Manual of Space-Time Interference

Vol 2 Chapter 76: CD welcomes you!

"CD welcomes you!"

A figure stood under this signboard, read it softly through the bright sky, and then turned to look into the distance.

The mutilated high-rise buildings gradually saw a trace of their shadows, and they were waving to this embarrassed figure with a sense of tiredness that had not woken up, or the deathly aura of the twilight.

On the gravel-covered highway, scrapped cars were scattered, the broken guardrail was covered with rust, and vines spread along the highway, adding a different green.

He looked at it, his facial expression did not fluctuate, and then slowly walked along the broken road.

This is exactly the dialect. It took 4 days and a journey of nearly 300 kilometers alone, and finally came to this place.

He ate some biscuits when he was hungry, and drank some water when he was thirsty. There was no shortage of water sources on the set route, which also allowed him to take a bath comfortably, so even though he was still very embarrassed, his face, But it seems very spiritual.

The foggy sky is getting brighter and brighter, and at the same time, the pace of dialects is getting slower and slower.

9 days is enough for him to learn some survival laws in this world, like how to avoid mechanical reptiles and how to avoid detection by aircraft.

After he left the team, the anti-equipment sniper rifle he carried behind him never fired a single shot again. Even though he encountered a small group of mechanical troops a few times, he quietly avoided it.

I have to say that it is indeed much more convenient for a person to move, whether it is to avoid or otherwise, but at the same time, one's loneliness is slowly entangled in the heart of the dialect.

Now, he feels that he can't speak anymore. In this world, he seems to have no mood to even talk to himself.

After a few days of thinking and a few days of loneliness, Dialect also seemed to understand what he wanted.

All he wants is a friend, or a group, to make himself less lonely in different time and space, and have something to say, but now, he gradually understands that the word "group" will only become more and more related to him. Far……

Thinking about it, Dialect suddenly turned his head and glanced at the road and the mountains and forests that he had traveled.

Maybe every wilderness has a song, so now looking at the wilderness behind you, maybe it can only be regarded as a sad sigh.

I haven't met anyone, except for birds and insects, grass and trees, although they are full of vitality, they lack the vitality they once had, and they appear monotonous and dead.

Dialect shook his head and continued to walk in front of the dead city...


The outline began to become clearer slowly. Dialect looked down at the tablet in his hand. The time had come to 4:30. Compared to him, the day was still 30 minutes away.

Thinking about it, he smiled.

I don't know when, this has become a habit of my own, that is, 5:00 am every day as the end of yesterday and the beginning of a new day.

Looking at the map on the tablet in his hand, Dialect took the anti-equipment sniper rifle behind him, put the tablet into his backpack, looked at the road ahead, and walked towards the nearest library, or more appropriately, the The nearest sewer.

The city was very quiet. It was almost the same as what I saw in the small town. It had turned into a rubble, but on the street, the car wreckage blocked the entire driveway.

The wind drove some tiny scraps of paper to fly in the air and slapped on the dialect's face. He was stunned for a while, looking for a way among the ruins and slowly groping forward.

And the further you go, the more the heart of the dialect sinks. Big cities have the advantages of big cities, and everything has a part, but at the same time, it also has some disadvantages, that is, there are too many vehicles and people.

It seems that now, the road to the northwest out of the city has been blocked by car wreckage, and some white bones are faintly appearing from the inside, and a few traces of struggle before death can be faintly seen.


Dialect took a breath, shook his head with a wry smile, looked at the storefront where half of the door had been blasted, walked in, and went up to the top floor.

The road to the sewers has been blocked. Car wreckage and gravel on the street have blocked the manhole cover. Even if it is found, there is no way to go down.

He took out the tablet in his backpack again, dialed out the map and looked at it, then walked to the surrounding windows and used the scope to estimate it. After setting the route, he closed his eyes and remembered it firmly in himself. in the brain.

His primary target now is the nearest electrical city, or computer city.

The time on the tablet slowly passed, the number 59 was replaced by 00, and 4 also added a 1 to the front to become 5.

The golden color has not yet emerged, this world is not bright enough...

Dialect opened his eyes again and glanced at the iconic building in front of him again before putting the tablet back into his backpack.

Walking out of the broken shop door again, Dialect walked forward carefully and carefully,

In this block, the sound of the rubber sole rubbing against the gravel resounded again, fine and steady.


The sun slowly climbed up the mountain, and the golden light began to shine in the sky.

Dialect wiped the sweat from his The weather in August originally seemed to be very hot, especially when I still needed to concentrate and observe the surroundings, the sultry feeling became more and more obvious.

He doesn't want to come into contact with any machinery, and then fight, he just wants to be quiet now, and then bring some specialties home from this time and space.

The building in the distance has already appeared faintly in the dialect's field of vision. What can be seen from the tablet map is that this area should belong to a pedestrian street, and the central place is where the computer city is located.

But at the same time, because this area is a pedestrian street, it also looks very empty, and the car wreckage originally piled up on the road has gradually decreased, and the dialect took a breath.

An open place means that there are not many obstructions. In the previous dialect, you can also rely on the ruins to avoid the exploration of aircraft, switch roads to avoid the dormant mechanical reptiles, and get into the ruins to avoid the patrolling mechanical reptiles...

But now, there are no such things.

Dialect licked his dry lips, walked into the store closest to the pedestrian street, and lifted the muzzle of the anti-equipment sniper rifle out of the window, using the scope above to constantly observe possible mechanical reptiles around him.

The aircraft in the sky flew from a low altitude, and then gradually flew into the distance. In the dialect's memory, this was the 12th time I encountered a patrol aircraft.

He also doesn't know why he still has the leisure to record these things. It is possible that he is really just too idle.

Looking at the positions of several dormant mechanical reptiles and their orientations, Dialect thought for a while, and then waited for an aircraft to fly in the sky again before putting away his anti-equipment sniper rifle and walking downstairs.

It seems that it is not that dangerous?

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