
Dr. Gama, 83

"Going to the temple doesn't change anything at all..."

Dropping his shoulders disappointingly, Dr. Gama blurred feeling somewhat tired.

More and more, Anessa at the end of her gaze doesn't care at all about how Dr. Gama is doing either.

"Thank you very much!

I didn't praise you.

It's kind of just the two of us making space.

What should I do?

I don't feel I can go beyond the wall of air in front of me.

"Ah, Mr. Refia. It may be very difficult to understand, but don't worry. I'm not particularly angry about this."

"I'm sorry. I'm not sure."

I'm angry, I just look angry and tired.

With Dr. Gamma, me and everyone's attention, Mr. Anessa put her arms together and twisted her head, and began to circle around.

He seems to be thinking something.

It hasn't stopped, so it seems acceptable yet.

Had his face up and suddenly stopped, he turned to us and pointed to Dr. Gamma as a jerk.

"The teacher has a bad face and mouth, but he looks like this, he's got a bad personality, he's twisted!

"You came all the way here to fight and sell, you"

Is that it? And Anessa with the neck.

... What did you want to say?

"But my arms are definite and I have a lot of experience. Yet you're too soon to turn your mind around and honestly say what you think, you're a clumsy person, you're not alone, the clinic is beautiful, but you're a dirty old man yourself!

"Fine, go home now!

I'm sorry, Mr. Anessa.

I have no idea what you're trying to tell me!

Mr. Anessa is further baffled.

Sounds like he's thinking hard, but the big fitting mark is on his head.

Just a little, I feel sorry for Dr. Gamma.

I'll look inside Dr. Gama and the 'clinic' again.

Sure, it's a lot nicer in the room that would be the workplace, even though it's nothing but a dirty old man.

The floors and beds are worn out, but I carefully clean every corner, just to see.

If you think about it, Mr. Anessa is a special frame for the Registration Examination of the Master of Laws (?) So you're Su-young who's passing, right?

Even if he was originally smart and blessed with talent, he wouldn't take the exam unless someone pulled it out. If you are born poor, you have little opportunity to study.

I had Uncle Cell.

I think that's very lucky.

I'm sure that was Dr. Gamma for Anessa.

... but Dr. Gama is here.

If my goddaughter Anessa is about to pass the exam, even Dr. Gama wouldn't be surprised to be in that position if she wanted to.

I don't suppose you want that?

... Ha.

I don't think he's serious about his job to see what's going on in the room. Instead, I just think I'm working on it with faith.

"So, what about what I told you in my letter, could you let me know what your teacher has to say?"

... faith. Belief.

"There's nothing to say from me. Don't come all the way out here all the time for such nonsense, go home!

I do think he has a bad mouth. But for the momentum of the word just now, I'm also concerned that no hand will fly.

It's just, maybe he hasn't flown in yet, but if he hasn't, and that's what he's noticing Mr. Anessa...

"... from me, too, please. Please tell us what your teacher has to say."

Step forward and bow your head deeply.

Maybe this teacher is someone you can trust.

"... it's not easy to bow your head to people. You can't say anything from me. That's all. The temple's elites will find out when you get home."

... this, maybe.... right.

Gain one certainty about Dr. Gama's attitude.

You take care of Mr. Anessa.

"This is also my personal favor, regardless of the temple"

"Huh? It doesn't matter, does it? What's the matter, Mr. Lefia?"

Ah... ha!

You're smart! You're smart!

Read the back!

"Mr. Anessa. Lean Shade suddenly laughs when he's asleep."

"... Huh?

"... Master Lefia, what is it"

As you aim, Mr. Anessa stops.

Let the dodgy whispers of the ghost daughter flow lightly.

Now the fault has disappeared.

"Again. This is my personal favor. The temple has nothing to do with it."

"... you're fine too.... No, it's nothing"

I got pulled a little bit.

Maybe Lean Shade will piss me off later.

But I don't cry.

If you cry, you lose.

"Sure, we also helped the Virgin, but it was we, the Lord, who responded to the plague God. So the meaning of the souvenirs left by the plague god is also directed at us if it is meant to be. We owe wisdom to the temples, but it's up to us to decide who we owe wisdom to, and we don't have the guts to complain to anyone else."

"... but it will also crush the faces of the temple's elites"

"It's me who crushes, not Mr. Anessa or Dr. Gama. Because this is my personal favor."

The brave man pounded his hand behind him.

Looks like he passed it on to the brave man.

Sensei Gama also mumbles her head with gasp.

... Hey, was that forceful?

But now, would it have been a bit of cover?

... I hope so.

"... well, if that's the case. Just sit in the right place. What are you talking about? There's no tea."

"Thank you"

Sit in the right chair with a word of thanks.

... I was the only one who sat down. Seriously.

I can't stand any longer. Why isn't everyone sitting down?

The brave man restarted Sparn and Mr. Anessa when he was warm inside while fixing the exterior.


Sit down, Anessa.

"Huh? Oh, yes.... Huh?

Encouraged by the brave, Mr. Anessa also sits down.

Buddy, buddy.

"For now, yes. The general thing is this idiot tells me in a letter. I'll write to you about the inside of the temple, leave the fool alone, but to what extent can you trust the plague god?

"Huh? You couldn't!?

"... you'll be preaching later from Mariel, Anessa"

"... Hih"

... even though you're smart.

I don't know why. This guy.

"I think there's almost no mistake. In my village, I've had a lot of help with that. I think it's pretty credible."

"Well, then the story is easy. I guess the heads of the temple's elites are too stiff. We can only look at what we want. It's proof."

"What do you mean?

"The prescriptions in the temple will be in huge quantities. Relevant materials. If you can't find it by flipping it, there are two answers. A totally unknown disease or one for which no special effects have yet been found? Only one of them."

Mr. Anessa eats down like a hassle to Dr. Gamma, who also says it's natural.

"I can't believe it's an unknown disease, you know that!

"Oh, I don't know that, so I don't know. I'm behind you. We haven't found any special effects yet. We'll think about it if you're sick."

"Disease for which no special effects have been found, is it?

"There's enough to rot. Just to raise the analogy, smallpox for black death, yellow fever, seven-night fever and tightness."

Listening to the analogy raised by Dr. Gama, Mr. Anessa's expression turns into a swell as soon as possible.

"I knew you had a bad personality, Doctor. Aren't they all out of state?"

"National collapse?

"When the onset is confirmed, the country will perish, and all in all, the plague is called the collapse of the country. Well, that's a possibility."

"... I don't think so"

"Because it's got lignia stone in it? If that's the case, that's a conjecture. Don't narrow the boundaries of possibilities with assumptions. That's why you don't know what you know."

"Dr. Gama, do you also know the contents of the souvenirs left behind by the plague god?

"I just don't know. I didn't write that far..."

Dr. Gama saw Chirali and the brave man.

The brave man leans his neck a bit, but soon he realized what it meant, he nodded with his mouth wide open.

"Buying up a temple?... That's how you find out."

"If you're so desperate to gather that much, I just think something's happened. Lignia stone is a demonic stone that has a wide effect on all diseases, but it is ineffective on the plague we have just said, called the collapse of the country. What a shame. You guys didn't find out the prescription contained lignia stone, take the country breakdown off the candidate and look it up?

"... I am. But that's a necessary trade-off to go back through the material, naturally!

"I said haz. The doctor said not to make excuses. Good luck, I had no choice. The patient won't be saved. I'll do everything I can. That's how I taught you to be prepared to challenge."

"That's reason!

"I'm saying it's a matter of readiness."

"But I don't... I can't."

"You're going to have to do whatever you can't do. I guess I came all the way here because I'm stuck at the moment. If you look for it, including the collapse of the country, maybe you'll find some tips. Then we have to do it."

Mr. Anessa gets stuck in words a lot.

The fact that research institutes in the Temple, including the dispensary, flipped the material from one end does not lead to the identification of the disease.

The status quo is certain, it shows stuck.

"Phew...... Say it."

Taking a breath, Dr. Gama takes her gaze off Mr. Anessa and takes some booklets out of the paperwork on her desk.

"You remember, don't you? I'll look into it myself, so give me the formula."

"... is it good? Doctor."

"You can come this far or it's not bad. You're the one who got involved. I don't know. Put the last bully on yourself."

"... Yes. Thank you."

"Huh. I'll always be a disciple in my hands."

To Dr. Gamma's illness, Ms. Anessa bowed her head deeply.

... you're a good teacher.

"There are three indicated raw materials. Firstly, 100 grams of dried potato stem and 0.5 grams of powder of lignia stone…"

Dr. Gamma's hand, who tried to take a note, stops in a picky reaction.

"... potato stem? And the lignian stone, 0.5 grams?

"Yes.... anything?

"There's no point in adding at least five grams of lignea stone powder.... No, hey, not translated, but then the effect becomes limited. Why is 0.5 grams a trace... No, fine. And one more thing?

"And then 150 grams of dried liquorice bulbs. That's it..."

When Mr. Anessa mouthed the last ingredient.

Dr. Gamma opened her eyes wide and suddenly stood up.

"Liquorice...... You think so?"

I feel something ominous about how it looks.

Sensei Gama covered her mouth with her hands, pale.

"Doctor? What's wrong, suddenly"

"... taro stems, trace amounts of lignia stone, and liquorice bulbs. Wasn't the taro stem a mistake? And the bulbs of liquorice. What are you drying it for?... Was the moisture, excess moisture? Trace amounts of lignia stone.... Right, Lignia Stone? Use Lignia Stone here.... did you have that hand?... Damn. Didn't notice."

Suddenly, I start to bump and talk to myself.

I'm surprised, I'm kind of glad. At the end of the day, to a look that seems so regrettable that there is no more, he shows a hundred faces.

"Doctor? Sir!

"... sorry. Be a little upset. Nothing."

"No, things are obviously weird, aren't they?

After giving the visiting Anessa a silent look, Dr. Gama took one bottle out of her desk drawer.

Put it on your desk so everyone can see it.

"Doctor, that's..."

"Oh, you know Anessa. Again, I'm not from this country. It came to me with no intention of going. The country I was in before was doomed.... because of the breakdown of the country."

Gotri, and the bottom of the bottle make noises on the desk.

Country collapse.... about the plague you were talking about?

The plague spread,... doomed, country.

"One person after another died in front of me. My wife and daughter died while I couldn't help them. I tried everything I could to help, but... I couldn't help him."


"At the end of the day, I got fucked by the devil too. I gave up completely once.... but he didn't die. I'm the only one who survived. I had a rash at the end, thanks to this."

"The medicine... teacher?

"You're not a substitute for what you can call medicine, this. If I drink this, I have severe abdominal pain and diarrhea for three days. It's the pain of hell."

"The teacher drank that, didn't he? So, thank you?

"... undoubtedly, thanks to this. This has kept me alive forever.... and ever since. I've been studying this for a long time. What did this do?... all the time."

"That's... no way"

"I put a lot of money in it. There's extra stuff in there too. Discipleship grass, celestial grass, moonstone, millennial ginseng, carrot claws…. And the taro stem, and the liquorice's …, the bulb root."

I found myself breathing around.

Destroyed the country that was in front of Dr. Gama, the collapse of the country.

It worked on that, the ingredients of the medicine.

"The name of the collapse that struck my hometown..."

I can see Dr. Gamma's hands trembling.

A bluish complexion with staring eyes.

Even a strong face stretches even harder.

Dr. Gama slowly and clearly gave his name to the illness.

"Seven nights fever."

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