
78 Left Souvenirs 1

I was on the bed when I noticed.

In my last memory, I do feel like I was sleeping on the floor of the bathroom. Looks like someone carried it to me.

The clothes, which were muddy and sweaty, are also dressed in bedtime clothes for each underwear.

I feel comfortable with the brand new bed.

Speaking of which, did your own bed get crushed during the day?

That was really, I didn't feel alive.

Wake up slowly.

I fell asleep at some point.

I'm still Dahl, but not so much that I can't move.

It's already completely dark out there.

"Good luck. Dear Lefia,"

By the side of the bed, a lean shade illuminated by an indoor lamp had, naturally, held me back.

I'm happy with the beautiful girl's smile on her sleeping head.

Was it Lean Shade who did all the things?

It bothered me again. I'm sorry.

"How long have you been asleep?

"I'm not resting much"

"What about the plague god?

"We had a meal and you returned earlier. You seem very satisfied."

"Oh well.... for now, good"

Phew, and the force falls out of my shoulder.

Just wiping off the dirt made me exhausted, and it took the form of throwing the rest round.

"I'm sorry. You're in the shape of letting it all go."

"No, don't worry. He's such a big guy. Instead, I apologize for entrusting you with the first dirty payment."

"Yeah, well... I guess I was looking a little sweet. I'm still glad I managed to wipe it off.... What about the Virgin?

Put your feet down from the bed and finally get up.

My body is heavier than I thought, but it doesn't seem to be too heavy to move.

"The Virgin was present with meals, liquor, and was escorted to the end as the plague god disappeared. I think I'm with the lawyers now."

"... I dated everything, Virgin. What guts are you?... I'm ashamed of myself for going down"

Even though we wiped it off together and together it was at the extreme of exhaustion.

From a sense of responsibility or even after that, you think you're going to go along with everything?

Virgin, seriously, I'm halfway there.

"Drinking extra potion, somehow finally, it felt like"

"Oh well! Did you have that hand?"

That's right! I had a hand called doping.

I had completely forgotten its existence because I didn't have very good memories of Extrapolation.

Most of all, I don't have that extra potion on hand.

If there was, do you have a hand in doping?

Let's remember.

I want someone who's not rotten if I can.

"If the plague god returned satisfied, souvenirs too?

"Yes, they left it right"

"Good...... Has Leanscheid checked yet?

"No, because I was at Master Lefia's after I prepared the meal. Bel Adone, who asked for a drink, told me that earlier."

Get dressed while Lean Shade supports you.

Weave the cape and ask for guidance to the room where the Virgins are.

Outside the room Adolphus and Ponta-kun waited for me with an anxious face.

I'm sorry to bother you.

Though it fell off with the first wipe off, the hospitality of the Plague God has remained a procedure ever since.

You have to prepare a meal, have a meal, have a drink, and deal with it.

The contents of the meal need not be made extra luxurious, and you should prepare those from that land that you normally eat. However, raw odours and vegetables must be avoided as much as possible, and a little effort must be made to lower them.

It seems Leanscheid did this from hand to hand, consulting with the kitchen cooking number.

A bit of a pain in the ass is who you're dealing with for liquor.

I don't care about anything in particular, but this swallows a lot anyway. To be clear, the plague god was bottomless.

So light alcohol won't be enough.

I won't be home forever unless I have some kimchi sake or a high degree of distillery if I can.

I hear Bel Adne did a good job with this.

When was it brought to you, they lined up Hisaka's famous high volume of alcohol and intoxicated the plague gods early.

She was contacted too soon that the liquor had finished and was just as surprised by Leanscheid.

How many times did you let him swallow it?

He said the plague god disappeared satisfactorily, so I guess he didn't do anything to it.

There is no reason not to have a little anxiety.

Because it's Bel Adone.

Hurry up the unpopular hallway.

The rooms guided already had a variety of people, including the Master and Virgin.

I think he's mainly a great temple man.

Keep your head down and go inside.

I didn't see any brave men in it.

Seems like you've caused a lot of trouble, so I wanted to apologize for a word. Too bad.

I have eyes for Bel Adone.

Why do you look so good there?

I have no choice but to thank you this time.

Just in my heart.

"Good luck. I'm sorry I fell off on my way."

"No, Mr. Leffia is the one. Good luck. I was kind of in a rush. Is the body okay now?"

"Ah, yes. I was able to rest because of you. The Virgin is the one who heard that everything was still with you after that.... I'm full of really losing my mind"

"Because I had to look at it and put it down as the person in charge of the place because of the postgraduate school. … half of it is willful."

The Virgin finally whispered and added a little, meditating one eye.

I wonder what....... kinda cute.

Virgin, Majrabu My Angel.

I'm going to fall in love.

"This time Mr. Lefia and the others helped me. I want to thank you sincerely. Really, thank you."

The Master bows his head deeply.

No, no, no. Such a big deal.

"You just have to do what someone who can. Please don't make such a big deal of it. And it's not over yet. Rather, it's important from here."

"Oh, you did. I hear that, too."

"This is..., is it?

Put a no in the Master and peek over the desk where everyone is surrounded.

On the desk lay a plain white square cloth, where souvenirs from the plague god were arranged.

Hospitalizing the plague god is, of course, a work of merit, but it can be this souvenir that we leave behind.

If you suck, this one becomes more important.

What is the purpose of the visit of the plague god?

To warn you that disaster is approaching.

But the plague god does not utter any words.

When he disappears instead, he leaves a souvenir.

This souvenir has tips for avoiding catastrophe.

And then we'll see if we can get it right.

There were three things lined up on the desk.

It's like a dry tree skin.

Powder with amber.

of some kind......, dried bulbs?


... What's this?

Like this, I've never seen it before.

Is this... a tip for avoiding disaster?

I have no idea what that means.

"I don't know, this"

"Now, that's where we've been worried about."

The Virgin is twisting her neck with me.

The plague gods warn us. Most of them are often epidemic. Therefore, the remaining souvenirs will mostly be referred to as raw materials for special effects on the disease.

With the type of medication dispensed from that raw material, I can make an approximate prediction of what disease will be endemic...

All that's in front of me is something I've never seen before.

It's a refreshing chimp pump.

As we were all bothering our heads, we heard a bumpy footsteps rushing down the hallway.

One little nun came in, riding herself out to fall into the door with a bang.

"Excuse me! It's late!

You've been running in a hurry, your hem is heavily disturbed and you breathe heavily on your shoulders with Zeze.

She was a white, thin-bodied girl of color.

"Anessa, your outfit is messed up. Calm down first."

"Yes. Holy Virgin. I'm so sorry!

Be attentive to the Virgin and hurry to become familiar.

Becori lowered his head, then proceeded into the room with his goodies and stopped a step back from everyone.

"I'm sorry to call you so suddenly, Anessa. Let me introduce you, Annessa from the dispensary. I usually get mainly research into the formulation of drugs. He's young, but he's very good at this. I was asked to come and see if I might know something about this one. Anessa, say hello to everyone."

The Master introduces you, and everyone's gaze gathers to Mr. Anessa.

He seems nervous about the gucci, and he wanders around and bows his head.

"Ah, it's Anessa! They called me!

"Anessa. In the meantime, could you look at this?

"Ah, yes! Holy Virgin!

... You're a healthy kid.

I get the impression that it's like some kind of small animal.

It may not be that different from ours at our age.

I'm impressed you're young but you're entrusted with one job or something, which is a little awesome.

Mr. Anessa is urged by the Virgin to come closer to the side of the desk.

Just as I was about to get in the way, I pulled a step back and looked at Mr. Anessa trying to give the place away.



I'm glad I got eyes on you.

I wonder what's wrong.

With my eyes in contact, I stopped moving pitch.

I don't defy my gaze, I have trouble dealing with it.





... Is that it?

This. What am I supposed to do?

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