
10 Disappeared Lean Shade

The lean shade disappeared.

There have been many times before when she was gone, but there has never been a time when she hasn't come back.

It was the morning after that that that I was certain.

As usual, as we rushed through the entrance hall at all costs, there was Mr. Seruazam in front of the door.

"Good morning. Mr. Cell Azam. What's wrong with Lean Shade?

"Good morning, Master Lefia. I don't have any other favors for her right now. Forgive me for a moment."

Yes. That's a lie.

The lady's sixth sense found the lie to be a lie.

If you're lying about that, you can tell from me.

Finally, it's half a lie that you can't have a samurai due to lack of manpower, right? Mr. Cell Azam.

Point it out in your mind without speaking to your voice.

"Do you want to continue on to the training ground?

"Yes, that's what I'm going to do today"

Because it would be more convenient as a result.

A loyal Kingsguard knight to the Demon King would not try to harm me until I went against the will of the Demon King. On the contrary, it also provides for such beings.

I guess I can't have a samurai because, of course, there is a shortage of manpower, but there are very few who can put me on my side more than that.

You're trying to kill me, aren't you?

You hate it, humans.

Mr. Cell Azam and Lean Shade are treated completely differently than the rest of us.

There is always one when there is someone else, even if there is something to be alone with either of these two.

The only exception is when you are with a Kingsguard knight in the training ground.

I guess these two are the bellies of the Demon King.

It's also quite livery.

Thinking about it, I'm doing another job specially instructed by the Demon King.... Is there anything wrong?

You're freshly reinstated, and it's hard to say you're still calm.

Something to think about.

"Mr. Cell Azam."

"Yes. Something?

"Did the Demon King instruct you to bring me here?

"It was Lefia's intention to go to the training ground, but would you like to show us somewhere else today?

Seruazam, who goes forward, looks back gently.

Was it the wrong time to ask?

No. Did you tease him?

"Has the Demon King instructed you to bring me directly to the Demon King's Castle, now and at this time of year?

"It is undoubtedly by His Majesty's own will that you wanted Lady Lefia"

After all, they teased me.

I see. Is that so?

I smiled nicely.

Does it not engage strangely or refreshingly? I've always felt kind of a chig hug.

They got ahead of me in my thinking and pushed me just in case.

It was the demon king himself who chose me...

But I don't know about that either.

Well, I wonder which is true and which is a lie.

"If you asked me to tell you where it really is, wouldn't you sneak up on me?

"I apologize for all the inconvenience"

Can't you?

Now put aside whether or not the Demon King chose me. Now, in this unconsolidated situation of the system, the Demon King's will is not involved in bringing me, a human being.

I'm sure of that, I suppose.

He is the demon king who gathers so much confidence. According to what I've heard, there's not much of a push for personal gain or selfishness.

I work hard for a country that is recovering from chaos.

Yet he made me come as his bride.

Ignore hatred and distrust of humans.

Even though you can see more confusion if you force yourself to do that.

I knew it was weird. Apparently not.

It must have been something the Demon King unintentionally brought me here.

That is.

Three thoughts can be seen through here.

People who want to kill me and the Demon King.

And the people who brought me here.

If you want to kill me, just kill me before you bring me here.

She's just a village girl. That's less trouble.

Yet I brought him here on purpose. Behind the thought is a raven as a horn, a hassle that does not kill immediately.

The same can be said for the Demon King.

Don't do it if you can do it with one instruction.

Rather, he even protects me.

Well, even if you think about it normally, Mr. Selazam and Lean Shade would be on the Demon King's side.

The lean shade disappeared.

Leave me.

"I am immobile. Nah."


Growl with certainty.

Mr. Cell Azam seems to be pretending not to hear. That silence is affirmative.

Something boils up from the back of my chest.

It's been a long time since I've had this feeling.

Beautiful girl who disappeared, no clue.

Then this is Demon King Castle.

Enough will be enough to grasp Chimatima and the status quo.

I already know enough.

If you're coming at me directly, did you still come at me with that kind of bluff? I guess they thought it would be easy to carry things without the lean shade that was protecting me.

Come on. Shall we start my turn here?

Mr. Seruazam took a deep sigh so that he could not see me.

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