After a great sage with a decadent aura saw through his identity, a murderous intention arose in his heart.

  Back then, the seven forbidden areas were suppressed by the Great Void Emperor. Some of them were born during that period, and they witnessed the invincible demeanor with their own eyes, causing a lifetime of shadows. The Great Void Emperor could not reach them, but they were able to dispel the shadows in their hearts from his bloodline!


  The great sages of the ancient clan drank, breaking through countless stars.

  Territorial war horror.

  Ji Zi united with Gai Jiuyou to fight against the great sage of the ancient clan.

  On the Big Dipper, all the tribal religions, dynasties, and holy places are all facing the battle, in order to protect the people of the human race and protect the current era that belongs to the human race!

  The fire is burning all over Beidou!

  And this is just a small microcosm of the universe.

  In fact, almost the entire universe has entered the era of war of blood and fire.

  This is what the Immortal Queen wants.

  In this boundless war, she wants to obtain countless gods and blood, and bathe in enlightenment.

  This is the unique secret technique of the Phoenix lineage!

  The quasi-emperor gods and generals of the Heavenly Court lineage began to launch conquests in each star field.

  The ancient gods who worshipped the undead emperor became the lackeys of the heaven, expanding the scope of the war to a wider extent.

  The contemporary heroes and arrogances on the ancient road of the starry sky are the targets that Heavenly Court wants to kill or absorb.

  The divine blood, holy blood, and tyrannical blood flowing in the bodies of these contemporary elites and young supreme beings is what the Immortal Queen needs most.

  Ye Fan and Pang Bo were hunted down one after another and fled in the universe.

  "I heard that Di Tian was beheaded, and all the blood in his body was dried and sent to heaven!" Ji Haoyue's face was full of grief.

  Di Tian and the Great Demon God were the most outstanding people in this generation. The Great Demon God and a group of young Supremes followed Chen Changsheng's back and entered the ancient path of mythology, and a large number of people were still outside the starry sky.

  "There must be a riot in Beidou, Ye Fan, what should we do, should we go back to fight?" Pang Bo asked anxiously.

  Heavenly Court was born, bringing about great changes in the universe.

  In today's universe, there are all the voices of the immortal lineage, and if you think about it with your feet, you know that the ancient Beidou clan will never be safe.

  Ye Fan's eyes were bright and he said, "You guys go back to Beidou, and I want to do another important thing!"

  "Ye Fan, what do you want to do?" Ji Haoyue asked calmly.

  Everyone present knew that Ye Fan was definitely not someone who was afraid to back down.

  Ye Fan turned his gaze in one direction: "We, the group of people who broke into the ancient road of the starry sky, can return to the Big Dipper with a lot of strength, but now the core of the change is the immortal queen, even if we can go back to relieve the human race pressure, but as long as the Immortal Queen is still in the universe, things won't change."

  "The source of the problem can be solved in one fell swoop after solving the Heavenly Court and the Immortal Heaven. I'm going to find the person who can calm everything down and ask him to walk out of the ancient path of mythology, clarify the universe, and stop this troubled world!"

  Everyone around Ye Fan's eyes lit up, and they all thought of one person.

  "¨ˇChen Changsheng!"

  "As the number one person in the world, at this time, he is indeed the only one who can turn the tide and stand up to stop the arrogance of the undead queen!"

  "But after entering the ancient mythological road more than ten years ago, the emperor disappeared into the universe..."

  Ye Fan said calmly, "It's because Brother Chen Changsheng is in the ancient mythical realm, and he doesn't know what's going on outside, that makes the undead queen so rampant."

  The ancient mythological road is a special field.

  The door needs to be opened to enter, which means that before the door is opened, there is a closed star field, like a house with a locked door.

  There, it is suspected to be a corner of the age of mythology, and it has been completely preserved to the present age, so all the things inside have traces of the age of mythology, and are blocked by the gate of mythology. An ancient area.

  "I want to try to open the door of mythology, find Brother Chen Changsheng, and ask him to come out to stop the chaos, turn the tide, and suppress the ambition of the immortal queen!" Ye Fan leaned back against the starry sky and looked at the crowd in front of him: "And you, hurry back to Beidou, To help the major holy places and resist the ancients, we will divide our troops to act."

  Pang Bo asked anxiously: "To open the ancient mythological road, we need to gather ten ancient blood. How can you do it in a short time? Let me come with you!"

  Ye Fan shook his head flatly and said, "No, I can do this alone. The Beidou Human Race needs reinforcements. The two things are equally important. Come back to Beidou!"

  After saying that, he didn't say anything. After saying goodbye to a few people, he walked into the starry sky.

  "He has a way, what can he do?" Pang Bo said angrily.

  It was rare for the big black dog to be serious, and he said thoughtfully: "I see, he wants to snatch the ancient blood collected by Heavenly Court. This is the fastest way to collect all the ancient blood!"

  The Immortal Queen needs to collect the blood of all spirits and gods to become enlightened, so while the Heavenly Court is on the expedition, collecting all kinds of ancient blood is their primary goal.

  "What, he is going to snatch the heaven alone, but there is a quasi emperor like the undead general there, there are more than one, he can't find death alone!!" Pang Bo said loudly, and he was about to follow and help Ye Fan. A hand in hand.

  Ji Haoyue stopped him as soon as possible: "You are his brother, don't you have any confidence in him? He will definitely not be so stupid and face the Emperor."

  "Also, what Ye Fan said is not wrong. Both sides are now equally important. As his partners, we should believe and support his decision!"

  Pang Bo gritted his teeth, but stopped talking.Spoon.

Chapter 397

  Heavenly Court is scrambling all over the universe, collecting the blood of all spirits and gods.

  Sun Moon God will choose those powerful galaxies to start.

  "The creatures on this planet are actually so powerful. Hey, this kind of bloodline..." The Sun and Moon God will discover the truth and look at the big purple star: "It turns out to be the ancestor of the hegemony body!"

  "The tyrannical body, the physique that is side by side with the ancient sacred body, can be ranked among the top five physiques in the universe, how can you miss this kind of divine blood!"

  The sun and moon gods shot directly at the ancestor star of the hegemony body.

  The blood of the Heavenly Tyrant Body is the most precious of all the divine blood that the Immortal Queen needs most.

  The gods of the sun and the moon will begin to wash the star with blood.

  The creatures on the ancestral star are very powerful, and there are many powerful saints, even a great saint, but these are all ants in front of the sun and moon god general, the quasi emperor.

  Above the big purple star began to bleed.

  A purgatory-like human tragedy began to appear on the ancestral star of Tyrant Body.

  "Ah, who did we offend, why did we treat us like this?"

  The ancestral creatures screamed bitterly but still could not stop the evil deeds.

  Just when the sun and moon gods were about to wash this ancient star with blood, the people on this ancient star actually began to call in unison, calling and praying for the once-great hegemony to come out.

  "Our greatest overlord, please listen to our desperate pleas and protect this ancestral star!"

  And just as they called, a piece of immortal source really flew out of an ancient cave and exploded.

  This is actually a Dacheng hegemonic body. He named himself in the Immortal Source. He did not cut himself with a knife, but he was an alternative enlightenment. Like the Holy Body, he is a powerful existence that can fight the emperor after Dacheng.

  The old overlord roared, shaking the universe.

  Reaching out his hands, he tore it violently towards the starry sky.

  "What, the Great Hegemony Body!!"

  The sun and moon gods didn't have time to panic and change color.

  His quasi-emperor body and a large galaxy were torn in half by the old overlord in the universe, and a dark gulf that stretched a star field appeared in the middle.

  "Not good!!" The immortal queen in the heavenly court changed color, and she never thought that there is still a great hegemony body in today's world.

  This is the strong Gedai who can fight with Ning Fei!

  However, he was shocked before he died.

  An invincible domineering that suppresses the universe is a pair of hands.

  From beyond the starry sky, across.

  It's the old overlord. After he was awakened, he came directly to the heavenly court to continue tearing up this undead queen who washed the people's blood on his ancestral star!

  One shot!

  Out of the sky!

  Ning Fei stood in front of the Heavenly Court and blocked the powerful arms of the Overlord who wanted to tear apart Heavenly Court.

  The great war that shook the universe immediately unfolded in the universe.

  The old overlord never imagined that there are people like Ning Fei who guard the undead queen in the heavenly court.

  This is a life-and-death struggle!

  Ning Fei and Lao Bawang went directly to the outer space, and the blood was extremely bloody. I don't know how many galaxies were destroyed!

  They fought all the way to the depths of the universe.

  Old Overlord didn't expect Ning Fei's existence, this battle was not what he wanted.

  However, when the two sides fight, blood and madness have already been fought (cged).

  The old overlord was blood-washed for Zu Xing, and he came to heaven in a rage.

  Ning Fei had no reason to stop in order to protect the undead queen and at the same time bear the hatred that the sun and moon gods would be torn apart by the old overlord.

  However, with the big shopping in the depths of the universe.

  All beings in the universe are trembling.

  "Oh my god, it's the ancient supreme being fighting!"

  "There are two ancient supreme beings in the world, and a war begins!"

  The entire universe is swaying, as if two ancient Canglongs are stirring huge waves in the puddles of the universe, and those waves are all galaxies rolling.

  I don't know how long the war lasted.

  After a terrible bloodbath.

  A sudden change that no one expected.

  The old overlord roared angrily, glanced at an ancient life star field, opened his mouth and inhaled, and the essence of life in the star field in units of billions, all turned into pieces of glow, and was swallowed by his mouth.

  During the war, Ning Fei was stunned by this scene.

  He subconsciously stopped his hand, and his face changed, extremely complicated.

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