"Da Da Da ......"

The twin rotors of the Long's helicopter rotated rapidly, cutting through the air and making a loud noise.

Thirty-six helicopters, escorted by 12 P-47 Thunderbolt fighters, approached Borja at a rapid pace.

Each helicopter carried 4 heavily armed airborne troops.

"It's going to be Borgia right away, everyone is ready to fight. "

The command was radioed to the ears of every helicopter pilot.

They signaled to the soldiers in the rear cabin.

The Borja River runs through the entire city of Borgia.

According to the intelligence of the reconnaissance.

There was no regular army of Maozi stationed in this place.

But there was a militia unit, numbering about a company of more than a hundred.

That's why the 1st Airborne Division dared to send them to occupy this place first.

"Is that our plane?"

When Maozi's citizens saw the group of planes flying overhead.

I couldn't help but show a puzzled look in my eyes.

But just under their shocked eyes.

One after another, the Long's transport helicopters hovered directly and strongly over the huge flat ground next to the church in Borgia City.

When I saw these fighters actually hovering in the air.

He was stunned.

At this time, a squad of militiamen came running with Mosingana rifles.

"900" They were shocked when they saw more than a dozen helicopters landing.

"What is this?"

When looking at the sickle and hammer logo on the helicopter.

They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that this time it was their comrades who came.

When I saw that a helicopter had been parked on flat ground.

A few of them greeted him with smiles on their faces.

But when the hatch is open.

What greeted them was the muzzles of black holes.

The Fg42 paratrooper rifle fired.

"Bang ......"

The gunfire exploded like thunder.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but be stunned.

Fear and screaming followed.

That's when they reacted.

These sickles and hammers are not their own.

Rather, the enemy is disguised.

Soon, a soldier from the 1st Airborne Division descended through the side hatch of the helicopter.

The gunfire also attracted the attention of militia forces and police officers in the city.

As soon as they showed up, they were hit with ferocious fire.

The soldiers, in groups of nine, marched along the main road throughout the city.

This time it was a whole company of airborne infantry that landed.

A total of 142 people.

It is more than enough to control a small Borgia.

Soon sporadic battles began to break out all over the city.

In less than half an hour, the whole of Borja was controlled.

In the airfield behind Qiqihar.

A series of C54 transport planes loaded with the main forces of the 1st Airborne Division set off.

A total of 180 C54 transport aircraft of the First Air Force poured out of the nest.

Each transport plane was loaded with 50 soldiers.

The 180 transport planes alone carried 9,000 soldiers.

There were also dozens of heavy gliders loaded with cicada tanks, anti-tank guns, and supplies.

This is the first time that the Northeast Army has carried out such a large-scale airborne operation.

At the same time, it was also the first and largest airborne operation in the history of human warfare.

In this battle, the Northeast Army created a number of firsts.

News of Borja's attack and occupation soon reached the headquarters of the Special Army Group for the Far East in Chita.

When I heard the news.

Commander Blyukhel looked extremely shocked.

Especially when I heard that these soldiers who attacked Borja were flying on a series of fighters that could go straight up and down.

The assault on Borja from the air was even more shocking.

This method can be said to be unheard of by him.

How exactly do they do it?

"The troops closest to Blyukhel were immediately dispatched to the rescue.

They have few troops and must retake Borja as quickly as possible. "

This is perhaps the only thing that can give him comfort.

But what he didn't know was.

At this moment, a large group of aircraft over Borja has arrived under the escort of escort fighters.

White umbrella flowers fall in the air.

When thousands of umbrella flowers fall in the air.

The spectacle was spectacular.

Among these umbrella flowers, there is the shadow of Zhang Lingfu.

In his words.

As the commander of the 1st Airborne Division, the skill of parachuting is a must-have.

So he also practiced skydiving hard during this time.

"Lao Huang, Borja's side has completed the airborne mission, and their retreat has been cut off. "

Xue Boling walked in with a telegram in his hand and a happy look on his face.

Huang Baitao raised his eyebrows, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Zhang Lingfu did a good job, there were no accidents in such a large-scale airborne operation.

It seems that they have been training very well during this time.

Very well, since their retreat has been cut off.

Then let the front-line troops give me a fierce chase and fight for me, and strive to complete the annihilation operation against the Far Eastern Army as quickly as possible. "

The Red House will definitely continue to send additional troops to support the Far East.

Therefore, they must complete the task of annihilation before the reinforcements arrive.

After receiving the news, the front-line troops launched an even more ferocious attack.

Maozi didn't know anything about this situation.

Because Blyukhel didn't tell them at all.

Once they know that the back road is broken.

The blow to the already low morale is even greater.

Face a ferocious pursuit.

Maozi's side also began to arrange troops to break off.

And resist layer by layer as a regiment. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But the speed at which they were laid out simply could not catch up with the speed of the assault of the armored forces.

The approach taken by the Northeast Armored Cluster is very rough.

Directly and strongly break through the blocking defense line set by Maozi.

Then he walked away.

And the mechanized infantry that followed behind would have stayed to pick them up.

Until evening.

The 3rd Panzer Division, which rushed to the front, caught up with the main force of Maozi's 19th Infantry Corps.

A total of more than 20,000 people.

When they met the 3rd Panzer Division.

They fought back on the spot.

But they don't even have a basic position.

How is it possible to stop the offensive of armored forces in this plain area.

A terrible melee began here.

Night battles are not suitable for armored units.

Instead, it was handed over to the mechanized troops who followed up.

Two mechanized divisions, totaling more than 30,000 people, launched a fierce offensive against the 20,000-odd Maozi army that had shrunk down.

Although this time it was Maozi who was on the defensive, and the Northeast Frontier Army was on the offensive side.

But the battle was still one-sided.

Although the night is not suitable for large-scale armored forces to fight.

But as long as you have enough flares and maintain a certain field of vision.

Tanks are still able to play to certain advantages.

Soon this Maozi army was divided into pieces under the interspersing of tanks and mechanized troops........... L

But at night, the firepower restrictions on the side of the Northeast Border Guards are still very large.

But that doesn't bother them.

After the 5th and 6th Mechanized Infantry Divisions caught up.

Directly engaged in the battle, it also accelerated the demise of this Maozi army.

However, the 19th Infantry Corps also bought precious time for the 18th Infantry Corps to escape.

"Comrade Army Commander, as revolutionary fighters, it is impossible for us to bow our heads like imperialism.

What's more, it's still a Chinese person, you have to remember your identity.

Our fighters are willing to shed their last drop of blood for the revolution. "

Among the military headquarters of the 19th Army.

When the gunfire around the perimeter became more and more intensive.

They knew that the soldiers of the Northeast Frontier Army were about to come in.

I looked at the telegrams for help and farewell telegrams that came one after another.

He couldn't help but think of the year of surrender in his heart.

There is no point in continuing this battle.

Only let the soldiers die in vain.

But the commissar saw his intentions.

immediately stopped him from doing this with a serious face.

In desperation, he could only order the troops to continue to resist.

And how many troops are still able to receive orders from the military department?

"Da Da Da ......"

When a squad of soldiers broke through to a hill.

Suddenly, multiple points of fire appeared in front of him.

It was the sound of machine gun fire.

Several soldiers were immediately swept to the ground.

Caught off guard, they hurriedly jumped into a nearby crater or bunker.

"Damn, how can the firing points here be so dense, there are at least four or more machine guns as crossfire points.

It's certainly not easy here. "

The squad leader clearly felt that this place was not ordinary.

So he shouted: "Flare and call for friendly support." "

Immediately, a soldier pulled out a flare gun and threw it into the air.

A red flare rises into the air.

And this red flare generally expresses two meanings.

Either they're in danger.

Either they found an important target.

Sure enough, when this flare lifted into the air.

Several small forces surrounded them.

1.9 even came two M3 half-track armored vehicles.

When they came, it was like poking a hornet's nest.

Dense gunfire remembers.

Rao is two M3 half-tracks, both of which had to stay out of the way.

In less than two minutes.

One shell after another smashed over.

Under the roar of heavy artillery.

The military headquarters of the 19th Army were all directly razed.

It wasn't until dawn that the battle came to an end.

After paying more than 4,000 casualties, more than 10,000 people of Maozi's 19th Army were annihilated, and more than 5,000 people were captured.

And after a night of rapid marching.

The main force of the 18th Army, more than 40,000 men, marched through a night of rapid marching.

Their forward units also rushed to Borgia.

It was also at this time that they discovered that Borja was actually occupied.

And it was a large force from the Northeast Frontier Army.

How did they come about?

At the moment they are full of question marks.

But in the case of pursuers behind.

But when they looked at the Borja River that lay in front of them.

They can't help but despair.

On the way to retreat, they discarded almost all large-caliber artillery.

Let them how to cross the river to fight.

"We don't have much time left, so we will immediately launch a river crossing operation, and we must break through their defenses. "。

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