What is even more terrifying is that even if Li Xiuning wants to commit suicide, it is difficult for her to do so. She is now completely powerless, and her bloodlines are all blocked, just like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Dugu Yu is too cruel.

Duguyu brought Li Xiuning back to the Prince's Mansion in the East Palace.

At the same time, Dugufeng fully proved his strength with this battle.

Dugufeng's performance in this battle was astonishing, and the results were remarkable. Not only did he lead the army to defeat the army of the Li clan, but he also captured Li Xiuning.

Knowing this, Dugufeng was overjoyed, and immediately rewarded Dugufeng and other heroes, and at the same time officially gave Li Xiuning to Duguyu as a slave.


Solitary House.

Just when Dugufeng was rewarded and attracted attention, Duguyu was training Li Xiuning.

When Duguyu told Wei Zhenzhen that she would no longer have to be a personal maid from today, Wei Zhenzhen was taken aback, the girl thought Duguyu was going to abandon her.

In the end, Duguyu told her Li Xiuning's identity, and brought Li Xiuning to her, and asked Li Xiuning to replace Wei Zhenzhen, serving Duguyu and Wei Zhenzhen every day, serving tea and water for both of them, doing laundry, cooking, and cleaning. houses……

This made Li Xiuning immediately stunned.

Wei Zhenzhen was also stunned. She didn't expect that the beautiful girl in front of her was the princess of the Li clan.

She didn't expect that her son would actually let Li Xiuning do these things...

You must know that Wei Zhenzhen is now a female official in the East Palace. In fact, she herself has no need to do these rough jobs for a long time, but she just likes to take care of Duguyu's clothing, food and daily life.

But Li Xiuning is the princess of the Li clan, so the son actually asked her to be a maid?This……

"Young Master..." Wei Zhenzhen raised her head and looked at Duguyu uncomfortably for a while.

And Duguyu said to Wei Zhenzhen: "Zhenzhen, you will be in charge of Li Xiuning from today on, she will obey your orders."

"Me?" Wei Zhenzhen looked surprised.

Duguyu nodded: "Yes."

Duguyu turned to Li Xiuning and said, "Li Xiuning, go and make tea for this son."

Li Xiuning clenched her teeth tightly, she wanted to speak, but as soon as she looked up, she saw Duguyu raised her hand, running infuriating, reversing yin and yang, this was to trigger a death talisman...

Li Xiuning's delicate body trembled, and she lowered her head and said hurriedly, "...¨Yes."

Li Xiuning has a strong personality. She is full of anger and even hatred for Duguyu in her heart, but she does not dare to show it.

The horror of the life and death talisman left a deep impression on her, which made Li Xiuning extremely fearful and could only obey.

Dugu Yu nodded with satisfaction and said, "Zhenzhen, teach Li Xiuning and tell her how to do things."


Wei Zhenzhen agreed obediently, and she told Li Xiuning: "Miss Li, you, you should call the son a son or a prince, and pay attention to making tea and water for the son..."

While talking, Wei Zhenzhen pulled Li Xiuning aside, and gently and carefully taught Li Xiuning to serve tea and water and other matters to serve Duguyu.

When Li Xiuning heard all the details, she was slightly taken aback. She looked at Wei Zhenzhen (Wang Zhao) and couldn't help but tremble, and secretly said that she is a very gentle woman.

There was such a gentle and virtuous woman by Duguyu's side, which made her feel good even as an enemy.

Li Xiuning could feel the tenderness and kindness in Wei Zhenzhen, and the hostility in her heart decreased slightly, but when she thought of serving Duguyu, Li Xiuning was full of hatred.

But really helpless.

At this moment, Li Xiuning's acupoints and veins all over her body are blocked, especially her Dantian Qi Sea is blocked. She is an ordinary person at this moment.

In this Luoyang city, she is hard to fly.

What's more, there is Dugu Yu, the devil staring at him.

Gradually recognizing the status quo, Li Xiuning fell into despair and could only obey.


The author has encountered some delays in the past two days. I am really sorry. I will make up for it from tomorrow.

Chapter 212

After several days.

Li Xiuning poured tea and water for Duguyu and Wei Zhenzhen every day, and did laundry and cooking, as if she had become a slave, but she did not dare to neglect her. Duguyu was afraid and afraid, hated and angry, but he could only obey.

After more than ten days, Li Xiuning had completely adapted to the role of a personal maid.

There were blisters on her delicate jade hands, and she let Duguyu drink it.

Fortunately, Wei Zhenzhen took pity on her and secretly gave her some food, otherwise she would not be able to hold it any longer.

Li Xiuning never thought of committing suicide, because she wanted to take revenge on Duguyu, and she also wanted to take advantage of this rare opportunity to find Duguyu's weakness and prepare for the Li clan!

As a result, what surprised Li Xiuning was that she found that Duguyu was a very strange person.

Duguyu was ruthless towards him, like a devil.

But Duguyu was very gentle towards his little maid, Wei Zhenzhen, and not only that, but also towards Dugufeng, Weiwei and even his master Zhu Yuyan...

And what surprised Li Xiuning even more was that, whether it was Wei Zhenzhen, Dugu 470 Feng, Wei Wei or even Zhu Yuyan, each of these stunning beauties treated Dugu Yu very well, and it could even be said that they all had a close relationship with Dugu Yu.

This greatly surprised Li Xiuning, his views on Duguyu changed, and he couldn't understand him for a while.


the other side.

Duguyu has decided to go to Pegasus Ranch.

But just before Duguyu went to Pegasus Ranch, two other news came.

The first piece of news is that after learning that the Dugu family defeated the Li clan army, Dou Jiande's troops fought against Xu Shiji and Shen Luoyan and did not get any advantage.

So far, the west of Hulao Pass has all fallen into the sphere of influence of the Dugu family.

Dugujia swallowed this big piece of fat.

Li Mi's power was completely surrendered to the Dugu family, and the power of the Dugu family was greatly enhanced.

This is undoubtedly a huge piece of good news for the Dugu family. In any case, the Dugu family has now gained a place and become one of the absolute forces in the world.

Xu Shiji, Shen Luoyan, Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, Luo Shixin, Pei Yuanqing... These talents also officially joined the Prince's Mansion in the East Palace and became generals under Duguyu's command, each of which was rewarded.

Another piece of news, also good news.

That is Yan Shisan came to defect to Duguyu!

Yan Shisan had promised to defect to Duguyu, but he had business affairs before, so he never came to defect.

This time Yan Shisan came and directly became the guest minister of the Prince's Mansion.

Duguyu and Yan Shisan are also particularly welcome. After all, Yan Shisan is a genius in swordsmanship, and his potential is not inferior to Ximen Chuixue.

Seeing Yan Shisan again, his strength has improved again, and he has stepped into the realm of heaven and man.

In this way, the masters and talents under Duguyu's command were like clouds, and finally became the climate.

Although Duguyu did not have a strong Buddhist as his backing like Li Shimin, he himself also gathered a large number of talents, so that all these people gathered under his tent.

These two news made Duguyu even more determined to go to Pegasus Ranch.

At present, the strongest forces in the world are the Dugu clan occupying Luoyang, the Li clan occupying Chang'an, the Song clan occupying Lingnan, and the Mingjiao occupying the northwest.

These major forces are competing to dominate the world, while the super-powers such as the Beggar Gang and Taoism remain neutral and wait for the changes.

If Duguyu can win over Pegasus Ranch, he Duguyu will immediately be able to form a well-equipped cavalry, which will surely be invincible in all directions.

In this way, the Dongming faction and the Pegasus Ranch are all under his control, and he is expected to dominate the world.

What's more, Lu Miaozi, the father of the flying horse from Shang Xiuxun, is still at the Pegasus Ranch, which is the key hope to get the Evil Emperor's relic.

Duguyu told Dugufeng and others about his decision to go to Pegasus Ranch, which immediately attracted the opposition of Dugufeng and others. Dugufeng and others were worried for the same reasons as Zhu Yuyan. They felt that Duguyu's move was too dangerous.

After all, Fomen has been staring at Duguyu.

Duguyu's move will definitely attract Buddhist masters, especially Zen Master Liaokong and Cihang Jingzhai will definitely target Duguyu!

After leaving Luoyang City, Duguyu was short of helpers.

The son of a thousand gold does not sit in the hall.

Dugu Yu is the most important figure in the Dugu Clan, even more than Dugu Peak, everyone knows this.

His safety cannot be lost.

But Duguyu insisted on going to Pegasus Ranch, and persuaded everyone, and finally Dugufeng and others had to agree with Duguyu's idea.

In the end, Duguyu decided to take Dugufeng and Li Xiuning to Pegasus Ranch.

Dugufeng is in love with Duguyu, and they are inseparable.

Zhu Yuyan is going to sit in Luoyang City and will not leave for a while.

She originally wanted to follow Duguyu to the Pegasus Ranch, but she had recently realized that she was in urgent need of retreat, and she also wanted to use this to create her own practice.

As for why Duguyu brought Li Xiuning...

First, Li Xiuning can only be controlled by the life and death talisman, and secondly, Li Xiuning's identity is special. If it is at a critical moment, he can make a fuss about Li Xiuning's identity.

So, Duguyu took Dugufeng and Li Xiuning and went straight to the boundary of Hubei.

Two days later.

Duguyu took the two to Pegasus Ranch.

The air is filled with the smell of grass and trees, the neighing of horses is heard in the distance, and there is even the sound of fighting in the distance.

"Brother Yu, there seems to be a battle in the Pegasus Ranch ahead..."

Duguyu frowned suddenly, and his spiritual sense immediately unfolded, covering this area.

Immediately afterwards, Duguyu discovered the source of this change, which was hundreds of feet in front of the right.

Pegasus Ranch...

Dugu Yu said: "Come on, let's go and see."

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