong, you can't be so high, you want to practice a war skill in the middle of the year to the peak of this level. It is already an amazing speed. Your third brother is a dazzling practice. The water system is strong, and the body is especially suitable for the water system. Therefore, it is possible to cultivate the palm of the palm to the peak of the sixth floor in one year. It is the fastest one in our villa."

He Yiyi stepped forward and stood in front of He Yiming, looking at his eyes and earnestly saying: "Yi Ming, your third brother was promoted to the sixth floor after the age of fifteen, his life. The development potential is roughly the same as you and me, so we will allow him to put all his energy into the cultivation skills. But you are different, you still have a lot of room for improvement, so I hope you Should be based on cultivation of internal strength, supplemented by combat skills, understand?"

He Yiming quickly raised his chest and said loudly: "Yes, San Shu, I understand."

The loudness of his mouth is called, but his heart is faintly calculating. If you let Yan and Sanshu know that he has only cultivated a half-day battle skill, he has already cultivated the golden stone of the stone and the palm of the water system to six. If you have a peak, you don’t know what they think.

However, although He Yiming’s courage is not small, but at this critical juncture, he is still tight-lipped and has no plans to disclose anything.

With a gaze, He Yiming opened the topic and asked, "Hey, are you coming back, mother?"

He Yiming smiled and said: "The shops in the county can't be occupied by no one. Since I am back, your mother must of course stay there. Why, think about her."

He Yiming’s heavy nod, saying: “Yes, think about it.”

He’s name went up and touched his head gently. “You can rest assured that after another month or two, I will come back with you for a few days to accompany you, but during this time. You must work hard, don't let me and your mother disappoint."

He Yiming took a picture of the chest that was still tender and tender. He said, "Hey, you can rest assured that I will not let you lose face."

He Weiming laughed and said: "I believe in you, little genius."

He Yiyi turned and said: "Second brother, you and Eryi have been running for the family Even the cultivation has been delayed. If you go back to Zhuangzi for a while, I will go to the management office in the city. ""

He Wei’s name waved his hand and said: “The third child, you and your eldest brother are not the business materials. I will hand over the shop to you. I am afraid that I will lose even the old one.”

He Yuyi’s face was slightly red, but his face was slightly black, so he couldn’t see it.

He Yanming patted him gently on his shoulder and said: "The third child, our roots are still in Hejiazhuang. As long as you can manage Zhuangzi and let the big brother have no worries, then we are in Zhuangzi. In the county, it will never fall. Moreover, if the eldest brother can successfully break through the ten-level realm, then there are two ten-tiered masters of the elder brother and the eldest brother. We are the best in the county, even Xujiahe County. The old Cheng family, they also dare not have any heart for our Zhuangzi."

He Yiyi hesitated for a long time and slowly nodded. "I understand, but before the big brother is promoted to the tenth floor, everything outside is still to be a second brother."

He Hao's famous heroic cloud extended his hands and waved, and the air suddenly sounded like a thunder.

"You can rest assured that my second brother is also an eight-layer cultivator, but it is not a soft persimmon."

The two brothers looked at each other and laughed again. The laughter was filled with a kind of unspeakable pride.

He Yiming looked at them, I don’t know why, I felt that a stream of heat in my chest rolled down and spread all over the body, seemingly wanting to join them.

Inexplicable, he has made up his mind to improve his self-cultivation as soon as possible, and strive to become a father and their help.

Ps: In the early morning, the white crane will add a more chapter, please support the recommendation of the brothers, thank you...

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