Martial Arts Master

Chapter 510: request


Seeing this name, Lou Cheng remembered the experience of "communicating" the gemstones in the morning, remembering the "blood flow" that was thick, stinking, evil, and cruel.

It was the jewel that the fighter Jonny Joseph polished with “the spirit of her own.” The deep spirituality of the pollution seemed to stem from the negative factors in his heart or the long-lasting emotional out of control.

With this in mind, Lou Cheng’s spirit has been revamped to study why Joseph was included in the list of suspects.

"I used to find the blood of a missing girl Taylor in the woods near his villa... His ex-wife screamed that he believed in the devil, and there were cult books like "The Spirit of Pure Girl" at home... Another victim Ni’s boyfriend accused him of seeing Joseph’s figure around the possible disappearance scene, but the broken camera could not provide evidence...”

After watching it all the way, Lou Cheng found that these clues could not forcefully and clearly prove that Joseph was a criminal, and even difficult to accept him to conduct a rigorous investigation, but combined with the abnormality of the sapphire, he had some grasp.


In the ordinary street car, the guy wearing a baseball cap quickly tapped the keyboard, and at the end he whispered:

"He is looking at the famous criminals and cases in Cannes."

Smith groaned, took the computer in his subordinates, swept the index finger over the touch screen, and looked at the contents of the building.

This is feedback from the network service provider!

"What exactly is he going to do? Do you want to play 'superheroes'?" The young man wearing a baseball cap asked questions and sought communication.

Smith was silent for a while and slowly said:

"This is probably the hobby of the Chinese martial arts family. In Chinese, it is called 'cutting' and 'consulting'."

He used the strange accent to send out the words he learned during the research materials these days, and then added: "Our masters of fighting don't like challenges as well?"

"I should understand, he is looking for a way of challenge that will not be expelled by us." The young man wearing a baseball cap suddenly realized, "Hey, you have to find a way to warn him, don't make things bigger."

Smith did not see the spotlight, no more to say, returned the laptop to his subordinates, pointing to the outside:

"I am going to buy a cup of hot coffee, do you want it?"

"No, can you listen to Coke?" The young man wearing a baseball cap showed a big smile.

When I got out of the car, Smith went to another shop, bought a cup of steaming black coffee, then took the elevator to the top floor, entered the roof, and closed the edge, silently overlooking the opposite building.

The low building is called "Messes Fighting Field"!

A few minutes later, the roof of the rooftop was opened, and the middle-aged man with gray hair was carrying a bag of things, and his body was exhausted and his eyes were cold.

"Smith..." Cole took a second and then sighed, "You are coming again..."

Smith picked up the cup and drank the remaining coffee that had cooled down. He smiled bitterly:

"Uncle Cole, how are you doing?"

"I still didn't wake up the 'spirit of my own', or failed to become Joseph's fighting apprentice." Cole took out the can of beer, Peng opened and took a deep breath, and the pale yellow water droplets along him forgot to scrape. Chin, flowing through the gray and messy scum, fell to the ground and fell into eight petals.

Smith opened his mouth, as if to say something, but did not say a word at the end, just pinched the cup and turned away from the roof.

He went to the supermarket, bought a cola for his subordinates, and told the other party to go home to rest, guarantee energy, wait for rotation, and other group members were sent to do other things.


After a long period of research, Lou Cheng suddenly laughed and ridiculed himself as if he was too entertained.

Even if he has a small grasp now that the fighter Guy Jonny Joseph is a criminal "butcher" who has been active for more than ten years, he can safely come to the door to "visit" and eliminate hidden dangers, but if the actual evidence is not found, the follow-up will be very Trouble, this is a senior player with a very high status.

In this way, if you are not careful, you will become a "criminal". In places where you are not familiar with life, there are not many resources to borrow, serious consequences are not mentioned, and the lightest will be deported. From then on, this will be refused. The most important of its own contradictions.

Do you want to seek the help of the military, they must have an intelligence network in the country...

However, how to open?

With a flash of thought, Lou Cheng has simulated the most likely dialogue:

"I am going to get Jonny Joseph and need intelligence support."


"He is a perverted criminal and may endanger my wife."

"Oh... does he know your wife?"

"do not know."

"His target group includes your wife?"


"...So why are you going to get him?"

"Do you understand, there is a certain possibility, hey, maybe, I have to take precautions."

"...Please forgive me for not understanding your thoughts."

Thinking of a similar scene, Lou Cheng shook his head and laughed at himself, temporarily letting go of the idea of ​​visiting the "butcher."

Joseph’s goal should be only younger girls, and there is no chance to find college students, let alone one of the many female college students...

Although this perverted criminal is very odious, everyone has to be guilty, and I also have the feeling of arrogance, but still have to consider the actual situation.

Picking up the ice latte and drinking the last bite, the building is still early, and I plan to go to the "Messes Fighting Field" for another hour of free practice.

You can't be internalized because of your inhumanity. Even if you don't temper, you won't go backwards and relax your demands.

My goal has never been non-human!

Oh, it used to be...

I took the mobile phone and got out of the coffee shop. Lou Cheng was about to distinguish the road. He drove a car in front of him and slowly stopped at the road.

"Hello, floor." The driver smiled and said hello.

Who? Lou Cheng looked at the past with a blank look, only to feel that the face of the young sun was a little good.

However, in his eyes, most of the nuts are almost the same...

"You asked me about the road yesterday." Smith reminded him.

"Oh, it's you." Lou Cheng remembered, suddenly realized, and then turned his brains, suddenly blurted out, "How do you know my surname?"

At this moment, his hair was blown up, as if the monster was about to be thrown out. The natural momentum made Smith chill and could not control his body. He wanted to abandon the car and flee.

Taking a deep breath, Smith kept a smile, took out the documents, and introduced himself:

“I am Smith of the Department of Homeland Security and I am responsible for monitoring your activities in Cannes.”

His behavior does not violate the regulations. Similar monitoring can communicate with the target: first make reminders and warnings, let Huaguo martial arts understand that they are under the strict supervision of the state machine, can effectively reduce the occurrence of violence, prevent and control Not yet.

However, subsequent monitoring will not be reduced, and the first time will detect and prevent the change.

This is actually the most common method used by many senior agents after receiving similar tasks. However, Smith has developed a lot of "smartness" and chose secret surveillance.

Lou Cheng was stunned for a second, and the corner of his eye saw that the front driver’s computer screen was playing his previous figure. He was confident in his heart and said:

“Can I verify your ID number?”

When the voice just fell, he saw Smith's twitching mouth, as if he heard the other person's trust in shouting people.

"Yes." Smith kept his expression and replied in silence.

Lou Cheng searched for the confirmation method, completed the affirmation, the dagger asked:

"Mr. Smith, what are you looking for?"

He has long heard that he can reasonably infer that a warrior like his own realm will be monitored in the country, so he has to be scrupulous in his words and deeds. He has not found anyone to talk about it. Now he sees the head of the agent who is responsible for monitoring himself. The boots finally landed to relax.

"Floor, get on the bus." Smith picked up the computer and pointed to the driver.

Lou Chengyi was daring and conscience, and immediately opened the door, sat in, and fastened the seat belt.

This little trick looks silly to Smith, there is a magical feeling:

This kind of monster also uses a seat belt?

He converges on emotions, starts a car, goes to another neighborhood, and indulges in a moment:

"Floor, you are a famous criminal in Chakang City, want to find them ‘cut’, ‘college’?”

Was it a warning for this? Lou Cheng seems to be awkward, hehe laughed:

"I just check it out, I always obey the law."

As if Smith didn't hear his explanation, he said:

"In fact, there are still some evidences about Joseph, more than the disclosure, but it is impossible to form a complete chain of evidence. He is a senior fighter who has a status of contacts and has many members and lawyers. We can't apply. search warrant……"

"Sanny is a very spiritual girl. This is the case with the 'Gruka' faction. Her father used to listen to her 'residual' crying and screaming around Joseph's villa. I believe there will definitely be hidden. With crimes and buried evidence, as long as we can go in and search, we can definitely lock the clues and arrest Joseph!"

"But nobody listens to us. For the past five years, there have been 'superheroes' trying to sneak into Joseph's villa. They were found and sent to prison... In recent years, Joseph will let his students guard if they go out. The villa is equipped with a high-tech surveillance alarm system, and 'superheroes' and 'detectives' rarely get involved."

Lou Cheng listened thoughtfully and slowly nodded:

"You want me to come to the door to 'visit Joseph, challenge him, knock him down, and give you the opportunity to search for evidence?"

"You can say that." Smith replied with a low voice.

"But if you turn your face? If you don't recognize it afterwards? And what does this matter have to do with the Homeland Security Bureau?" Lou Cheng would have no defense and believe in the words of strangers.

Find evidence, everything is good, if not found?

The other party may simply use themselves and will not help to eliminate the trouble.

Smith looked sideways and his eyes were deep and his eyes were filled with deep sadness and pain:

"I will handle the alarm system here. If you can't find evidence, as long as you do a disguise, don't let Joseph hurt very seriously. It will be just a 'normal', no suspects, and 'super In the case of the hero's attack, I can cover up the past."

Having said that, he took a breath:

"When you look for information, you should see a picture of the victim Shanni and her boyfriend, and see the picture of his interview."

The memory brush in Lou Cheng’s mind was lighted, and the picture of the blonde girl’s boyfriend flashed in an instant, and they gradually overlapped with the head of the agent.

From the time, Smith is joining the state machine for this matter...

Lou Cheng’s heart was mostly disarmed and began to believe in Smith’s statement.

Looking back, Smith looked ahead:

"I know, this is a very difficult choice for you. Joseph is also a dangerous monster. You don't necessarily win him, and you just don't kill it..."

His voice did not fall, and the corner of his eye suddenly saw the floor to light up the mobile phone, calmly buried his head, and concentrated on watching the video.

That was Joseph’s recent highlights of the battle.

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