Manual of Space-Time Interference

Vol 2 Chapter 44: hunter and prey

The huge skeleton stands not far in front. The erosion of time has made this skeleton sallow and covered with blue spots...

There is no shortage of hunters in places where herbivorous animals gather, just like this seemingly peaceful plain is a hunting ground for a group of Allosaurus.

Allosaurus was the most intelligent carnivorous dinosaur in the Jurassic period. The developed brain also made them understand that in this era of big men, holding a group is the only way out.

Under the fierce appearance, this group of Allosaurus has unimaginable patience. Not far from them, Dialect is walking leisurely, unaware that he is being targeted.


The leading Allosaurus let out a low roar, and two Allosaurus rushed out from the side, galloping towards both sides of Dialect, with a bloodthirsty cold light in their eyes.

Hunter and prey?

There was a hint of cunning in the eyes of the leading Allosaurus, and the sturdy hind limbs began to stride, running towards the side of the dialect...

At this moment, Dialect is wearing a helmet, and is walking leisurely on the plain, towards the direction of the Diplodocus.

Although the fully enclosed helmet can be taken off, it also has a filtered breathing port, but the original intention of the design is to prevent radiation and chemical gases, so it has some defects.

That is, some small sounds will be blocked, which makes the dialect not aware of the arrival of Allosaurus.

But luckily, maybe the hunters at the top of the food chain have a common problem, that is, they always like to roar twice before hunting.


A loud roar sounded from the side, Dialect turned his head instantly, opened the rifle safety and loaded it, and the muzzle was pointed at Allosaurus.

25cm of sharp claws, nearly 1m of head, nearly 8m of body length...

Dialect swallowed his saliva, his facial expression became serious, the muzzle of the gun aimed at the approaching Allosaurus, and slowly backed away, preparing to open a little distance.

Perhaps aware of the danger posed by this small dark hole, Allosaurus stopped moving forward, looked directly at Dialect with his lightbulb-sized eyes, and kept moving left and right.


Allosaurus roared, revealing a kind of playfulness in his eyes...

"Roar!" "Roar!"

Two low-pitched roars sounded behind him almost at the same time. Dialect was startled, turned around halfway, and quickly turned to look.

Three Allosaurus had surrounded him from three directions...

He didn't dare to show his back to any Allosaurus, but no matter how he adjusted his position, he would always show his back to one.

Dialect still underestimates the predators of this era, thinking that as long as they are animals, they have no brains, and this negligence has also caused the current situation.

Originally, an Allosaurus was relatively easy to deal with. Even if a bullet couldn’t solve it, there was still a drum. As long as it avoided the Allosaurus’s first attack, the rest could be dealt with as you wish.

But now, the three Allosaurus constantly circled around the dialect, and the sharp claws emitted a cold light, but they did not act rashly.

Sweat began to come out of Dialect's forehead. Like Allosaurus, Dialect didn't dare to shoot at will. At this time, whoever moves first means that whoever makes the first move will reveal his flaws.

A single shot would definitely not kill Allosaurus unless it hit the brain, but Dialect dared not bet that bullets could penetrate Allosaurus' hard skull.

Hitting the hind legs?

This is a method, but the three Allosaurus are not dead, and to make the Allosaurus completely lose its ability to move, it must hit the joints, otherwise, the muscles and bones will greatly reduce the kinetic energy of the bullet.

Three directions, a distance of less than 20 meters, for Allosaurus, it would only take a little more than 1 second.

As for myself, can't aim at three directions within this time, or is it an object that keeps moving in three directions...


Finally, the leading Allosaurus couldn't hold it any longer, it let out a low roar, fierce light began to fill its eyes, the thigh muscles began to contract obviously, and its head was slightly lowered.

"Roar!" "Roar!"

The other two were also ready to attack and roared in response.

The air, as if frozen,

Dialect's pupils began to shrink, his whole body was tense, and he kept a little slack, his index finger tightly holding the trigger,

"Bang! Bang!"

Two gunshots resounded above this peaceful plain. Diplodocus in the distance turned his head, looked over, and turned his head back again. The pterodactyl in the sky also stopped flying, folded its wings and stopped on the ground. on the branches.

Two copper warheads, carrying the kinetic energy given to them by technology, cut through the solidified air, and embedded one end into the knee joint of the leading Allosaurus.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In just a short interval, Dialect had turned around and fired three shots in a row according to the position he had already outlined in his mind.


The Allosaurus behind him let out a howl and instantly fell to the ground,

No matter who it is, the knee joint is fragile...

He knew that his first two bullets would definitely hit, and the next three would cover the knee of the other Allosaurus. Even if he couldn't hit accurately, it was enough. Make it incapacitated.

Ignoring what was behind him, Dialect instantly released his hands and rushed forward.

With a stinky mouth, he bit his original place, and his sharp claws rubbed against Dialect's body, leaving only a tiny difference...

The Allosaurus in front fell to the ground and let out a painful wailing. The inertia of running made it draw a long trace on the ground and came to the side of Dialect who fell to the ground.

Dialect took advantage of the situation and rolled to the side, the sharp claws of the Allosaurus brushed against his helmet and plunged deeply into the soil.

Cold sweat broke out from behind, and Dialect stood up instantly. At the same time, he took out the knife on his back. Under the reflection of the golden sunlight, it emitted a cold light.

Looking at the Allosaurus, who was less than 10 meters away from him, he could even feel the heat spewing from the two nostrils. Dialect swung the saber, took a deep breath, and held it tightly with both hands .

When facing an opponent who is much larger than you, it is the best choice to be constant and adapt to the changes. Being big means that you are not flexible enough...


The Allosaurus in front of him let out a roar at the dialect. The fall of his companion did not take away the blood in its eyes, but aroused even greater ferocity.

The big mouth opened slightly, leaving a drop of saliva. Allosaurus stared at the dialect and rushed up.

The distance between the two instantly narrowed. Dialect looked at the big mouth that was opening towards him. The **** aura came from him. He could even see the tiny shreds of meat that were still stuck between his teeth.

The sharp claws raised slightly, sending out a sharp cold light, corresponding to the saber in Dialect's hand...

Dialect's pupils began to shrink, as if the whole person was stunned in place,

In front of him, the big mouth of Allosaurus is gradually approaching...

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