Marriage with My Boss

9 8 What’s your identity, Hana?

Hana stays in the garden, painting. Soon enough, Rui came back from work. "Let's talk." "I'm busy." "Tsk."

Rui snatches the paintbrush and puts on the table. "Hey!" He then lifts her up in his arms. "HEY! What are you thinking you're doing?! Put me down!"

He throws her inside of the car, and drove away with her. "You son of ---" "Just shut up or I'll **** you." Her eyes widen as soon as he said that. She crossed her arms and looks out the window.

He takes a peek at her and sees her expression. He smirks. After a short while, they reached. He opens the door for her. "Why did you take me here for?" "Sign papers." "For what?" He sighs and grabs her hand to pull her out of the car.

He closed the door and walks towards the building without letting go of her hand. She tries so hard to escape his grasp but he is too strong. In the end, she gave up.

As they enter the building, they both head to the upper level. they both sits on the chair which is side by side.

She sighs. Soon a employee appears and gather the paperwork for them. "All you need to do is sign where is highlighted and you both will be good to go." They nod, Rui signs first and gave it to Hana.

Hana takes it and her eyes widen. (Marriage...) She quickly looks at Rui. "What is this?" "We're getting married but first let's sign to have proof that we're husband and wife." She hesitates for a bit.

She bit her lower lip. (What to do? If I sign it; I'm going to be his wife by law.) She sighs. He watches her making a serious expression.

He smiles as he watches her. She let another sigh and finally made her decision. (I'll sign it then once everything is over; I'll divorce him.)

She takes the pen and sign her name. Soon enough the papers are completed; they are now husband and wife.

She sighs as she sits in the car; waiting for Rui. She slowly doze off. Rui get in the car and sees her sleeping. He smiles.

He reaches out and touch her face. (Now that we're husband and wife, I won't let you go ever.)

As they reach the house, Rui gets out of the car and went on her side. He gently lifts her up in his arms without waking her up.

He takes her to her room. He gently puts her on the bed. He sits on the side of the bed. He smiles.


That night, Hana wakes up and yawns. She stretches. A few seconds later, her phone rings.

She grabs her phone and checks the caller id; unknown caller. "Dad?" She picks up the phone. "Hello?"

"Boss! It's me!" "Ah Rani." "Hey. What kind of answer is that?" Hana giggles. "What did you find?"

"It's not Melody who hired those men to captured Sora." "Oh? Then tell me who is it?" "It's that man's uncle, Javier Hu." "I see. Thank you. Keep tabs on him for me."

"Yes. Please be careful, Boss." "I know." Hana hangs the call. She sighs as she looks out the window.


Rui just got done with the paperwork, he went to check on Hana. He checks her doorknob if it's locked, it was unlocked.

He slowly opens it and sees her still sleeping. He smiles. He walks in. By the time he walks in, she was tossing and turning in her sleep.

Which made him panicked. He hides in the wardrobe. He hears a cellphone ringing. He pats on his pocket and he doesn't have his phone with him.

(It's her's) Rui overheard her conversation. (Who is she talking to?) as the call ended, he hears her sighing.

"So it's Master Rui's Uncle, Javier, Who's behind the kidnapping. What for?"

Rui couldn't believe his ears. (What? Uncle Javier is the one who hired those men to kidnapped Sora? Why? What's going on? Most importantly, how did she—)

He lowers his gaze and thought about it. (What's your identity, Hana?)

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