
Xiaolongnü and Li Moxuan suddenly heard a burst of Qingyue’s voice coming from the sword tomb.

Faintly, it was as if a dragon groan sounded.

The two women glanced at each other, and then hurried towards the grotto where Su Liu was located.

“It’s Master!”

“My brother is out!”

Before the two of them could get closer, they could only hear an earth-shattering dragon groan suddenly sound, as if the entire mountain was trembling uncontrollably.

And at this moment, in the middle of the grotto, Su Liu suddenly opened his eyes!


Inside the dark grotto, it was as if a bolt of lightning exploded out of thin air, and brilliant light flashed and shone brightly.

Immediately after, accompanied by a burst of wanton laughter, Su Liu’s figure seemed to transform into a dragon, and suddenly he had passed through the cave and came to the outside of the grotto.

The sky suddenly lit up, and the mountains and the earth reappeared in front of Su Liu.

Su Liu, on the other hand, laughed loudly, soared up the clouds, as if the immortals were in the wind, and took nine steps in a row in the air, and instantly came to the height of nine zhang.

“The red dust of the battle sword is already epileptic, and there is wine to step up to the blue sky!”

Jump out of thin air to a height of nine feet.

This kind of light work has still reached the peak of the world.

Even If Lu Xiaofeng, Chu Liuxiang, and others who were already famous in the jianghu, I am afraid that this is not the case!

But Su Liu was still full of strength, as if he was strolling leisurely, stepping out at will, he had already come to the top of the Nine Heavens, and his dashing posture was really too agile and ethereal, looking like an immortal, which was heartbreaking.

“Play with the stars and play with the sun and the moon, and get drunk in the clouds and laugh at the world!”

In the midst of a long groan, su Liu raised his hand and summoned it, and a five-foot sword box on one side of the cave suddenly flashed out.

“The sword is coming!”

Su Liu pointed out, the golden divine light was like a long rainbow, and it instantly poured into the sword box.

The next moment, the Excalibur hidden in the box groaned and trembled.

With the sound of ‘Zheng’, a sword sounded.

Dragon groans and phoenixes.

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The sword box is open.

Changhong, ice and purple clouds came out together.

The three Excalibur swords turned into three streams of light, pulling out a long horse training in mid-air, and suddenly they were already next to Su Liu.

Su Liu stood with his hands in his hands, standing on top of a mountain, three swords of different colors, like flying rainbows, surrounding him, his face was cold, his abundance was like jade, the divine light in his eyes was surging with light, his temperament was deep, his clothes were flying, like a celestial immortal, not stained with a wisp of dust.

The little dragon girl and Li Moxuan below were almost stunned.

“My brother’s means are almost like the sword fairies in the stories my mother-in-law told when she was a child…”

“Master must be a heavenly immortal incarnate, otherwise how could he have such a demeanor…”

And Su Liu, who was standing on the top of the mountain, was feeling the vast sea of power in his body.

The realm of the Grand Master, achieved!

In this retreat, Su Liu not only made a breakthrough in his realm, but also successfully comprehended the supreme meaning of the Eight Famous Swords, the Eight Swords Qi Fei!

The means by which he summoned the sword in the air just now was to use his qi to control the sword after he realized that the eight swords flew in unison.

At this moment, Su Liu looked at the three Excalibur suspended next to him, and the corners of his mouth suddenly evoked a faint smile.

Immediately, I saw him turn his finger into a sword and gently point towards the void.


Suddenly, a Qingyue sword sound suddenly sounded.

The three Excalibur swords bloomed with brilliant light, and in the midst of the roar of the dragon’s groaning wind, they transformed into three flying rainbows and went straight to the cliffs in the distance.




Suddenly, he had crossed a distance of more than ten inches and came to the front of a cliff.

The next moment, I saw Su Liu’s sword finger turn, more than ten feet away, the long sword also turned sharply, its momentum was like a dragon flying phoenix, the stone chips in the sky flew down, and a line of iron painting silver hook-like handwriting quietly appeared on the smooth cliff wall.

It was the same poem he had just recited.

The red dust of the sword is already epileptic, there is wine and flat steps up to the blue sky, the stars play with the sun and the moon, and the drunken clouds laugh at the world.

At the end of the payment, it is written, the eldest son Su Liu.

During this period of retreat, Su Liu also gave himself a Dao number.

The name is Immortality.

Su Changsheng.

What he showed was his ambition to practice martial arts and cultivation.

Immortality, longevity and heaven.

Although such an almost mythical ambition is still extremely far away from Suliu.

But he believed that with the magic of the system, sooner or later, he would reach the peak of this world’s martial arts and have an immortal body.

Su Liu looked at the big characters of the dragon flying phoenix dancing on the cliff, and the corners of his mouth drew a faint smile.

In these three lines of inscription, there is also a wisp of Su Liu’s sword meaning.

If the latecomers can come here and feel this trace of sword meaning, they may also be able to understand a trace of the true meaning of kendo from it.

Immediately raising his hand, the three Excalibur roared back and were included in the Peerless Sword Box.

And when Su Liu wanted to get back on the ground.

A crisp sculpting sound suddenly came from a distance.

Immediately after, a golden figure came out of the clouds, as if bathed in sunlight, and flapped its wings towards Su Liu below.

Su Liu stared at it, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“This is … Divine eagles? ”

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